Uh huh! I'm still reaching out and bonding with people! That much is genuine.
I feel like nobody still here except me has been transparent in all their voting,
so shit could go sideways at any moment.
It's better to remain friendly then show your ass
then to alienate people. *cough* *cough*
I don't mind talking or giving anyone advice or challenge tips
especially on puzzles because like...I could give you all the advantages
in the world PLUS a head start and 9/10 I could still curb stomp
your ass. The times I lose are luck-based or tech issues.
I don't lose skill-based challenges.
I genuinely didn't know it was supposed to be a blindside so I was just like
LA LA LE DAH...wait what the fuck is happening.
WHY ARE THE VOTES SO CLOSE??? So yes, I was blindsided.
Apparently I unintentionally participated in the blindside too, but it was fun.
MAJOR slap-down moment for Dan and it was
glorious. BOOM BABY!
I don't think anybody realizes I didn't catch that part of the plan but look,
in my defense, my crush brought a cute freaking puppy down to my house for me
to play with and I didn't give a shit about what the tribe was saying at that moment.
Right now I think we pretty firmly have me, John, Alison, Kara, and Nick together.
I think Tommy, Dean, and Aaron are scrambling because they realize that they
don't have a leg to stand on because they backed the wrong play.
But for now, I'm content with pulling any of the three of them over to give us
majority in exchange for them sacrificing Dan and Jack.
They're not idiots, hopefully, they don't have much of another choice.
Actually. They're kind of idiots. So who knows how this is gonna shake down.
Pending last minute switches due to immunity won.
> Dan
> Jack
> Dean
> Aaron
> Tommy
> Kara
As for how it's gonna shake down between Alison, John, and Nick...
it's likely to just come down to who wins individual immunities.
I can't predict that part. But other than Dan & Jack, every other person
WILL leave with the impression that I didn't fuck them over.
But Dan & Jack can kiss my perfectly toned ass.
They should have considered the consequences before they crossed the queens.
RIP Missy, I miss you babes
I told Nick since he was basically my sugar daddy for it.
But if his ass tries to
force me to use it, it's over for him.
In the meantime, I'm having the
best time calling shots
with no fear of the other side having an idol. Plus it's a good
tool for building comradery. I didn't SAY I didn't find the idol.
I said what I searched for and what I input. I never even said
the password didn't work when I told Tommy that I'd tried
"aloneinblue" the night before. Like I told Dean, ya gotta be
careful what's you're inferring from my words. I can say a
whole lot of words and not say what you thought you heard.