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Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die! - Stranded in Tanzania
We're in the home stretch! Only 3 more votes separate you and the final tribal council. That doesn't mean the next few days will be easy though, in fact the last few boots are often the hardest. Making the right decisions every night tonight is the difference between winning the season, and falling just short.

1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?

2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?

3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?

4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.

**BONUS** You found a hidden immunity idol! Congrats! how are you going to use this to advance your game?

The game isn't over until the votes are read. Fight for every minute you have left!

Danni Boatwright

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1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?
The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : Angelina's cheat ass

Not sad to see her go at all. Sure she was a great personality for you guys but she and I never really gelled all that well and i wanted her gone anyway. I also got an idol out of it? So yay!! Thanks Angelina for failing to follow basic rules :loveeyes:

VERDICT: bye bye bye

this is for the hosts striking a match on all of there wasted time. and her picture being truly burned from the tribe :angel:


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2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?
Aaron definitely has the most friends, and though working with him is my best option right now- I'm not really sure how much farther I could go with him- the benefit of bringing him to the end is that he's kind of been hanging by a thread and left out of a lot of votes so if the jury is going to value gameplay I could probably edge him out there.

To be honest, I probably have the most enemies? I wasn't really kind to Carl and Dan on their way out, blindsided John and Lauren so I've pretty much had a big hand in all of them being voted out. My hail mary with the jury would be walking through my game and hoping they respect the moves i made to get to FTC. They could either be really bitter or not, and I'm banking on the latter.


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3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?
I think I can come clutch in key moments, or at least I hope so. I kind of think I should throw the next immunity and just play my idol since it's the last/only time I could actually use it. The goal from here on out is definitely to win immunity though- that's the end goal for every challenge- nobody is safe really.

The biggest challenge competition would definitely be Nick. Out of everyone he's definitely the best as these comps and has had consistently good performances. Aaron's bad at comps and Alison, Jack, Tommy and I are pretty mediocre lol.


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4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.
A big part of my pitch will be my social game. I've been very bold ever since the first swap about where I stand with people- and directly to their faces. I was a pivotal part of a lot of moves yet was never a main target- or at least have never had a vote casted against me this entire season. This isn't a result of floating- I had a clear stance at almost every vote and people pretty much knew where I stood with them- I was just able to socially maneuver and build relationships over the course the game. Everyone in that jury can say I had a hand in them getting voted out, I was constantly in the loop and constantly utilizing my various sources of information to decide what move was best for me personally each week. I aligned and trusted the right people until their threat level became too high, and honestly I think my golden run has to begin now. I took out John, now I have to keep that kind of momentum going. The end game is where I'm really going to have to prove myself worthy. If I can get past the next three votes and take out three big players I think it'll do wonders for my jury pitch.


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So.. my idol. I'm definitely playing it on myself. LMAOO there's nobody here worth me saving soo yeah. It'll also go over with the jury well I think- the fact that I found it- I feel like I should flash it in their faces to add another dimension to my game through the embracing of twists and idols and such which I will have to fake because I've done my best to stay away from those lol.

I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to tell anybody about my idol- I kind of want to test and see if anybody is actually loyal to me, Aaron especially.


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The conversation with Alison has opened my eyes a lot to not only the game John was playing and the fact that Alison is rlly in a hard place right now and potentially "saving" her this round can regain some loyalty for me. I don't trust her though- she was riding johns dick way too hard all season to not want to get revenge for him


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So Nick winning immunity is actually great because I don't think he's after me and I would rather have Tommy gone. RN the votes are leaning alison but maybe I can flip them? At least Alison proved she was loyal to Tommy bc he once saved her. Maybe i can get that same kind of loyalty?


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ANYWAYS. I'm voting for Tommy tonight and playing my idol for myself. I don't think I'll be the vote but he pissed me off and I want to vote to prove a point and maybe gain Alison's favor as she's on her way to jury


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