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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 04: Davie Croaked It
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Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:26:14 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:38:34 pm
by Kara
i <3 u

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:46:51 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Whisper to Kara:
This message has been hidden

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 2:58:28 am
by Kara
1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
Well- I expected a swap, especially with the announcement of the "special event" but I didn't really plan for it. I think I set myself up pretty well on the Nyiri camp to the point where anyone I moved with would feel comfortable work with me and that was kind of just me trying to work a social game without thinking about a swap really, the last vote was really risky in terms of a swap too- but I took it anyway- so honestly, I've probably played pretty dumb/ not at all in the scope of a swap.

This swap could not have gone better though- literally, I don't see a better scenario for myself than the one I'm in. I got put on the new tribe with 4 OG Nyiri members. myself, alison, christian and john. This is great because John and I have been working together very closely, I literally was just a major factor in saving Christian from being voted out, and I had a girls alliance with Alison. I think I may be the glue of the OG Nyiri members which is amazing actually, truly lucked out with this swap.

I feel like even if there somehow ends up being a crack in Nyiri, I'm all three of these people's closest, most valuable ally right now.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:51:21 pm
by Kara
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
On the Poroto Tribe, I definetly see the 4 Nyiri sticking together- I don't really see that changing in all honesty, I think the numbers stay dominant- well that's my hope unless Karishma and/or Jack offer me something worth keeping them.

Angelina and Dan are probably in some trouble- I hope they can pull something off and have their heads in game mode- wouldn't be surprised to maybe see some throwing on that tribe to get rid of them. I feel like the core of OG Miombo is a pretty close core- they attack in packs thats for sure.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:19:56 pm
by Kara
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
OMG there was so much whispering! So fun but so scary :crine: I was honestly just glad John and Christian weren't bidding and stayed on the Poroto tribe with me. I wasn't afraid or worried to ask out loud- it's obvious for everyone that OG Tribe numbers are going to be a huge factor heading into tribal councils from here on out.

Well, I learned that maybe Jack and Karishma are a bit on the outs in terms of Miombo OG members. Which I guess puts them in a bad spot. But I think if we can avoid tribal and then maybe use them down the line in a merge or another swap situation it could actually be beneficial to them and myself by having some votes against the OG Miombo peeps, who seem pretty tight.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 8:55:07 pm
by Kara
Talking about the possibility of voting and John's gamebot is really coming out....


Much different than the John on the Nyiri camp... I see you John.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:11:53 pm
by Kara
The Immunity Challenge was a fairly easy one- though I messed up and got a bit stuck on the last stone. But maybe I'm getting okay at these challenge things, which was something I was worried would be a big downfall of mine. But I've been consistently pulling my weight in competitions and even though it's early that's a good trend to kick off I believe!