[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/functions.php on line 4287: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
So, simple questions for a simple round to get you into the weekend:
1. What happened?
2. Who did it?
3. Where does it put you?
4. How are you going to react?
5. Why are you going to win Stranded?
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:36:01 am
by Kara
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:45:41 am
by Kara
1. What happened?
I think- or what I gather from this (I haven't been able to get the full story yet) is that Missy wanted Chelsea out, and let John know she had the idol and knew everyone was voting angelina- and did the smart thing and got the votes from the poroto tribe? Fight me if I'm wrong but John will tell me in the morning lol. Looks like Missy was being honest about her flipping and wanting to work with us. Now to see how true to her word she is- but this was definitely some proof.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:45:58 am
by Kara
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:13:32 pm
by Kara
The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : My Current Position
Well, I think that this was a good time for me to enter the merge. I have the core Poroto alliance now- who I feel very comfortable with now knowing that Jack was true to his word and had actually pitched in for the tribal immunity which was awesome of them especially because I wasn't even present to whisper along with the commoners. But to be honest, I don't think I would've been a target either way. I had known that something had gone done with that Elizabeth vote on Miombo and those og Miombo members were too messy to not try and stir up something. I don't think I'm on anyones radar right now tbh. Hearing about Missy throwing Dean's name out as a leader and all that was a bit reassuring that one side would make a move against the other.
Besides the core Poroto, there is Dan, Angelina, Missy, and carl I guess? Who would like to work with the poroto tribe members. That's a strong eight Majority and I'm willing to go with it. But I'm definitely not willing to make all the moves for Missy's game. That was a smart move at tribal that I went with and it benefitted Missy a lot. Going forward I do not think that all of the moves Missy wants to make will be beneficial to me.
VERDICT: I feel okay. Don't think I'm on too many radars just going to play it socially this round and come vote time see where everyone's head is at.
Things are chill right now, a little comfortable but can flip any moment.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:14:16 pm
by Kara
Not my logo inspiring the tribe colors
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:29:22 pm
by Kara
So right now, I'm telling Lauren that I didn't like Jessica, even though that wasn't the case at all. I just kind of want to cover some ground with her because she's managed to survive so long and I was one of the votes to get Chelsea out. A lot of these people are sketchy so the better they think of me- more they relate to me, the less my name is going to coming out of their mouths.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:42:07 pm
by Aubry
Hi Kara! In terms of how much you trust them, how would you rank the members of your new tribe?
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:31:41 pm
by Kara
Aubry wrote: ↑Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:42:07 pm
Hi Kara! In terms of how much you trust them, how would you rank the members of your new tribe?
1. John
Trust him 100%, been working together pretty much the whole game- he told me about the idol he found- definitely my number one.
2. Alison
I really feel like we've grown closer on Poroto and she's probably the third wheel to John and I. I trust but now with more people in the fray I will be keeping an eye out.
3. Jack
Definitely earned a lot of my trust at last tribal and I see him sticking to his word. It was very reassuring to see him pitch in for tribal safety. I'd like to keep him close to me.
4. Dan
His whisper to me at tribal was very much interesting, but after talking with him I think he's down for the 8 person crew, and I don't see why he would go against it or me at all so he has some points in my book.
5. Angelina
I assume she got close with Dan during their time on Miombo and because of that I assume they'll be working together tightly, and we've also been talking to eachother more since the merge which is good. Additionally I was absent mindedly part of the plan to keep here in and idol out chelsea- well I voted with her at least.
6. Nick
Was working with him earlier on, see no reason for him to not be on my side. I think it's a relationship I want to hammer away at and get it strong again.
7. Missy
She told our tribe the truth at the last immunity whens he whispered to john- And saved angelina with an idol. So yes, she needs to have an eye kept on her but I do have a little bit of trust in her.
8. Carl
Something about him is sketchy. The flipping on Jessica I am not a fan of. I want to know if they even tried to save her with any sort of discussion. He was big on tribe loyalty beforehand so where did it go? Hm. i'M SUS.
9. Dean
He's really nice, a big social threat right now I think. But I do like him- what worries me is Missy's comments about him being some sort of ring leader. Who exactly is in his army? And he'd definitely trust them before me, so that's a worrying thought.
10. Lauren
She probably feels on the outs. Will do anything to save herself from that position- which could end up being to my benefit, but I still am not really going to trust her. Her conversation has gotten better though, I thought she'd remain dry.
11. Aaron
Haven't really talked any game yet to see.
12. Tommy
Haven't spoken at all. Boy where you at?
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:12:52 am
by Kara
The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : The Bounty
Hm. At first I was like.. "What's the risk" BUT then I realized that by taking a bounty you get a bounty on your head- and I just don't know if that's what is best for my game right now? I don't know, I would love an advantage and sometimes a risk is worth taking but the amount of paranoia it's going to start to circle.. I don't know if putting my name in that pool is the best move. I am very much aware that at some point I'm going to have to grasp the power to make a big move, maybe it will have to be in a different way. Plus this is nothing guaranteed, I can end up getting one of my allies and being completely screwed. It would maybe be good to know another person who has a bounty so I could watch closely as to who they target in the next couple tribals but UGHHHHH!
VERDICT: unsure- this is very tempting.
not her song/ i couldn't pick a song for this unsure feeling but have been playing this all day. Whew that voice.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:32:41 pm
by Kara
So john tells me this whole elaborate story about how he sent Jessica his idol and she was blindsided with it in her pocket and blah... I'm just confsued bc A) What was so special about Jessica you wanted to send her an idol? B) This was clearly a move for 100% personal gain- he's a much bigger gamer than he let on in early weeks of the game. C) If it was about tribe numbers then you definitely would've let others into the loop.
The verdict is that John is good, and he's smart and it's good to have him on my side right now, but if he's making moves like that for personal game and relationships, it's time I started making moves on my own. It's a real wake up call to get my head into my own game. I need to be the sole survivor, and this is not a team sport anymore. Every man for themselves. I still trust him and it's good he told me this- it's just that I'm little wary of just how good he is at this potentially...
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:14:04 pm
by Kara
It's scrambling time...
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:36:35 pm
by Kara
Alison is turning into such a liability... I don't know I feel like she's super trusting very quickly like with Dean- girl thinks she can just influence everyone's vote because she talks about pokemon- it's weird to me and if she starts spreading around information about the porot four she's going to put a target on our backs.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:43:57 pm
by Kara
So Carl thinks that or has at least been spreading around that the OG Nyiri is voting for him bc of the jessica vote... which is stupid because yes me miss jessica but it was not that harmful to the overall game to the point where I'd vote him out over it lol. And this is just framing the idea that the OG Nyiri are working together which would just do nothing but hurt my game and trust with other people. He's pissed me off, but I do think his allegiance to Dan would make gunning for him a dangerous situation. So maybe it will have to wait but his loose and erratic lips can't be running for too long.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:00:59 pm
by Kara
Missy going out right now is 100% not in my best interest. She's after people I am not working with so Dan's proposal of voting for her is going to be a no from me as of right now. Angelina agrees- so my plan here is to rope together the poroto four plus Angelina and Missy to form a solid six. From there we'll need to get one more vote on our side in order to hold a majority. I'm going to let Missy know her name has been thrown out- which it has- so that she feels like this voting block is best for her.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:13:25 pm
by Danni Boatwright
@Kara Who WOULD be the best person to go home for your game?
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:16:55 pm
by Kara
Danni Boatwright wrote: ↑Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:13:25 pm@Kara Who WOULD be the best person to go home for your game?
UGHHH THE HARD QUESTIONS. ummm I'm definitely thinking Carl would be best to go at this point. My brain has switched gears and thinking maybe blindsiding dan is worth it. Besides that I'd say Tommy or Aaron- least connected to them.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:23:25 pm
by Kara
Carl just seems very untrustworthy- He literally went around saying that the OG Nyiri were targetting him when that was never a thing?
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:26:05 pm
by Kara
I'm definitely going to be gunning for immunity tonight, I don't really feel safe because there has been too much chatter surronding tonights vote. Lots of idols and bountys and all of that crazy shit. I'm 1 for 1 in individual immunities, let's make it 2 for 2.
Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:45:55 pm
by Kara
The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.
SUBJECT : The Vote
OKAY MY HITLIST IS LEGIT EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW. The alliance says Tommy as a main, which I don't get. He has the least ties it looks so I don't see the point in voting him out right now. Dan is just... IDK where his cards lie but I don't think they lie with me at all- which is worrying. Carl is messy AF and honestly the best case scenario to go for me. But I am pretty worried or paranoid with the amount of things going around camp. The bounty's and idols add an another layer here which is a lot to have to think about.
VERDICT: Nervous? But excited, this is why we play!