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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 05: Karish-ma Ass (and her fetus) Goodbye!
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Episode 05: Karish-ma Ass (and her fetus) Goodbye!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:02:23 pm
by Danni Boatwright
WHEW. Another tribal down and one step closer to that sweet sweet prize money!

1-How has the game changed while playing on smaller tribes? Are you comfortable in this tribe, or do you think you have something to worry about?

2-Now that we're a week in, there aren't many easy boots left. If you had the ultimate say, who would leave next from your tribe? How would that improve your game moving forward?

3-We're still early in the swap. Is there a clear divide between original miombo and nyiri players? or has your tribe started to mesh more?

Please keep us in the loop as you plot your way forward! If you don't, you're...


Re: Episode 05: Karish-ma Ass (and her fetus) Goodbye!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:14:45 pm
by Dan
1 - Smaller tribes is nice because it is easier to keep track of things. I feel pretty comfortable here so long as we do not lose immunity twice, otherwise, I'm on my way out. I feel more comfortable here than in old Nyiri though. There were too many people flaking on making a move over there. There was tons of talk and whatnot, but not enough play. Seems like the game is actually being played here.

2 - Angelina is my first pick. People are realizing I was right about her and Alison and now I'm on a tribe willing to do something about it. Should we lose an immunity, it sounds like everyone is really well on board for a unanimous vote against her. They could be playing me, but I highly doubt it since there would be no benefit in doing so.

3 - I'm definitely meshing with the original Miombo tribe and I'm starting to sense that they are more trustworthy and true to their word. If we end up in tribal, that should solidify my beliefs.

Right now it sounds like everyone is on board for Angelina but I would be killed off if we lose a second time. There's no doubt about that. I've been thinking about going for the new idol clue, but, I know it cannot be solved in just one clue and I'm not exactly coin-rich. Especially like everyone else seems to be. Not sure what the hell I am missing with the hidden clues in the forum but it's eluding the shit out of me. I would really benefit from an idol but I can't afford the second clue. So in that case, it's just a matter of playing as hard as possible as a tribe to avoid council. Luckily, those wearing blue seem to be at a pretty good disadvantage...