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Episode 03: Goodnight, Sweet Vince </3 - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 --
What a night! A close immunity challenge, some smack talk, and another player out the door who IS NOT YOU

1-Talk to us about the disadvantages in the challenge tonight. Who do you think went for them? Is this good or bad for you moving forward?

2-Seems like tempers got a bit heated after the immunity results. How do these interactions at challenge beach shape your view of the other tribe? How will this change your game in the future

3-Idol clues have now been offered up AGAIN! Have you been looking? do you know who has been buying the clues?

As always, feel free to share more of your thoughts as they come up! We're looking forward to hearing from you !


Danni Boatwright

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By Dan
1 - Personally I think Alison or Angelina was responsible for the disadvantage we received. Luckily, the other tribe seems to really not be well in tune with each other as they had two people impact their ability to play; to the point they lost the challenge. It's good to know they seem to be having some issues on their side.

2 - The other tribe appears to be miserable in their camp and filled with a lot of insecurity and immaturity. Definitely proves that we need to go into a merge with a majority of them. Not sure why they are so hostile but I can say with certainty that our tribe would not have behaved that way if we were the ones to have lost the challenge.

3 - I haven't made any efforts in the last few days after getting the first clue. The cost for the second clue seems too high right now to justify getting it. That may change over time.

Still working on getting a solid group to vote out Alison. Nick and John are flaking on it. Carl and I still feel confident she needs to go. Luckily we will have a bit more time to continue presenting the case for it. The sooner we make the big move of hitting a potential alliance against us the better. We need to be bold and set the stage early on for our success...


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By Dan
Well, this has been a serious disappointment over the days in trying to get a solid group of four (myself, Carl, Nick, and John) together on a solid decision to vote Alison out. All we would need is a fifth and Christian is that guy! He would do whatever we tell him to do because he stands no chance based on his ability to be around and real inability to strategize or even talk to people that much. I say we force a 5-5 tie vote between Alison and Christian and see where the 50/50 result goes! Let's make some moves here!

Nope. John and Nick aren't interested and even Carl has backed down. I still trust Carl and want to work with him but his initial desire to vote Alison has really faded away. I'm not sure why no one wants to sack up and throw down on this mess that appears to be Alison and Angelina. I'm POSITIVE it is one of them that is screwing us every challenge with their greed for coins. But here I am trying to get a group of people who ignore the numbers and left their balls somewhere outside of Tanzania.

Very, very frustrating. In addition, I think my efforts are really going to put a target on me tonight. I am left with little doubt that John will roll over and tell Alison that I'm working against her. I really feel like I can't trust the guy anymore and Nick is probably right up there with him. So that said, I was initially not looking forward to whatever the surprise is tonight after council (assuming I am still here). We could use a jolt to the game since so many people are playing the role of 'Hans Test-i-cleeees.'

Fuckin A man. I've never met such a docile bunch. Instead, we're going to sit back and continue to let someone siphon coin at the expense of our performance in challenges and let them grow each day stronger while we sit around the fire singing camp songs and circle jerking...
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