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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3
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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:48:33 pm
by Danni Boatwright
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you !


Re: Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:05:39 pm
by Carl
Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:48:33 pm
1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you !

FUCK MIOMBO! That's how I feel after tonight. Trash tribe who are not winning this game. I'll make sure of that.

1. I was really disappointed we had someone take the 2 coins and give us a disadvantage. We all said beforehand that we wouldn't but we ended up with one. Luckily that trash tribe on the other beach had more than us so it didn't matter but why would you screw over the tribe for only 2 coins? Right when we found out, Jessica suggested we vote out whoever took it and we all agreed but of course no one confessed. Im pretty sure I know it wasn't me, Nick, John, Dan, and Jessica and Kara and Christian weren't there so it definitely wasn't them which means it was either Alison, Davie, or Angelina. No clue if I will find this out but they better not do that shit again.

2. I think my opening line lets you know how I'm feeling about Miombo. I did want to go Nyiri strong and I already disliked them but this just increased my hate for them. I guarantee you that if I get a chance to get out either Lauren, Missy, or Dean, I'm taking my shot. Even if I lose, someone from Nyiri is winning this game, mark my words. We are going to dominate in the challenges and keep those losers salty and weaken them even more.

3. I didn't even hesitate to buy the clue. I still don't know if I will figure it out but I'm going to work at it and go from there. I don't know if anyone has gotten it yet but I know Nick, John, and Dan are interested in splitting it. If that is the case, I'll tell them I'll get it and have them pay me 2 coins each to get the clue. I'm always going to get the clue on my own if I can and I'm going to find this idol.

Now for a few more things:

4. I think I have a solid alliance right now with Nick, John, and Dan. We are Project Starfish and we are looking at making a move. Dan is gunning for Alison but we may go with Christian first since the tribe wants that due to his inactivity and once we are down to 9 people, we would just need one person to have control of the game, which I think I can get with either Davie, Kara, or Jessica. We are scared an all girl alliance which means we would go with Davie but I do want to work with Kara and Jessica so we shall see. If we just keep kicking Miombo ass, we won't have to worry about it.

5. They voted out Vince?!?!? LMFAO. He was an active person it seemed based on post history. If they want to weaken themselves further, be my guest.

The rest of my night now will be devoted to looking for coins and figuring out the idol clue. Let me know if yall got anymore questions!!
