-- 20th Place -- Voted off 7-2-0 --
By Danni Boatwright
Welcome to your confessional Vince!

This may be the most important place in the game. It's where you will vote and more importantly, talk to us! Feel free to divulge your darkest secrets, current strategies, alliances, and hell... just pure hatred for other players. You are the only player that can view this forum. Outside of Alumni and Hosts, it is completely private. We love getting the dirt and there are plenty of us here to ask you questions. As you can see, this thread is labelled "Episode 00". Each round (meaning challenge + council) we will start a new thread with the title of each episode. After every Tribal Council, a host will start a new thread asking you more questions. Again, this is your forum and you can feel free to start whatever topics or make whatever posts you like. We will be here to help you out, make you think, get you to talk and really just lend an ear.

We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will be guiding you along the way and asking you questions, provoking thought and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. We find that just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective on things.

Beyond that, it's just fun. What's more fun is having a record of what you were thinking at different stages of the game, and being able to look back on that is priceless so take advantage of it!

Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge using a puzzle-builder, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instruction on how to post images.

This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. (more information on this in the camp how-to threads.

Good luck, please ask us for any help or further instructions :)

You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.


Danni Boatwright

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By Vince
Hey, Folks! Wow, this is a real change of pace for me! I'm definitely no stranger to ORGs, as someone who's played, won, and lost (a lot) on a large variety of sites and game formats, but playing on a forum like this is entirely new to me. I feel like I'm stranded away from Discord right now!

I am *so* stoked for the opportunity to play Stranded! The very first glance I got of this game, I fell in love at first sight! The forum and hosting team look super professional, the game itself appears to be well produced, and who doesn't love a cash prize at the end for winning? I'm just trying to soak the game in before everything really gets kicked off. I'm seeing a cast of 22, definitely on the larger side, but I've held my own in casts ranging anywhere from 7 to 35 (yes, 35. That series was so much fun.) so that isn't as intimidating to me as it might be for some of my competitors. Going in, I know I have the experience required to perform well at this game, but a game like Survivor is never easy, especially when you can't even see the faces of your competition. There's no telling who I'll be up against. Is it a bunch of new fans who have only watched IoI or WaW? Are there more experienced ORG players like myself? What if they managed to find and cast an actual Survivor alumni? I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty scared about seeing this game get underway, but it's gonna feel *so* good to do Stranded some justice!


I think I'm getting this figured out! Here's to a good game!


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By Vince
I am literally jumping around the room right now from excitement to get to try this game out! I'm always stoked to play a new game, but seeing all the differences and the amount of care that clearly goes into the whole process just makes it feel so much more real! I'm figuring out the ins and outs of the forums, I'm livingggg for the intro puzzle challenge, I'm anticipating some awesome plays with the IM and Group Chats (some familiar territory as a Discord player)... My only question left is about the StrandedCoin. As of right now, I'm gonna hazard a guess and assume they're effectively Fire Tokens? I'm excited to figure out what it all means in the next couple of days.
Aubry, Aurora, Gary Hogeboom liked this


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By Shonee Fairfax
Hello, it's me! Shonee Fairfax! I have a few questions.

First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.

What is your strategy for winning here? How are you going to get to the end and convince the jury that you're the one who should win.

Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)

Thank you so much, I'm going to use these answers for a secret project. :)

Shonee Fairfax

By Vince
Oooooh, I love secrets! My personality honestly is what you make of it. Some people see me as a laid back, casual guy, but I can also be a spiteful bastard when provoked. It takes a ton to get under my skin. I work retail, so it's essential that I keep my emotions in check and focus on what matters most when it matters most. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that I like proving people wrong about myself. Shattering people's expectations of me is actually a really fun thing to do. I'm competitive and just plain stubborn, so I always work hard to prove to those that don't think I can succeed that I can after all. Stranded is no exception to that sentiment. How many people think I can do it? Not a lot, I'm sure, but I'm more than ready to surprise everyone with what I'm really capable of.

My strategy to win the game is to focus on strategic and social gameplay since I know I'm not exactly a comp beast. I'm no stranger to ORGs all across the internet, so I've had plenty of practice in the past. I don't plan on letting a soul know just how many games I have under my belt. By focusing on building genuine relationships that naturally evolve into tight alliances, I can ensure I have the numbers needed to achieve my plans each week. I'm a very analytical thinker, so I take a lot of pride in being able to process every possibility and use that to make the best decision to further myself in the game. Once I get to the end, my game usually has enough to speak for itself. A couple of flashy moves here and there that the jury already knows about, and I get the chance to explain a couple other sneaky plays I operated while nobody was looking. It's not easy making the finals, but once I do, I usually win the whole thing.

Out of everyone, I really connected a lot with Karishma, Jack, and Dean. Everyone else so far seems really nice, but I still need to make sure I'm staying on top of talking with everyone. The last Survivor game I played was a Second Chances org, and I was first boot because I spent too much time in the tribe chat and not enough in DMs. That's not a mistake I ever plan on making again.

I'm really excited to see how the game gets kicked off. Wish me luck!
Gary Hogeboom liked this


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