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Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches - Stranded in Tanzania

Never a dull moment in Tanzania, it seems :fire: You've survived 6 rounds and it's only going to get harder from here

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

Almost through another week. Keep it up!

Danni Boatwright

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Well fuck, Dani it was a hell of a night. I was drinking some wine in celebration and then Liz gets eliminated. Why they didn't go 3-2 I have no idea... Tommy should of had that under control. Goes to show never get comfortable in this game...

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

So I have myself, Tommy, and Dean left in the 49th parallel. After tonight, that is shaken up. Me, Dean, Carl, and Nick are also in an alliance, otherwise known as "WIN OR BOOZE aka WOB". I am fully confident in both. I guess for game sake Tommy will be a lot easier to convince to come over now that he is basically alone. But, fuck I love Liz. She was amazing, so bummed. Truthfully hard to even answer questions knowing shes gone.

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

I have no guesses, and no I have not adjusted. I feel as if I am one of the only strong players in this game who has resisted the idol. I am a consistent believer in my relationships will lead me to the idol whether I have it or not. Carl let myself and Dean know he has it tonight, no surprise at all. Basically means I have it. Love the guy, but not a smart gameplayer. Keep that shit to yourself ace.

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

I trust Dean the most. Shocking, I know. But I have really grown to like the dude. He is a fucking weird guy for sure, but I love the guy. Him and I think similarly game wise. As a person, that man needs church. Besides that, Dean is my number 1. Carl is my number 2. Tommy my number 3. Nick my number 4.

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

No comment until we figure out wtf happened with Miombo. Everything was supposed to go according to plan.
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So I guess it's time to break down the possibilities...really hoping Tommy, Missy, or Chelsea whisper something to give us an indication of what happened. But here are the possibilities...

1) John gave Angelina the idol to save herself.
-This is the most likely, and honestly a smart move . At the challenge it was fairly easy to read the writing on the wall that both tribes were expecting Miombo to go to tribal. OG Nyiri had to ensure they didn't lose a number, especially considering how much closer we're getting to merge or another swap. The numbers how it currently sits

Aaron, Dean, Carl, Nick, Tommy, Missy, Chelsea, Lauren, Jack, Dan
John, Kara, Allison, Christian,Angelina

Which leaves us some flexibility if say they pulled in Jack, or Dan flipped, or what have you....unless.....

2) Missy and/or Chelsea flipped with Angelina. Dan voted with Angelina.
-This would be worst possible case, but I don't see this having happened. Potentially Dan voted with her, but besides that I don't see Missy or Chelsea flipping, doesn't provide them any strategic advantage.

3) Angelina found an idol, played it herself.
-This is not out of the realm of possibility. She knew she was in a desperate situation so finding an idol was imperative. I'd also bet Jessica gave her coins, which helped her get the clues.

Overall, extremely disappointing outcome. Why didn't Tommy and Liz discuss this potentially happening? If they truly had everyone on board, they should have split the votes 3-2 on Dan and Angelina. Really hoping it was just a miscalculation on that end and someone didn't flip.


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