Bless! I'm happy to have won my first immunity this season especially because I did feel a bit uncomfortable going into tribal tonight because I made a lot of people upset yesterday. I'm curious to see if people are wanting to stay the course or if I should've won immunity or else I would've been gone today.
To answer my questions:
1. Hey, I just met you!
Are you still reaching out and bonding with new people or are your relationships pretty much set at this point? What are some weaker relationships you can build on?
I mean last vote I would've said that my bonds are solidified but me and Tommy's relationship went from none at all to probably one of my closest alliances in this game. And the alliance that were my original "ride or dies" became my huge enemies and so this game is always changing. There are some people in this game whose relationship I really need to work on, a few being Alison, Kara, Dan, and Jack and that is like half the cast. We'll see though if I actually do feel like working on something with them because I'm pretty content.
2. This is Crazy!
It sure is! talk us through that blindside and your role and/or reaction before during and after that tribal council.
I'm happy to say I think yesterday I had some good visuals
. Last night I think I showed everyone that I am here to play, slay, and get paid and I think I've successfully maneuvered myself into a decent position. The reactions from Aaron/Dean were a lot better then expected and I think I still have options and I'm not totally stuck on one side. They were a little TOO nice though, and so I'm curious if they have anything up their sleeve for tonight because they haven't spoken to me about the vote. Who knows, I could've been the vote. There hasn't been a boring vote yet this merge but if Dan leaves then this vote will be extremely predictable, but I think everyone has their own ideas and I would be shocked if Aaron/Dean didn't try something.
3. Here's my number.
What are your numbers right now and how do you see them shaping immediately and several votes down the line?
If everything goes according to plan tonight, the numbers should be 6-4 with Dan leaving. I mean, the hope is that we won't be totally going to final 6 with the majority because if that happens, me or Tommy are definitely next on the chopping block. I know Angelina and John both have a good relationship with me, so I think I might be okay but I still want to keep my opens open with Aaron/Dean. Whether or not they will want to accept me back or not is the question. But right now it is a little too early for me to be jumping ship again because even though I flipped I still kept my reliability.
4. Call me Maybe
Call your shot right now. Who is going out? How are you gonna make that happen?
If everything happens like it is suppose to, Dan should be leaving tonight. If not, a blindside is to happen and then thank god I won immunity because I'm exactly the person you should be blindsiding right now. I haven't gotten super strange vibes from anyone though and I think everyone is looking to stick the course, and so I feel good going into the vote. We shall see though...