[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4287: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression'
Welcome, Chelsea - Stranded in Tanzania
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
By Gary Hogeboom
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Chelsea, that's quite the exit. Be SO PROUD of the way you played and the performance you put on for everyone. We literally thought you were gonna win but then we twisted you right out. YOU CAN PUT THE BLAME RIGHT HERE IF YOU WANT. Have a seat and enjoy the game from the sidelines!
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Gary Hogeboom

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By Jeff Probst
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You showed serious heart and skills, great game. I know it's tough to go out so chaotically but wow what a council!

Transfer your coins noow to the player(s) of your choosing and then come join us in lurkers where you'll get full access <3
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Jeff Probst

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By Danni Boatwright
Wow. Heartbraking. But also the most entertained I've been in a tribal, maybe ever?

Sad to see you go chels. You were really coming into your own and just got side swiped by the runaway semi truck named Missy.

Can't wait to see you in lurker server, and back in a second chances season :)
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Danni Boatwright

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By Elizabeth

FUCK THAT STUPID BITCH RIGHT IN THE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They almost pulled that off!!!!! Im so sad to see you here my warrior princess!

Lets go trash talk these fuckers!!! WE SEE EVERYTHING!!!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


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By Loveita Adams
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Well this was a clusterfuck. You did absolutely fantastic, girl, and we had you in contention for going far down the road. You're an iconic merge boot, please come join us and keep watching the season!

Also - You need to give away all your StrandedCoin to someone ASAP, please!
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Loveita Adams

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By Nate Gonzalez
If there's a way you want to get out its as the merge boot in 2-hour whisper fest where it's really hard to defend yourself.

If you survived that vote (and hell if it wasn't for Missy), there's no doubt I feel that you would've made a deep run at it.

You did great and I hope you lurk the rest of the season with us so you can call out these fuckos who voted you out :)
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Nate Gonzalez

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By Garrett
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Another absolute robbery tonight. I have to be impartial in the game but now that you're out, I can safely ask what the fuck is Missy on about?! You, Tommy, and Liz didn't do shit to her! Sorry you got booted over that, but hopefully you can find it as messy and entertaining as we all do now :zany:
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