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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 11 - Lauren Order: Idol Victims Unit
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Episode 11 - Lauren Order: Idol Victims Unit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:12:11 pm
by Joaquin Souberbielle
Wow, what a night!

We’re skipping the challenge though because we’d all like to delete that from our memories.

1. That live tribal, wow. What happened? Who voted for who? Were there any surprises?
2. Carl and John both played idols. Did you know they had them, and if so, did you think they would play them?
3. Is Lauren leaving good or bad for your game? Why?
4. Jeff offered the next idol clue for 20 Stranded Coin. Will you be purchasing it? What’s your plan with your Stranded Coin?

Re: Episode 11 - Lauren Order: Idol Victims Unit

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:31:49 pm
by Dan
1 - Finally got the story on that. Most of the orange OGs are running with a former green OG to knock the rest of these people out. Surprised we had such teamwork on Alison, not surprised someone is whipping out unlimited idols since that's apparently the way things go up in hurrrr, not surprised Lauren finally went home but glad for it.

2 - I knew Carl did but he played it in a way that was not what I expected. It still worked out.

3 - Lauren leaving the game is good for everyone's mental health. And yeah, it puts her people in minority so they really have some trouble brewing now.

4 - Jeff needs to start offering StrandedCoin stimulus because I don't know how people afford that shit