- Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:25:54 am
I just remembered I can just make my own new topics for these daily confessionals lmao
Anyways, today started veeeeeery quiet. Honestly most people weren't online. Which was fine considering I had a long drive to do today. And allowed me to get set for the immunity challenge.
Going for Strandedcoin may have been the smarter choice but there was no way I could say no to a potential immunity necklace. Before the challenge even started, the 9 active players for the tribe decided that we would go after the two inactive players, Lyrsa and Christian, no matter what. But I still wanted the immunity more than anything.
I figured the challenge would be exactly what it was but of course I lose by 20 fucking seconds ugh. I'm happy that Kara won if anyone was going to win but I wanted that shit so badly. The fallout from the challenge was predictable and the game plan is either Christian or Lyrsa but what did scare me was Angelina. She dominated us and would have beaten Kara handily if she played for immunity. Shes going to be a puzzle challenge beast and I'm scared down the line. Its good for now at least.
I think the next step for me is to start bringing my smaller alliances into one large cohesive one. Ideally it would have myself, Nick, John, Kara and Jessica though I think Dan may be involved and I'm still concerned that some of the girls are playing us but I feel safe for our first two tribals or until a tribe swap so I'm not trying to go too hot too early and burn out before I can even play. I'm going to stay flexible, friendly, and play the slow game. We have a long month ahead of us
Anyways, today started veeeeeery quiet. Honestly most people weren't online. Which was fine considering I had a long drive to do today. And allowed me to get set for the immunity challenge.
Going for Strandedcoin may have been the smarter choice but there was no way I could say no to a potential immunity necklace. Before the challenge even started, the 9 active players for the tribe decided that we would go after the two inactive players, Lyrsa and Christian, no matter what. But I still wanted the immunity more than anything.
I figured the challenge would be exactly what it was but of course I lose by 20 fucking seconds ugh. I'm happy that Kara won if anyone was going to win but I wanted that shit so badly. The fallout from the challenge was predictable and the game plan is either Christian or Lyrsa but what did scare me was Angelina. She dominated us and would have beaten Kara handily if she played for immunity. Shes going to be a puzzle challenge beast and I'm scared down the line. Its good for now at least.
I think the next step for me is to start bringing my smaller alliances into one large cohesive one. Ideally it would have myself, Nick, John, Kara and Jessica though I think Dan may be involved and I'm still concerned that some of the girls are playing us but I feel safe for our first two tribals or until a tribe swap so I'm not trying to go too hot too early and burn out before I can even play. I'm going to stay flexible, friendly, and play the slow game. We have a long month ahead of us
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