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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues
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Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:19:09 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

So, another day another confessional. I’m sure you are making whatever alumni selected you as their winner pick really happy (or sad) (or neither):

1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?

2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?

3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?

4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.

Re: Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:32:30 pm
by Dan
1 - No, the challenge did not change my view of my tribemates. We did good and, although it was a little tricky, we handled to very well. It was extremely coordinated and we were calm through it all. Great team effort.

2 - There are five idols out there? Holy shit... No, I apparently have no clue on what I am doing when it comes to finding them since I thought the only way was via the hidden idol clues. Unfortunately I'm a bit poor when it comes to coins even though I've only bought the first clue one time. Seems surprising how much coin others seem to have. That said, idols aren't really playing into my game. I just need for us as a tribe to continue winning immunity. I'm safe through one council but I'll be gone at the second. I've been thinking about idols but I also think about having a million dollars every day. Doesn't mean it's going to happen...

3 - Feels like original Miombo are going to remain strong. Original Nyiri might be breaking down but I wouldn't know considering there is only one other on my current tribe and I have her slated to go home if we end up losing a challenge. Will original Miombo stay strong? I would say they definitely will. I'm hoping to get in their good graces and be able to stick around for a while.

4 - Love my fellow tribemates except for Missy. She did apologize for her rude, shitty attitude but it's not something I will forget. Granted, I told her it was no big deal and in the past, it's still something I will remember come time for future decisions. If I can get in tight enough with the Miombo crowd and find a fracture, I would definitely aim to have her voted out. She's too insecure, young, and unstable for this. She announced she started her period (like any of us want to know that) and that's why she's being such a bitch. I'm thinking she's just a bitch all the time. But hey, we'll see.