Nate Gonzalez wrote: ↑Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:53:57 pm
So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:
1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?
2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?
Hello hosts and friends! I'm sorry I didn't post anything this weekend. I wanted to but so much was happening and my mind constantly changing and racing that I didn't know what to do and I couldn't place something down for yall until it was all said and done.
Let's go back to tribal on Thursday. Obviously did not go my way and I had some fires to put out. Little did I know that those fires would be massive. The main fire was somehow from the Jessica vote which John and Alison did not like at all. I lied to everyone and told them that the vote was 4-2 with me flipping because I couldn't go to rocks because I needed to hide my WOB alliance. Likewise, I also lied and told people I voted Angelina because it was the name I heard the most and Lauren pressured me into it with her two idols. However, that made me a flipper in the eyes of people and they did not like that.
So over the weekend, I kept hearing about John being mad about the vote and same for Alison. Now I don't care how they feel but they need to keep my name out of their mouths because I am not leaving this game. I knew I was going to be a target so I went around asking to see what I could do. I knew I had myself, Nick, Dean, Aaron, Lauren, and Tommy locked and good to go whenever and for whatever. Which meant we just needed one person to flip. I wanted Dan while others wanted Jack. So we went to work to see what name we could get to get the flip and win this vote without any of us going home.
In the mean time, John finally confronted me about the Jessica vote and I confronted him about his idol. Apparently he had given the idol to her which is not at all what she said to me. I told her she never told me and I don't know why she lied about it. I told him she knew votes were going on her and she still said no. Obvious lie since we blindsided her hard but thank God we did because it got rid of the idol too. But we finally cleared the air and while he said he couldn't promise he wouldn't vote me, he would try to make sure I wasn't being voted for and I promised to do the same with my alliance.
The rest of the weekend was spent talking to Dan to see if he would flip and the others talking to Jack to do the same. We ended up bribing Jack for his vote and Dan promised to vote for me after he heard Missy say that he was gunning for me. I was never confident in anything past our 6 though so the backup was to get either Lauren to play her idol for me or worst case I play mine. We just needed to make sure it was played on the right person.
Coming into challenge time today, I still was not getting anything from the other side but my side was confident in Jack while Dan was telling me he could get me John and Kara on the vote as well. I didn't trust John and Kara one bit but I wanted to trust Dan so I rolled with it, more so hoping to get an idea for their vote. Especially since the only names I still heard were mine and Missy's. We were scared that Missy was such an easy target that they were gonna play an idol for her but Lauren promised me hers if they did that. I spent all day unable to eat and anxiety ridden, just hoping to win immunity so I would be able to calm down.
At the challenge, my MS Paint deleted my progress twice at the beginning so I knew I was never going to win. I went backwards and got relatively close to finishing it but obviously was not good enough and I lost by a long shot. Glad it went to Dean but I knew I needed it most. So I went around to confirm if we had the votes. We had Nick working Angelina to get information, Aaron working John and telling him he would vote for me, Dean working Alison to get information by sweet talking her, and Lauren and Tommy working Jack to confirm him while I got Dan and worked with John and Kara behind the scenes to get as much info as possible.
However, right before tribal, for some reason, Lauren's name came up. Apparently she had said she wanted Nick but that was actually a cover up by Aaron after he made a mistake and messaged the wrong person. This came in clutch however as that alliance moved from wanting me to wanting Lauren. At tribal, all of the whispering happened and I didn't get much since they didn't trust me but through Nick, Dean, and Aaron we learned the votes were going to Lauren. Even Kara gave me the info and John promised he was not voting for me. I didn't trust that I wasn't receiving votes but I trusted that my alliance followed through with the Missy plan and thank fucking God we did. Those 5 minutes where I could have played my idol were the longest of my life. I even typed up the message to play the idol but I never clicked submit. My gut told me to trust my alliances and it fucking worked. Missy is gone, I got Dan and Jack to vote with me while Nick voted with them to keep up appearances, Lauren's idol is gone so we do not need to worry about that, and we have the numbers.
My alliance is now myself, Nick, Dean, Aaron, Lauren, Tommy and potentially Dan and Jack. At worst we have 6 for a tie and at best we have 8 where we can split the votes to ensure there is no idol play that will fuck us. I'll likely play my idol tomorrow just to be safe, especially since it is now known that I have one though I have no idea how it was figured out but whatever, I don't really care. Meanwhile on the other side, there is Angelina, John, Alison, and Kara. Apparently Alison even flipped out at Jack afterwards and really hurt him. I tried to make him feel appreciated but hopefully that will further incentivize him to vote her out tomorrow. I do feel for him though regardless and I don't blame him if he goes back. Dan I hope is good with us but I still need to talk to him.
The rest of the night was mostly my alliance celebrating while the others had their tails between their legs. I've spoken to all of them and they finally admitted that I was the person they were voting until the end when the Lauren thing happened. John admitted everything about what happened on the vote without his alliance knowing. I'll try to keep the votes off of him tomorrow but he does need to go soon. He's too smart at this I think. Kara is also being more open since I clearly hold more power than her at the moment but this game is always changing and I won't rest on my laurels. Who knows what is coming next.
As for the bounty and prisoner's dilemma that yall gave me, fuck you hosts. How are you going to give me my closest ally in Dean as my bounty??? I know he needs to go at some point cause he is too tough to challenge at final 3 but I can't get rid of him this early lol. And then yall give me Angelina as my prisoner???? Lmao this girl was the one who was pushing to get rid of me tonight. We decided to split the coins since it makes most sense but it wouldn't shock me if she tries to play me and take it. Oh well.
I think I answered all of your questions except the last one already. It's honestly really hard for me to look even that far into the game. My goals right now are Top 10, then Top 8 to finish the week, then Top 5 and finally Top 3 into winner. My target for tomorrow is definitely Alison tomorrow. And then who knows. I know will eventually need to turn on this alliance since only 3 of us can make it to the end and I gotta get them before they can get me. If I had a choice for Final 3 it would be Aaron and Nick or maybe replace one of them with Lauren since I can beat them so I'm gonna push my game towards that. In the mean time, I'll be flexible in getting there and meeting all of my goals.
gg ez to Missy and good night to you hosts. Your boy is on top right now and I'm gonna keep working my ass off to keep it that way.