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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches
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Episode 07: Liz Get Down To Business, You Trifling Ass Bitches

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:42:37 pm
by Danni Boatwright

Never a dull moment in Tanzania, it seems :fire: You've survived 6 rounds and it's only going to get harder from here

1-Breakdown your alliances in the game. Are you in any? are you in too many? Which of them are real, and which are just to keep the idiots in line?

2-Modern survivor throws a lot of swaps/twists/advantages your way. How have you adjusted your game to deal with the twists this season? Any guesses on what may be coming down the pipeline?

3-Who do you trust most in this game? Do you think they have your back 100%, or will there come a point where you need to part ways?

4-What a lame prisoners dilemma! No one had to spend 8 minutes sweating bullets worrying about if they were about to go to a triple council. BOOO!!! Were you surprised to see the idol grabbed so quickly? Did it reveal anything about the other tribal dynamics?

Almost through another week. Keep it up!