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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit
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Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:56:16 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:16:11 pm
by Kara
1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?
Well, what a vote that was. Changes my perspective on quite I bit I may have to add. I'm not sure if larger groups have formed as a result of this vote. I feel like a lot of people like myself, second-guessed the Lauren vote knowing that she would play her idol and maybe jumped shipped? IDK I feel like a little unsure about how the vote actually went and where people voted but my understanding looks like this.






Now this could be wrong bc chatter has been slow for me since then but I think that's how the cards fell last night. I truly feel the swapped nyiri are a tight group rn and really at the core of shot calling. I don't like at this vote as a be all, end all for lines being drawn due to Lauren's public idol probably forcing people to not want to be the one voted out and just stacking their votes on missy.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:50:27 pm
by Kara
Not me listing Jack twice. girl idk I'm confused

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:50:40 pm
by Kara

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:51:59 pm
by Kara
2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?
Knowing where one of those idols are (with Jack) is helpful in terms of my thought process about the game. Upon exit, Missy mentioned Carl having an idol which is a real possibility here. I'm taking things such. If any thing I'm trying to focus a bit on John's Idol and how we can use this to our advantage right now- it could mean everything in all honesty.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:39:11 pm
by Kara
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?
He doesn't talk much with me at all, and I'm still wary about how I put his name on the table and nobody nabbed at it. Seems he has lots of relationships and I am not one of them.


Just don't really trust him or think he trusts me, I think my position betters with him gone.


Swapped Orange appear to close, another one of them leaving only helps my side of things from my perspective.

4. DAN

IDK- the trust isn't there. He's the least I want gone out of the four but I feel he's closer to the orange fellas tbh.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:46:21 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Kara wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:39:11 pm
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?
He doesn't talk much with me at all, and I'm still wary about how I put his name on the table and nobody nabbed at it. Seems he has lots of relationships and I am not one of them.


Just don't really trust him or think he trusts me, I think my position betters with him gone.


Swapped Orange appear to close, another one of them leaving only helps my side of things from my perspective.

4. DAN

IDK- the trust isn't there. He's the least I want gone out of the four but I feel he's closer to the orange fellas tbh.
Sexism in 2020. Hate to see it.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:49:46 pm
by Kara
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:46:21 pm
Kara wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:39:11 pm
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?
He doesn't talk much with me at all, and I'm still wary about how I put his name on the table and nobody nabbed at it. Seems he has lots of relationships and I am not one of them.


Just don't really trust him or think he trusts me, I think my position betters with him gone.


Swapped Orange appear to close, another one of them leaving only helps my side of things from my perspective.

4. DAN

IDK- the trust isn't there. He's the least I want gone out of the four but I feel he's closer to the orange fellas tbh.
Sexism in 2020. Hate to see it.
There's literally 4 girls left :sob:


Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:54:08 pm
by Jeff Probst
Don't listen to shithead.

Also, the fans want more Kara's Korner.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:57:59 pm
by Jeff Probst
(after you're done scrambling)

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:00:34 pm
by Kara
These people are so dumb, the brick walls I'm talking too!!!! Do not clearly see the tribal lines Swapped Nyiri is throwing in their faces!!! This is so frustrating- I'm really not going to sit around and hand my game over- I'm going to try to get this vote changed and if it backfires on me so be it. I'm sick of the game not being in my hands... omg control freak Kara.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:01:06 pm
by Kara
Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:57:59 pm (after you're done scrambling)
The fans shall receive if I get through the vote tonight LMAO