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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe
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Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:06:25 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
If you threw a wish in the well to make it this far then you'll do anything to get by the people in your way.
The jury is growing and so is the pressure so where do you think you're going, baby?!


1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?

2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.

3. Here's my number
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?

4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:57:47 pm
by Dan
1. I've pretty much talked to everyone. The bridges that were burned (Alison, Angelina, John) remain burned. The core group Carl was sort of managing has had two flips and we're on a 4 - 6 disadvantage in terms of numbers. Can't build on much of anything at this point.

2. I had no clue Carl was going to get nailed like that and surprisingly he never mentioned it. I was pretty shocked since we had the numbers and power to take over. Only Nick had to go and fuck it all up.

3. 4 on 6, already shaped. I foresee the 6 systematically eliminating the 4

4. Tonight, I'm sure I'm going out. I've already done what I need to do to make it happen when you look at past moves I've made in the game. I've done a little dirt and everyone knows. I'm the obvious pick. *bags packed*