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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 04: Davie Croaked It
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Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:17:20 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:35:49 pm
by Angelina
1. I didn’t expect it or not expect it, given how I haven’t watched Survivor in like a decade. My tribe members seemed pretty positive that’s what it was, so I just assumed they were correct. I thought maybe we’d get to vote who was swapped but didn’t give it much thought beyond that. I still don’t believe that it wasn’t rigged, but I’m grateful I didn’t end up with the Miombo crazies and that everyone seems chill, at least in chat. I like Missy a whole lot more than I thought I would, she seems direct and questions anything she wants clarification on, which is kind of refreshing. BUT ALSO I FUCKING HATE CROCODILES JUST FOR THE RECORD 🐊

2. Based on my chat with Tommy and a few of the other Miombo girls, it looks like we lucked out and got some strong players for challenges. I can see an issue arising if we end up going to tribal, but I think the other teams will self-destruct enough that we should be able to pull off not going to tribal for a while.

3. It made me nervous as fuck to do, but I’m glad I didn’t mess up. I was surprised Missy sent me a whisper but it ultimately made me stop pushing to swap and hang back and see what happened. I thought some of the others were being a tad dramatic and I was insanely surprised when Elizabeth ended up replacing Alison but I’m not unhappy about it. Even though apparently Alison thought we were a strong duo?

4. Oh I already answered that in 3. My bad. Read 3 again and pretend like it was a different answer.

Also I like everybody and I’m super bad at playing up this drama stuff. I’M SORRY I SUCK, LURKERS. I PROMISE ILY :inlove: