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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 04: Davie Croaked It
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Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:18:54 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:09:17 pm
by Dan
1. It was discussed quite a bit in the tribe that a swap was likely imminent. I suspected a shift to three tribes but didn't mention it since it wouldn't really matter how it happened. I'm very happy to see Angelina and Alison split up, regardless of the fact it was done through a bullshit method which caused me to be on a tribe of 4 vs 2, allowing a majority alliance to eliminate us as they see fit.

2. Simple fact of the matter is that my target is still on Alison or Angelina. Angelina is definitely not helping herself by being the only person left to still participate in the challenge. I have spoken with my other tribemates knowing that it really comes down to which of us (Angelina and I) gets voted off first. I'm confident it will be Angelina rather than me. At this time the most important thing for me to stick around is going to be our tribe winning immunity.

3. No big surprise. It has become a major part of the game. While I wish it did not exist, it does, and there is nothing I can do about that. I don't let it get to me.

4. I seriously thought the auction twist was bullshit. It entirely offset the purpose of randomization of tribes. Secondly, everything had been done for the night. Council happened, the swap, it was over. So I wasn't even present for it and I'm sure several others likely were not either. I did not find out until the next day. While it entirely screwed my ability to last in this tribe when two of us are facing a 4 strong alliance, at least I can get Angelina out. With hope we will be able to play strong and I can get to a merge and be a 5th person in the alliance of 4 that are currently Miombo. Unfortunately, if we lose twice between now and then, my fate is absolutely sealed. Going any further relies on winning challenges. I find it really annoying that someone with enough coin could basically buy their way through a large part of the game by keeping their alliance together despite a random swap.

So far, Elizabeth and I get along really well. I'm not a fan of Missy. She made brief small talk and then asked me quite directly what any alliances existed on my old tribe and who was working together. She could have gotten more from me had she seemed to care about getting to know me. To immediately ask that question sort of carries a level of disrespect. Plus, I'm no snitch. So I doubt we will be speaking much past this. Everyone else is pretty cool and I like the group. Definitely interested in seeing who goes to council tonight and who gets booted. Might shed some light on how the other tribes are feeling!