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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe
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Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:09:52 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
If you threw a wish in the well to make it this far then you'll do anything to get by the people in your way.
The jury is growing and so is the pressure so where do you think you're going, baby?!


1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?

2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.

3. Here's my number
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?

4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:48:49 am
by Kara
1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?
I think relationships are pretty much set in stone for me at this point. The lines within the tribe have kind of been drawn to say the least and I'm not upset with them. Last round I was so I really worked on the building relationships thing by talking with Aaron, but at this point, it's really hard to trust anything being said to me so I'd rather keep my info within the circle of people I trust (which is dwindling by the day)

I do not want to alienate myself at all, so I'm still going to try and play socially but i'm not really seeking and bridges or mended fences beyond this point unless they absolutely serve to help my game.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:49:28 pm
by Kara
2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.
That was crazy good wasn't it? John and I learned that Nick and Tommy were ready to flip and took full advantage of it. I think everybody at this point knows that I want the big fish, but john was right when he said that we'd have to give up the choice of in order to keep the flippers happy- so we did that, they wanted carl so carl got the boot. Aaron had no intention of going after the "middle" and that was revealed when he voted John with Dean, Dan, Carl, and Jack.

Carl played stupid for a while now so I'm glad he's gone. was never going to work with me so there was never any point in trying to build something with him. After the tribal I wanted to kind of play my messy game and call carl a sheep because well besides him actually being one, i want to gain some jury heat lol. If people think they don't like me maybe I could get a little further based on that.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:27:40 pm
by Kara
3. Here's my number
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?
We have. Myself, John, Tommy, Nick, Angelina and Alison

And on the other side we have. Aaron, Dean, Jack, and Dan.

Idk. I hope this stays solid because it is in y favor but you never know at this point in the game tbh. I'm expecting more flopping than not tbh. I don't think I trust Alison and Angelina really- Angelina has pretty poor judgement or side deals she's clearly trying to work because i don't see how dan is the best option to vote out right now. and Alison just talks too much, I'm still not forgetting her telling Aaron I was after him.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:36:14 pm
by Kara
4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?
I think, Dan will go out next. But I'm going to do my best to get the vote switched onto Dean or Aaron. They really seem like they got a hold on some of these people and I don't like that at all- Angelina wants to Dan with Jack as a backup and idk, I kind of feel like she's protecting them. Now I can do with her vote and tell Dan he is the target and the only way for him to be safe is to vote out Aaron or Dean (whichever I decide) but I don't trust him to do something smart. I can try the same approach with Jack but I may have burned that bridge... IDK we'll see

A dan vote isn't terrible- I just think there are bigger fish to fry right now and really want to start making the moves to carve out a jury speech. Just have the get through angelina

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:01:18 pm
by Kara
The one ultimate source where Kara reveals all.

Watching Dan play has essentially been the equivalent of losing brain cells. Who places themself in a position where their own alliance is willing to throw their name out? He's peak stupidity he's not even worth me voting him out to be honest... nuff said on that

VERDICT: i'm losing brain cells

j bc i think he's pathetic.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:03:47 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:01:18 pm j bc i think he's pathetic.
is he also mean, and a liar, and alone in life?

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:33:09 pm
by Kara
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:03:47 pm
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:01:18 pm j bc i think he's pathetic.
is he also mean, and a liar, and alone in life?
he's not mean, i tried to pick on him in tirbal and he stayed quiet. Unless he's shit talking me via confessional, then he's mean. A liar? hm, more like spineless- I wouldn't say he's lied to me. And with carl gone, yes... he is alone in life.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:34:54 pm
by Kara
I GUESS, I'll vote Dan tonight so Angelina doesn't cry over it.

Re: Episode 12: Carl Me Maybe

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:40:34 pm
by Kara
OMG this is such a waste of a vote... I actually hope something interesting happens at tribal bc this move ain't it...
