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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches
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Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:45:17 pm
by Danni Boatwright

Never a dull moment in Tanzania, it seems :fire: You've survived 6 rounds and it's only going to get harder from here

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

Almost through another week. Keep it up!

Re: Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:27:34 pm
by John
Extremely excited.....I just found the idol and feel kind of redeemed for the last idol that I wasted. Well, at least I will until I waste this one, too. To me, idols aren't that important in my own hands, it's more about knowing they are not in other people's hands. Either way, I'm ecstatic after searching for hours to find this thing.

I told Alison about it which goes against every intelligent bone in my body. She's proven her loyalty to me in the past, and I don't see any scenario where she is playing me and would want to take a shot at me before this expires before the final 10. Could definitely be wrong, but it's not like this is good until the final 5.

Will decide tomorrow if I want to tell Kara or not. It could cement another strong ally, but I don't think I will as of right now.

Anyways, sorry for continuing to help make this tribe boring. If we lose again, it will be a difficult decision between Christian and Jack. That's still nowhere near as ridiculous as whatever madness is going on at the other two tribes.

Will answer the questions tomorrow.

Re: Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 9:12:26 pm
by John
I have no idea what is happening tonight at the vote. Think it will be 3-2? Kara is the swing vote, and she has not told me what she's doing.

I talk to Jack more than Christian, and I think he will be more helpful later in the game. Christian is really friendly, too, and he will add to the original tribe's numbers if they do keep them. He also may hate me if he stays.