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Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit - Stranded in Tanzania
By Nate Gonzalez

So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?


Nate Gonzalez

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By Nick
The vote was a success! I think I did a good job trying to regain trust with the other side while still maintaining the trust I had with the 1011 people. Missy went home, and the only thing better would've been if I wasn't a dumbass and wasted my bounty by mentioning it was Missy in the 1011 chat (fml). Anyway, to questions:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

I think after this vote, the lines are drawn. We all know where everyone else stands, and right now it is more of a 8-4 split. And Alison did a terrible job as she totally blew up on Jack/Dan because they flipped, totally cementing them on our side. But, I do think this game is going to be ever-changing and I can see people continously flipping. I do think I'm in a good spot though, because I'm in the main chat where all the information is started. I'm one of the big guys.

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

Oh yeah definitely, people looking to split and are voting based off of who has a idol and who doesn't. It is very unpredictable 100%, and we kind of have to hope we make the right decisions as to who to vote out.

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?

NAIOVNAONCSAIOCMSAAPOMP, I don't even want to talk about the Bounty. I pretty much have two trains of thought as of now: Be Crazy or Be Simple. It's like a detour, Be Crazy will be me pushing for a 4-4-4 split and then voting with them or convincing on the others to flip to make it a 5-4-3 vote. I doubt Angelina/John/Alison/Kara have an idol so what I might do is tell them we're splitting and then telling Lauren that Aaron spread the rumors of her targeting me and to convince her she might want to flip to get back at Aaron and get him voted out. I believe adding chaos is not only fun, but keeps my name out because I can remain UTR for the time being. Be Simple though is that I just stick with the 4 and hope they bring me to the end, which honestly I think they will. So then the next four boots would be ideally then Angelina, Kara, Alison, and John in no particular order. And then after that we would target Lauren, Jack, and Dan.

However a HUGE problem with that is that Carl is going to most likely win in that scenario. I don't have that pull on Jack/Dan compared to lets say Aaron/Dean/Carl. I think the only card I have that isn't in the main alliance, because I haven't totally alienated her compared to the others. I also can't justify myself to the jury because I feel like they might view me as a #4 compared to say Carl who I think would be given the #1 role.


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