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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?
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Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:28:46 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?

Re: Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:00:39 pm
by Angelina
1. I didn't actually remember what day the swap happened so I didn't realize it had been a week. I guess since you're hyping it up, something is going to happen? Isn't there like a team captain thingy or something at some point? Maybe that. There you go, that's my guess. I'm mostly just taking it a day at a time, I feel like looking too far into the future is an issue, personally.

2. I think I'm closer to people on this tribe, since there were way too many people on the other tribe to form close connections to. I'm still going with Missy being my #1.

3. I don't have anyone I WANT out, I still stand by the belief that the weakest link should be the one to go (ayyyyy wrong show) and that it depends on both the performance in the challenge and performances in previous challenges. Otherwise you'll just keep going to tribal and being picked off.