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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!
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Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:20:03 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Hey, it's me. Danni. After Nate's incoherent preamble to last night's confessional, I figured you needed a real adult to ask you hard hitting questions as we head into the weekend. That being said, he did have another T-Swift pun to share:

"All you're ever gonna be is DEAN, why you gotta be so DEAN"

you're welcome Nate. Anyways now on to YOU! the PLAYERS WHO SURVIVED WEEK 3! Congrats on lasting this long. It's truly an accomplishment with a cast this active, and this crazy.

1-Tonight was touchy subjects, which should give you a lot of information about where people stand within the tribe. Reflect on the answers you received, as well as the most important information you gathered during the challenge.

2-We're entering the final week of the game. It's time to start thinking about those finale night seats, and how you're going to grab the win. Tell us your plan to make it to the end, and how your plan is going to make you the winner of Stranded in Tanzania. Who are you sitting next to in the final 3?

3-A fake idol was played tonight! that was fun. Has there been much talk about idols and advantages left in the game? How are you planning to handle them at such a crucial point in the game?

4-The Jury bench is starting to fill up. Who do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't? How are you going to fill that gallery with people willing to write your name down to win the game?

As always, feel free to tell us anything thats on your mind! With only 8 of you left, our lurkers are starved for content. Give them something to talk about :wink:

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:31:07 pm
by John
I thought for sure I gone when Dean posted the fake idol.


What a mess. Of course Angelina has the idol. That was the only possible thing that could've made any sense by her actions today (telling Dean he was going home when everyone else kept it quiet). Not knowing that vital piece of information made me crazy paranoid and terrified about getting the short end of the stick.

Either way, we need to give Dean a ton of credit for playing hard until the very end. I considered him the best player I was up against that made the merge. Way to go out fighting.

Nick whispering that info immediately to me (info was: Angelina and him found the idol two days ago and Angelina flipped to Dean and Aaron) is going to drive some major trust issues between Angelina and Nick. That's one thing I can guarantee I'm going to make happen.

I'm in a weird spot. Everyone is telling me they want to work with me in separate groups/alliances, and I am either about to have to get some major blood on my hands, or I am going to be taken out quickly for being such a threat.

Those are my immediate thoughts. Details to follow this weekend (and will answer the questions then) because we have a lot to run through. I have no idea what my plan should be going forward....Have three days to figure it out.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:43:09 pm
by John
Thought I was gone****** can't type at all

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:05:43 pm
by John
This was supposed to be a break where we could relax, and Angelina and Nick have already started a disaster that all started from Nick’s whisper and Angelina freaking out that people know about her idol. I’m hearing that Nick threw me under the bus, and Angelina is calling me (and Alison) a liar while dropping her “breadcrumbs” all over the place to try to start chaos. I don’t know who is being honest, but I jokingly told Aaron nice work for whatever he did to make everyone insanely paranoid.

Everyone needs to chill for 24 hours and let me breathe.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:52:39 pm
by John
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 10:20:03 pm Hey, it's me. Danni. After Nate's incoherent preamble to last night's confessional, I figured you needed a real adult to ask you hard hitting questions as we head into the weekend. That being said, he did have another T-Swift pun to share:

"All you're ever gonna be is DEAN, why you gotta be so DEAN"

you're welcome Nate. Anyways now on to YOU! the PLAYERS WHO SURVIVED WEEK 3! Congrats on lasting this long. It's truly an accomplishment with a cast this active, and this crazy.

1-Tonight was touchy subjects, which should give you a lot of information about where people stand within the tribe. Reflect on the answers you received, as well as the most important information you gathered during the challenge.
That was a rough challenge haha. Definitely a great way to make people paranoid and rethink things, but it is never a good feeling to be called out as the person everybody trusts and is most likely going to win. Which is definitely ironic because they also said I have the most enemies on the jury; I don’t know how you can pick me for both. I am extremely worried that this will make me more a target (if that is even possible), but I was not the only one that may become more threatening based on that challenge. Alison won biggest strategic threat, too. So yeah, this challenge won’t make me feel any differently about her, but I am worried about everyone else getting more nervous about me. I did feel bad for Jack because he was trashed in the challenge despite not deserving it whatsoever in my opinion. That said, I am most worried about Kara’s reaction to the challenge. On the “who do you trust most”, I answered Alison and Angelina because I didn’t want people to think I was too close to her, and she also wasn’t able to attend. There is no shot in hell that I trust Angelina more than Kara in this game. I told Kara this, and I think she believed me. Still, she got votes for biggest goat and least liked both which absolutely shocked me since she is awesome and has played a stellar game so far. I really hope she doesn’t feel worried and like she needs to make a move since I trust her a ton, but you really have no idea how everyone else will act as this game gets down to the wire.

2-We're entering the final week of the game. It's time to start thinking about those finale night seats, and how you're going to grab the win. Tell us your plan to make it to the end, and how your plan is going to make you the winner of Stranded in Tanzania. Who are you sitting next to in the final 3?
First off, I will say that as a viewer of the show, I hate final 3s because final 2s make it so much more dramatic and difficult to manage relationships since only two people can be sitting in the end, and you want to make the final 3 with two people that will both bring you to the finals. It makes the end game much more exciting and cutthroat. As a player though, I think it makes it a little easier to manage because I can make a final 3 alliance and stick to it without having to decide who is my actual #1. Having said all that, I fully expect the crazy people in this game to make it as difficult as possible for any one group to simply walk into the final 3.

So I actually do not know what my plan is yet, and I am hoping as I answer these questions, I will have a better picture of it. I think that my dream final 3 would be with Alison and Kara. Is that possible? I am not sure. If I can trust both of them to want to work with me until the end, then I definitely think it is a possibility. If I can’t, I have other options since a lot of other people have discussed working with me (but I am also sure every single person left in the game has discussed working with every other person remaining). In a sick and twisted way, I kind of want one or two people to start targeting me because then I can go after them without having blood on my hands and just say I targeted them because they targeted me. If that doesn’t happen, I really do not know what the best course of action is.

After we idol’ed Lauren out in the 8-3-1 vote, I told Angelina, Kara, and Alison that I have no idea how it will happen, but we are going to the final 4 together. So I think my plan has to start with do I trust the four of us all voting together. If we all trust each other, then it should be easy, right? Nick and Tommy would’ve made a massive mistake by not flipping to Dean, Aaron, and Jack, and we now have at worst a 4-4 split with Angelina’s idol her pocket which means if we can vote together on Sunday and bring one more person over, then we should easily be able to make the final 4 and go from there. Problem is, Angelina has told me that she lost trust in me after Nick whispered to me about her idol, and she thinks I told Alison about the idol. I definitely did tell Alison about the idol, but so did Nick and Aaron who was told by Dean. So Angelina is mad at me when she shouldn’t have told Dean and Nick in the first place. The biggest roadblock in this game is definitely Angelina, especially since she has been obviously playing to the jury by making deals with Dean and Aaron, then telling Dean about the vote to try to make herself look better. Also, and more importantly, she has a final 3 alliance with Kara and Alison which she has not told to me, but Kara and Alison have both separately spilled to me. So because Kara and Alison have both told me, I fully believe they trust me more than they trust her, and we could technically still go to the final 4 together and vote Angelina out then. But that isn’t a risk I want to take. Not only would Angelina be gunning for me, but she is awesome at challenges. I have no interest in risking going out in 4th place by being complacent to play Angelina’s game. Also, Alison told me that Angelina’s plan is to go for all the men in order of Nick then Jack then Aaron then Tommy. Angelina wants Nick out next for spilling the idol and in general being untrustworthy. I also found out on Thursday that Nick had been lying since the merge started about what happened on his swapped tribe and had actually voted for Jessica which makes no sense why he would lie about it. Seems to be unnecessary. The dude can be slimy which I think I called out the moment he asked me to split the first clue on our original tribe. Also, Alison wants Nick to leave next, but she also wants to try to get Angelina to play her idol while this is happening. Alison then said she wanted to Angelina to leave after him at the final 7 so I don’t think the four of us can all make the final 4. But to make it more complicated and add to the uncertainty is that I think Kara and Nick are close, so she won’t want to go for Nick. Also, who would even be the 5 votes against Nick on Sunday? I don’t think Tommy would vote for him, maybe Aaron or Jack would do anything to save themselves, but I feel like if we target Nick then Aaron and Jack would 100% talk to Nick and Tommy about making a move. Honestly, the best way to get rid of Nick would be for 5 people to vote for Angelina and we tell Angelina to play the idol to get rid of him but she may try to vote for someone else if she finds out more people are going for her. If it worked though then I guess Alison’s plan would make sense and we could get rid of Angelina, but if Nick goes then Angelina goes that leaves a final 6 where Jack/Aaron/Tommy could easily join together and force a tie at the final 6. Why would we want to give them the chance to do that? It seems extremely risky unless we could then argue to Jack and Tommy that Aaron will win this game against anyone and that I would make a move at the final 5 against Kara and Alison when in reality me and the two girls would then have a 3-2 majority to walk to the end.

That’s just a scenario looking into Angelina’s idea of voting for Nick then Alison’s idea of voting for Angelina the day after. And it is also dependent on Angelina’s idol which is the most dangerous thing in the game. I don’t even know if I want Nick to go next because he mentioned that he wants Tommy and me to work together and try to make something happen (he has made a new group chat called weewaw or something password theden ) that the three of us can talk through plans. Not exactly sure where that will end up going, but Nick now seems completely done with Angelina and does want her to go home on Sunday. His plan seems to be splitting the vote between Angelina and Aaron to try to make Angelina leaves but if she plays the idol then Aaron would take the brunt of the heat. So he doesn’t know that Angelina now wants him out because if he did know that, I doubt he would be willing to push through with that plan. But Aaron is trying to make anything happen on his own. The guy is extremely convincing and a fighter, but we have to be really wary of what information we give to him. He should be taking everything and bringing it out in the open to try to make another move to get people concerned. Like if one of us tells him Angelina is the target, his smartest move is then to run straight to Angelina and tell him that she is in trouble so they can get rid of something else. I want to talk to Aaron more about strategy, but I am extremely worried about what will get out next. That doesn’t make Aaron untrustworthy nor do I dislike him, it’s just the nature of the position he is in right now where he has to do anything to try to better his position. I do believe that if I am the first to bring him into whatever I want to do, he will be loyal in a sense, but I also know that everyone else has the same idea and may try to use him. Heck, I don’t think anyone except for Nick is even considering Aaron as the next target? But I am not sure. I know Jack voted for him at the last tribal council as kind of a stray vote in case an idol was played. I also am a huge fan of Jack and want to work with him deeper in the game. Others seem to think he is not much of a threat, which I fully think Jack is playing up to get further in the game. Would he cut me later? I don’t know, probably since he’s already voted for me once, but he has been much more open with me than some others have been. He is someone great to have on your side, but I also think he would be an opportunist if a better situation was presented to him.

I think my first decision I need to make is how do I feel about this potential three person alliance with Tommy and Nick or if it even forms. If I think that is valuable, then I should be pushing for Nick to stay and trying to figure something out. If I trust both of them, then I can push for something else to happen. They are both really good dudes, but they have also proven they can lie pretty damn well throughout this merge. When I answered who will win this game, I put Nick down at the challenge because I seriously think he is the most dangerous, but is it the right time to get rid of him? Again, really worried about Jack/Aaron/Tommy all potentially linking up at final 6 if we are willingly going to give up our original tribe’s numbers (not that the numbers have meant anything during this crazy game, but I think they would team up if given the opportunity). That said, Angelina’s idol is even scarier, especially because I don’t think any of us know when it expires. What I will say is that if I am not the decoy boot on Sunday, my goal is to get the idol out of the game (haven’t decided if that will be by targeting her or by telling her to play it). It’s a very delicate situation since if you come on too strong, she may not believe you and hold onto it. I don’t know what the best plan is and need to talk to people much more.

3-A fake idol was played tonight! that was fun. Has there been much talk about idols and advantages left in the game? How are you planning to handle them at such a crucial point in the game?
I disagree that the fake idol was fun. :rofl: My heart skipped a beat when it was played.

There has been a lot of discussion on the idol Angelina has which I touched on in the previous question which created drama between Nick, her, and me after the whispering last night. I think Angelina’s is the only idol remaining in the game. I haven’t talked to anyone about the bounty advantages, and I have no idea if anyone even has them. It’s definitely something we should worry about, especially if Nick or Tommy flipped on Carl because they had a bounty on his head. Haven’t thought too much about them, so I should probably remind myself as to what powers were available and what they actually do. I would be shocked if none of them are used in the next few votes. Oh also, if someone can double their vote or block someone’s, that is crucial when Nick is talking about a possible 4-3-1 vote Sunday.

4-The Jury bench is starting to fill up. Who do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't? How are you going to fill that gallery with people willing to write your name down to win the game?
I have no idea how bitter people will be at me for voting them out. I don’t think Carl or Dan could be too angry with me since they targeted me, but they also targeted me for a reason. It may be because they didn’t like me. Dean complimented a few people on his way out, and I know I definitely was not one of those people. Considering we lied to each other most of our entire time together, I don’t think he liked me either. Lauren hated me, too, haha. How the hell am I the biggest jury threat again? That said, it really depends on who you’re up against before you can kind of count who would vote for you. There are way too many options. Although I don’t even think I can get Missy’s vote if I’m up against Kara or Alison. I guess I am banking on people not being bitter at me and just being able to showcase the game I have played. That said, most of the people who liked me that made the merge are still in the game, and the only way they will get on the jury is if I burn them. So yeah, I have no idea how good my chances are, and I need to think these things through much more.

As always, feel free to tell us anything thats on your mind! With only 8 of you left, our lurkers are starved for content. Give them something to talk about :wink:
Despite all these plans I have mentioned as options and possibilities, I am still fully expecting everyone to not care at all about any of the relationships I have built and come together to unanimously vote me out either Sunday or Monday. I think I have done enough damage control to make that not happen, but if everyone really thinks of myself as the biggest threat, then you sometimes can’t overcome the perception of it even if it isn’t close to true. At least I am hoping I can trust some people. We’ll see.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:19:54 pm
by John

I am extremely confused and I guess I have to rethink everything with Angelina out of the game. Lot of what I said in the above confessional is still valid, but it definitely changes a ton about the strategy for this end game.

Completely understand why they were removed from a hosting perspective. That said, if this only happened after Missy was eliminated, I don't think it impacted the game, and I feel bad for Angelina. On the other hand, if they knew each other before this game started, then obviously that is kind of crazy and impacted a lot.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 4:35:48 pm
by John
Also, forget about that elaborate plan to get Angelina to idol out someone. :rofl:

Now if Tommy/Aaron/Nick/Jack are smart, they should vote out either Kara, Alison, or me in a 4-3 vote.

Going to have to do a ton of damage control now. My fear of Tommy/Aaron/Jack forcing a 3-3 tie at the final 6 is the least of my concerns.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:05:26 pm
by John
On top of all of that, I find out from Tommy that Nick (who told me he wanted a final three of me, Tommy, and Nick), has made a final 3 with Kara, Tommy, and Nick. This makes me trust Tommy a hell of a lot more (he also says he likes Alison), yet I also don't trust Nick at all. Kara also didn't spill this to me which is concerning as well, but she is far less sketchy (and probably a better player) than Nick is.

Not as dead in the water as I thought. Nor do I know anything about what will happen next.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:35:23 pm
by John
Tommy wants Nick to leave next, and Tommy, Alison, and myself now may be creating a final 3. We're going to tell Nick that Aaron is the plan. If we can bring in Aaron or Jack, we're set for now.

I think we can trust Tommy. We'll see. At the final 6, Kara and Jack aren't likely to work together either. I'd prefer to see Aaron leave then over either though, so I'm sure that will be a discussion that Tommy and Alison want to have.

There's a lot of interesting things I've seen this game where I thought people were tightly aligned then going after each other. Dan targeting Missy/Angelina. Nick targeting Carl. Tommy targeting Nick. None of it makes that much sense to me, but if it benefits me, I'm happy to work with them to make it happen.

Watch everything get thrown on its head tomorrow. Still debating if I should confront Kara about her alliance with Nick and Tommy.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:54:04 pm
by John
Also, does Angelina being removed from the game turn this into a final 2, or are we getting a day off? If final 2 instead of 3, that will obviously change some things.

Either way, I won't have a computer available on Wednesday if I'm still in the game, but I will still be able to check and vote on my phone.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 10:53:18 pm
by John
Alison made a final 4 alliance with Aaron, Tommy, and me without talking to me about it. I am not happy about that whatsoever. If Aaron is playing intelligently, he should take that information and run to Nick, Kara, and Jack and create a group where he is not 4th on the ladder.

No one needed to know that the three of us made an alliance, and no one would’ve ever expected it. Now it’s out in the open. We could’ve easily just told him that a majority was going for Nick.

Also, I do not want Aaron in the final 4. I think he is the only one left in the game that is guaranteed to beat me in the finals, and it would be a massive mistake to put him one immunity challenge away from winning this game.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:12:55 pm
by John
I asked Kara what she was thinking, and she said maybe Nick? No way she would want to suggest Nick to me unless Aaron spilled what Alison said to her yesterday.

She then refused to answer if Tommy, Nick, and her are aligned even when I told her Nick created an alliance with Tommy and me, too. Then she tells me I'm the biggest threat to win. :rofl: Probably because she no longer trusts me after that terrible final 4 deal Alison kind of forced me to make with Aaron.

I 100% expect to leave tonight solely because too much info was told to Aaron.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:13:25 pm
by John
John wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:12:55 pm I asked Kara what she was thinking, and she said maybe Nick? No way she would want to suggest Nick to me unless Aaron spilled what Alison said to her yesterday.

She then refused to answer if Tommy, Nick, and her are aligned even when I told her Nick created an alliance with Tommy and me, too. Then she tells me I'm the biggest threat to win. :rofl: Probably because she no longer trusts me after that terrible final 4 deal Alison kind of forced me to make with Aaron.

I 100% expect to leave tonight solely because too much info was told to Aaron.
said to him***

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:26:15 pm
by John
Also, really don't trust Tommy to take me to the end. Have to hope Alison and Kara actually have been honest and want to go to the finals with me. If not, I'm not sure what else I can do.

Need to talk to Jack to make sure he is not against me.

Re: Episode 14: There Goes the Last Great American Dean-asty!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:40:03 pm
by John
May have overreacted. Not even sure if Aaron spilled that info yet. He 100% should though if he hasn't already.

This game makes you insanely paranoid.