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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?
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Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:30 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?

Re: Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:53:54 pm
by Carl
Nate Gonzalez wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:30:30 pm
Wednesday's sunsets into Thursday dawns, congratulations for making it into another round of Stranded. You’ve outlasted eight other castaways to get here, and it’s now time to see if you can outlast nine.

1. Last Thursday was really eventful, with the tribe swap and the auction, what are you expecting to come tomorrow? How does this impact your plans or strategy? Would you say you are focusing more on short-term survival or are you focused on setting yourself up for the long haul? How are you doing this?

2. At this point, you’ve spent roughly the same amount of time on your original tribe as your swap tribe. Would you say your closest bonds are with people on your original tribe or your current tribe? Who would you say your absolute number one ally is?

3. Finally, Any challenge can happen that can send any tribe to tribal council. If your tribe was to lose the next challenge, who would you want out of this game? What elimination would be the best for your game overall?

Weak episode name smh, yall can do better than that. But I guess when you're boring like Christian was, you get a boring episode name. RIP

1. Last Thursday was definitely a big one but I think we are all expecting tomorrow to be the biggest one. You guys haven't said anything yet which makes me worry that we will merge at 11 and not 13 but if I'm right, which I have been so far, we will be merging after tribal tomorrow once we hit 13 people. And I've been planning on that and basing my whole game going forward around that. I have my solid group of 4 - 5 people and we know exactly who we want first. Win or Booze is going to spread the word that John has an idol and use that to get 9 people ready to vote him out. With 9 people, I will have 5 people vote for John, 4 vote for Kara or Alison, and then the Poroto 4, or the 3 Nyiri people from Poroto and Angelina, will vote for whoever they want. That way we can at least flush his idol out and go from there. After that, I'll ideally have Win or Booze, Lauren, Dan and maybe like Tommy and the 7 of us will hold all the power. Its a solid plan and I know I can set myself up for success. And if not, I still have my idol I can play until Final 10.

2. 100% I'm closer with my new tribe than my old one. People who think that they should remain solely with their old tribe are dumb and don't know they need to be flexible in this game. My absolute number one ally is still Nick from my old tribe but I am 100% good with Aaron and Dean it seems and Lauren trusts me to no end. Its a risk to work with so many Miombo people but our tribe is solid and my alliance is even more solid.

3. Lauren 100%. She is being kept around as a number ideally we can use in the merge but if we lose, its definitely going to be her. Shes already too much to deal with but she likes me so we are keeping her around to use if needed. Right now, she thinks that if we lost, me, her, and Nick would take out Aaron cause she doesn't trust him while she is telling Aaron and Dean that she is voting out Nick. Little does she know that she is next on the chopping block. I even got her to give me some coins in exchange for the idol clues that I already solved. It's becoming too easy right now with her but its perfect and exactly what I'll need going forward. Who knows, maybe I'll have to align myself with her even harder post-merge...

Extra Thots:

Holy fuck I almost blew the challenge today. First question my internet crapped out, second question I lost by one second, and third question was dumb as fuck--who the fuck would know how many times they said village in that dumbass story ugh. Thank God I got my fourth question but really thank God my tribe clutched the fuck up. Especially Nick, easily our MVP tonight. I was so grateful cause I did not want to lose our safety blanket in Lauren when there is another tribal before the merge still to come.

I'm so fucking ready for this merge and to actually start playing this. I need to know what happened at these last two tribals cause it looks like the game is on at both Miombo and Poroto. Tanzania is only getting hotter and I'm ready to play!


Re: Episode 08: Christian? We Hardly Knew Her?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:31:56 am
by Carl
I need to make an update cause fuck you guys. You guys are gonna merge us before the challenge but have us compete as the old tribes again aren't you? Just like the old seasons of Stranded. Ugh if that happens, our plan might be fucked.

I hate you guys if that's true smh