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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe
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Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:08:31 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
If you threw a wish in the well to make it this far then you'll do anything to get by the people in your way.
The jury is growing and so is the pressure so where do you think you're going, baby?!


1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?

2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.

3. Here's my number
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?

4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:59:34 pm
by John
Oh man is it satisfying to watch Dean and Aaron beg for their safety at my feet after I did the exact same thing the last 24 hours only to be lied to every step of the way. I feel like I sent the exact same message to Aaron about how I'm available if you want to use me for a vote. Now, Dean and him are bringing that over after having absolutely no interest in working with me in the slightest throughout this game. Now, you want forgiveness? Oh wait, they actually lied to be every step of the way for 48 hours, not 24. My mistake.

Not going to let the power go to my head as I am fully aware I am still in a very dangerous position and will continue to get targeted for the foreseeable future. That said, holy crap it feels good to pull that off tonight. Especially against Carl who had been planning my demise since we swapped. The dude was so confident and full of himself tonight only to get kicked directly in the teeth.

This game is awesome.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:07:43 pm
by John
Clue #3

The art of Tanzania makes you tingle with joy I’m hanging on a wall a sky of cerulean with a boy

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:41:34 am
by John
The confessional last night sounded pretty arrogant from my side, but I don't really care. I spent hours and hours explaining to Dean and Aaron that if we don't work together, the people playing the middle (specifically we discussed Tommy but Nick/Jack/Dan all technically fall into that category) were going to be the people deciding the course of the game if we let this turn into a war between two sides. They would have all the power and influence because they would have deals with everyone and be able to jump between factions to take the people that they wanted out. Well, guess what? That is exactly what happened last night.

I honestly don't fully understand why Nick wanted Carl out the most because Carl did trust Nick. I think it is because he was worried that the repercussions from a pissed off and betrayed Carl would be worse compared to betraying any of the others. That said, Tommy and Nick brought up Carl to me. For some reason Aaron and Dean were implying that I was the reason Carl left because he kept targeting me, but I didn't care. I would've voted for any of them since they all voted for me and tried treating me like I was dumb with talking about how easy it was for a unanimous Tommy vote to come around. I genuinely don't think Dean has told me the truth on anything throughout his vague but friendly bullcrap. He's good at this game for sure, but I am not falling for any of it.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:23:33 am
by John
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:08:31 pm If you threw a wish in the well to make it this far then you'll do anything to get by the people in your way.
The jury is growing and so is the pressure so where do you think you're going, baby?!


1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?
I mean relationships can always change based on people's actions, but everyone has had ample time to meet everyone. It's relatively clear where loyalties stand with me, but I am not going to block someone out completely. I will always try to keep communication open and speak with everyone as long as they are willing to speak to me. Dan doesn't seem to want to give me any information, so he's by far the weakest relationship I have at this point. Dean and Aaron have lied to me about almost everything for two days straight. Jack is a wildcard who I still like more than the other three. So yeah, I need to keep building those while also keeping strong to the others I have to make sure no one flips on me.
2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.
I've talked about this before, but the quick overview is I tried to work with anyone that was willing to. Tommy was getting thrown under the bus by their entire tribe after he whispered to me about Alison being the target when I idol'ed Lauren out, so he was the first one I spoke to. Nick also has been really craving to make a move and build his resume. I talked to them both individually, then those two were able to get on the same page on their own, and they should all the credit in the world for this move. Kara, Angelina, Alison, and I all joined in to make it a majority, but we did not hold any power going into last night.

Reaction? The highs of the game are high hahaha. Will say that. It felt incredible. Especially after I found out I was the target and also getting lied to night before.
3. Here's my number
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?
Alison, Kara, Angelina, Tommy, Nick, and myself are the 6 I want to stick with for at least a couple votes. I think it would be smart for all of us to work together at least tonight, but I fully expect Tommy and Nick or someone else to flip back to the other "side" at the final 8 or 9. This won't be a straightforward pagonging, and we have to prepare for it. Everyone is playing way too hard for that.
4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?
Honestly don't care who it is between Dean, Aaron, or Dan. I like Jack more than the others just because he at least was honest to me about voting for Alison, but he is still super untrustworthy and voted for me. Would probably prefer Dean based on strategy, but this is subject to change. Dan probably hates me after tribal council so him leaving isn't a terrible idea, too. I told him I called him out to ensure Carl wasn't playing his idol which is mostly true. Part of it was him just annoying me with how unwilling he seems to be to play this game.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:44:34 pm
by John
I feel like on paper tonight should be the first normal night of this absolutely ridiculous merge, but the more I feel like that, the more I feel like I am going to get kicked to the curb. :laugh: The highs and lows of this game man.

Kara and Tommy want Dean. Angelina and Nick (and I think Alison?) want Dan to go. We'll see who will win out, but I just want to vote together.

I am sure Dean and Aaron hate me for how I have been talking to them today. Not trying to be a dick, but I am telling them straight up that I don't trust them and we need to work to build those relationships. It can definitely be viewed as being arrogant, but I'll tell you that it is way, way better in the long run than being lied to constantly.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:08:50 pm
by John
We're voting Dan to appease Angelina. I have a bad feeling we'll regret this because Dean is a way more aggressive player than Dan. Also, Angelina has told everyone that she's made a deal with Aaron and Dean tonight. But we can't risk a divide right now when the final 9 will be a critical vote for the people I want to work with.

Also, this has been the least stressful day yet which means I am missing something completely.