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Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:23:53 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
Ughhhh you had so much potential to be a great character, sucks that you got voted out over something you didn't even do and somebody who wasn't even here.

Hope you join us in the Lurker Discord for some bants and to keep up with the season!

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:25:53 pm
by Danni Boatwright


Watching that last hour unfold was wild. Sucks that you got stuck with the blame for other people's greediness. But at least you can get the HELL off that cracked tribe.

come hang in the discord. we love you

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:26:33 pm
by Reem Daly
Man, I hate to see you here. You could have done great things, it just didn't align for you, but you get to lurk with us now and talk shit. So welcome, king :crown:

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:26:33 pm
by Garrett
Vince, you were an absolute legend lmao. Reading your comments on how "innocent people would pay the price for others' actions" was one of the most hilarious and tragic things I've ever seen. I hope you stick around because you've definitely got a lot of potential and you were Robbed (with the capital 'r')!

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:28:45 pm
by Loveita Adams
VINCE NO! I was so excited to see you play more of this game and you got hella robbed and used as a scapegoat. Definitely lurk with us and watch what these bitches have all been up to behind your back.

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:38:10 pm
by Courtney
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Vince I was hoping you'd get a footing, but the events was just this crazy flood. UGHHHHHH.. You were saying all the right things about the tribe, but sadly, there are some evil greeds as they are called... :poo:

Re: Hello, Vince!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:47:14 pm
by Vince
They literally thought it was me wow I'm actually hurt. None of them knew about my experience as an ORG veteran, but those who know me know that loyalty to my tribe is my biggest vice in Survivor and taking that penalty would be completely against my MO. Wishing Karishma the best!