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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming
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Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:05:06 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

So, simple questions for a simple round to get you into the weekend:

1. What happened?

2. Who did it?

3. Where does it put you?

4. How are you going to react?

5. Why are you going to win Stranded?

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:50:59 am
by Dean
Nate Gonzalez wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:05:06 pm
So, simple questions for a simple round to get you into the weekend:

1. What happened?

2. Who did it?

3. Where does it put you?

4. How are you going to react?

5. Why are you going to win Stranded?




(If you look at that tribal thread, I promise you everytime I made a joke or humourous comment or a witty saying, it was just my coping mechanism for the night. If you want my true emotion, re-read that thread, and essentially every non-whisper I say there should be replaced by a loud FUCK.)

Let's start a recap shall we?

I saw the pink and I loved it, and the flamingo too, and I knew instantly the meme I'd make to commemorate this. This sort of dark-saturated pink goes super well with purple, the best of all colours, so I love this. That's about where the good times ended tonight.

Yeah no, you hosts did the merge before the immunity challenge began. What a fucking chore that was, you all pissed a massive take. But I half-prepared for this.

So, Lauren was a likely merge boot, and then boom, SHE GETS IMMUNITY! Of course I knew that was likely to happen because she won the lottery and told me it, and then she knows she is in danger. Oh man... oh man oh man oh man Lauren is gonna kill me when she starts to read my confessionals. Or feel really super hurt, which I don't blame her for, I've said lot of nasty shit about her. But that's all in good fun, I hope that people shit on me too in their confessionals. But anyway!

- oh btw I would have recorded this in audio because holy shit this night was EPIC, but people are staying over at my apartment because there's a funeral on Saturday (which I gotta go to too) and they're in town for it. Seriously, 6 people in a tiny ass 2 bedroom apartment that only has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen that barely 1 person can stand in, and just some common area as the living and dining space. But I digress.

BUT YEAH NO, AFTER LAUREN GOT IT I was like okay, I don't know, maybe Angelina is going, maybe Kara? And Carl whispered Kara's name to me first, so I was like okay I'm on board with Kara going.


I was legit stuck, I had no idea what to do. For the first time in this game I couldn't even fabricate my feelings to people. I had no words. And at this time Aaron was freaking out thinking he would be the one going home because of what Dan said about "sorry nothing personal" or whatever it was that he whispered to Aaron. Fuck Dan btw for doing that.

And then all of a sudden, I took the initiative.

I thought no, I'm not going to lose someone today. I'm forcing Angelina. I picked a target and went with it.

Both Carl and Nick were sort of iffy on it. But I told them, they better fucking do it. I hammered down on them. And I was already pissed at them because they kept whispering to their old tribemates a FUCKING LOT and I was stressed out beyond belief and I wanted answers as to why they did that. Carl kinda redeemed himself and I still think he's alright, but I'm a little suspicious of Nick again now, and Dan is downright not here with us. I think Carl and maybe Nick have to swallow the tough pill that Dan is no longer your ally, and that :pop: is your home.
Oh, I can make that pill meme with that scenario! Ideas~
So anyway, I finally say you know what? Angelina. Angelina Angelina Angelina! She was the first one I thought of, she was the odd one out still, and I wanted to avenge Elizabeth (girl I tried idk if you can see whispers and the final vote but my gosh I tried).

Chelsea's name was getting thrown out there, and I thought no you retarded fluffle nugget shit asses, we are not losing a number just to appease people! I made that fucking Angelina vote happen, because I was confident in myself and I swayed all those people to our side. I trusted Tommy was with Chelsea, both of them spoke with me, and I was sure that we could get Angelina out. I finally managed to get 7 votes for Angelina, and even though Carl said he'd work on Dan, I knew that fucker was gonna stay lazy and do nothing.

This fucking guy though, seriously, he fucking whispers his ass off to Carl and Nick and everyone else, and then he has the AUDACITY to complain about the whispering going on? I bet Dan is the type of person who would protest government regulation to force people to wear masks in the pandemic because "it goes against their freedoms", but then also praise the government for forcing people to not wear hijabs and niqabs and turbans or other face/head coverings. Fuck off Dan. If anyone is reading this, don't be a Dan.


The vote happened finally, and nobody was using an idol.

I was breathing easily. I thought Angelina would go.

I thought we had this and that "the other tribe" would lose another of its original members.

I thought that I just added "lead the merge boot vote" to my resume.

I thought everything would be well in the world.

Then that
Missy happened. FUCKING MISSY!

In that moment I saw the idol used on Angelina, I immediately felt numb, I didn't know what would happen. I thought oh my god, please don't let it be me or Aaron. Then I remembered Chelsea's name was being thrown out, and I thought thank you, I can probably make the merge now. It sucks because I wanted to save Chelsea, but there was nothing I could do.

Then the idol was expired. I thought holy shit, Missy exposed herself and we get Angelina out? This is gre-


I legit didn't believe it at first, I had a Lauren moment. I actually thought that there was no way, and I thought she photoshopped another crocodile picture on the image. I didn't understand what was going on until I looked back at what happened.

Then it hit me.

She had two idols, and she used it.

Holy tittyfucking shit.

I couldn't believe what was happening and what went down. After that point it was all so fast. I had to calm down because I felt my head spinning a lot, and I didn't want to cause myself to have a seizure. My eyes were beginning to roll a little bit. I legit thought it could happen. I felt so warm and my body was boiling up.

I was also still angry at some of the whispers going on. Like, Carl said to me that John and Alison just wanted to say hi, and I was like fuck that bullshit, there's no way they just wanted to say hi in a whisper. This is war, and this was the most heated thing EVER. The fact that Lauren of all people won the idol, then Missy coming with two idols, two great big tits of hers!? There's no room for small talk whispers in this thread, you can play catch up later in 30 minutes in your IMs.

Anyway, it finally happened... Angelina was safe, and Chelsea was voted out. Sorry Chelsea, I tried my best.

OH WAIT NO- So John out of all people fucking whispers to me... WHAT!? I was not expecting it, and John wanted to talk about the Challenge Beach Missy whisper with me and how suspicious it was. He said that Missy said that I was the head honcho over here.

First of all, I'm not a head honcho, I'm the HBIC, I am that head bitch in charge. So, you can whiteout that mistake and then type it back in.

Second of all, I was flattered at that statement which I told him so, and I said that we should resume this topic once we have IMs back. The fact that Missy said that to him though was concerning. I later learnt that she had a falling out with Elizabeth, and I'm like well that's not fucking okay is it? Missy was worried about how close me and Elizabeth got and I think she wants to cut me out for good to end the remnants of Elizabeth.

Man... if I could be in charge of Missy's eviction, it would give me a kind of pleasure that not even the best erotic writers out there can describe. Oh and Dan's eviction too, but that's because he's an asshole. Missy however is just dangerous for my game and a lot of people's.

And then shortly after, the IM's came on, and shit was as busy as Day 1. Now you are all caught up. Phew. So, this is basically my candid reaction in written form to how the Tribal Council went down. That, I suppose, can also summarize Questions One and Two for you.


For Question Three: Where does it put me? It puts me in an odd position. It seems like an almost evenly split tribe. We still could have the numbers if we replace Jack with Chelsea. Tommy I think is clinging to us since he has nobody else now, so he's a for-sure number. Right now I have me and Aaron, then Nick and Carl, then Tommy, then Lauren by default, then that coveted 7th spot that I really want to make sure is Jack. I think that he could be worked over with some flexing. Carl still swears by Dan but me and Aaron both have made it known that we are highly sketched out by that nasty bitch. So who knows what could come in the future. Tommy absolutely HATES Dan, like, a severe hatred. I can't imagine having him on a tribe, I feel for Tommy.

Ideal tribal council is that they vote for Lauren, Lauren uses the idol, and then we can kill off one of the orange tribe bitches. I personally think Angelina is now a shit choice to target, I think we would have truly wasted a shot at someone bigger if we aim for Angelina. Not to mention Missy is going to Lauren the fuck up tenfold and be sketched out by everyone and just end up making more lies that will harm our games. As much as I'd love to blindside Missy, that'd be horrible for our games. She's on the bottom end of that other alliance and isn't an OG other tribe member. I truly think we have to go for John, Alison, or Kara. I mean, I think Carl said a while back that Angelina was as dangerous too, but I don't know... she seems like she could be among the bottom of that tribe and doesn't do much.

I got spooked by Carl for whispering a lot to them in the challenge and at tribal, and a couple other things. However when Carl first suggested Angelina as the one we vote out when we use Carl's idol freaks me the fuck out, because what if he's covering his tribe by wanting us to not target one of the bigger players? But then again... Carl has done so much work with :pop: and he really does feel like one of us. Plus he put a lot of time and energy into that PM he wrote. I don't know. It seems too good to be true. If this ends up being a lie and Carl isn't actually with us, then Carl is the best player on this entire cast. If he is with us then, well, then that's fucking good duh.

We still also have Lauren's idol too, so if the time comes, we can try and use Lauren's idol to also get someone from that tribe out using her idol as a save. I just hope she doesn't waste it.


For Question Four: How am I going to react? REACT TO WHAT? I just jizzed my emotions all over the page and you want me to react still? The fuck do you mean by this!? Do you want my reactions to my new tribemates? I'll post that as another reply.


For Question Five: Why am I going to win Stranded? Why that's easy, because I'm going to last, and I will do anything it takes to get to the end. People who signed on to this game should know that it is for pure game and strategy, and if getting further into the game requires hurting someone's feelings or betrayal, then so be it. However, while the numbers are still a little bit iffy, I am going to play nice at least until the next tribal council. Once I know I have the numbers, then I can take out the competition who I deem a threat where I can't win against them in the Final Two.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:42:23 am
by Dean
Let's talk about my tribesmates. Now like always, this is only a candid reaction after a few hours talking to them:

Alison: Y'ALL IM CACKLING AT ME AND ALISON'S CONVERSATION. LIKE GIRL I READ BARA AND YAOI, I AIN'T GONNA DO ANYTHING SEXUAL OR ROMANTIC WITH YOU IN KENTUCKY BUT I APPRECIATE YOUR ENTHUSIASM ABOUT ALL OF THIS. Seriously though, Alison seems like we could be friends together. Sucks cuz she has my kind of humour and we could get along well, but she's on the other side. This is like a Romeo and Juliet thing, if Romeo loved Tybalt instead of Juliet. This girl is gonna get crushed when she learns I only crush man ass.

Kara: This girl wrote that weird "sksksksksks" laugh which is beyond fucking stupid to write, she's clearly a zoomer. And she said "ya girl" to me once. She better have said that ironically or else this is mega cringe. I think I wrote in my Day 1 confessionals I hate people who say "your boy/your girl" shit that's just fucking slavery and stupid. Literally it is one of my biggest gripes of modern Big Brother (and sadly I assume Survivor too) where people who have that shit lingo are cast. I never hear anyone say that in real life so it has to be an act. But... I guess its not an act if these scoundrels and yanks here on Stranded say it too.

John: He's really the only one of the above three that spoke game with me tonight. He actually seems friendly which shocked me. But still, he's in charge or is one of the main leaders on the other tribe side, and therefore I can't trust him. I wonder what he's really like once you get to know him. He's someone I'm looking to target if we ever get a chance. I'm just worried that time will pass, and it'll be like Final 6 and Alison, Kara and John will all remain still. That's a nightmare scenario. We gotta take out the big guns. If those 3 + Angelina still remain by the time Final 8 comes around, we're fucked I think. No way we can really win.

Angelina: I can't believe I missed this girl's whisper omfg. Anyway, I didn't get much chat in with her so I don't know. However she's likely having Missy as a #1 so I can't trust her a lot. She could still be a potential target, but who knows.

Dan: This fuckmothering bitch bastard. He left immediately and is the only one who didn't talk to me. Dan is the last person I have to talk with. Remember how I like first impressions? He is SOUR! SOUR!!! AND I LIKE SOUR CANDY AND SHIT BUT DAN IS JUST SOUR AND FILTH AND SHIT AND PISS WITH HINTS OF BITTER AND SALT. He has one. One. More chance with me tomorrow and the weekend. But if he fucks it up, then he will get a wildcard label from me and I can't trust him anymore at all and will always consider him not to be a number to us.

Missy: She's a fucking piece of work. She's playing the game well so I can commend her for playing a messy strategic game, but as a fellow player in the same season, you hate to see it. I'm cordial and diplomatic but otherwise she's getting nothing from me. Once I feel safe with our numbers, I want to take a swing at Missy. LMFAO AND THANK YOU PIC EDITORS, MISSY LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING DUDE IN THAT PIC. Like you know that Viner, Hardstop Lucas? Take off his glasses, and her facial structure looks like that. I'm pissing myself laughing. Thank you for doing her dirty.

Tommy: He desperately seemed like he was in trouble with Chelsea, so after TC ended, I knew Tommy would be loyal to us most likely. I'm not 100% on him still, but still it's like 95% sure I'm with him. I just don't want him to flip to a majority that I didn't authorize in order to keep himself safe and in line. I'm excited to have him as a number though going forward, this is gonna rock. RIP again to the 49th Parallel, best named alliance. Us two and Aaron will get far in memory of you Elizabeth!

Jack: The one to work on. I don't know how brainwashed he is, but it seems a bit severe, worse than I hoped. He is a super sensitive guy, and even though he was my #1 at one point, I can't give him all of my information until I know he is not in cahoots with the other tribe. He said that everyone on Poroto was nothing but kind and friendly to him, and that they voluntarily voted off Christian, and other than that nothing game-wise happened. I don't buy that, there's a missing piece of a puzzle here and I'm going to snuff it out. It is up to me however, since I'm the closest to Jack out of anyone from Miombo. If I can get something out of him, it's me. I have a lot of work ahead of me this weekend. He claims he didn't tell anyone from Poroto about just how close we are, but I got conflicting reports otherwise too (I think, I don't even know, it is now 5:40 AM, and my brain is rotten dead to the core. I bet my eyes are bloodshot).

Then the rest of Orange Tribe 2.0: Aaron, Carl, Nick, Lauren. They are almost all the same, but here we go for a little bit of flavour text. Aaron is legitimately the only person I trust 100% fully on this entire cast. Literally, if he is voted off before I feel safe to do so, I don't know what I'll do with myself. I opened up a little to him too in the IMs about personal stuff. I almost told him my story about what's been going on in my life since that fateful day in Oct 2018. Maybe I can confide in him about it later on if I want to get personal again. Carl I'm more wishy-washy about, I want to trust him, but his plans are incredibly high risk. And there are just a few things that I'm still spooked by. I've already said what that is above. Nick spooked me for similar reasons too and he hasn't shown me any redemption for it unlike Carl, so he's a tad lower on my trust radar than from when I woke up. Lauren is just as nuts, but now she has an idol, so this is pure chaos. She's 2020 incarnate.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:54:59 am
by Dean

I didn't add a face on the monkey because 1) I don't know who I'd put there. 2) I'm too fucking tired and it's late. 3) Effort and laziness. 4) I really only trust me and Aaron together anyway.


Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:22:36 am
by Naonka
Put my face on there.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:22:12 pm
by Naonka
You crush man ass? Hit me up on Grindr, babe.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:44:01 pm
by Dean
Speaking of crushing man ass :kiss:

I want to crush John right now, at the junkyard. He's ALREADY trying to turn Lauren against us. It's fucking 3 PM, this is too fast. John, you messed up by doing this in the hours when I'm still waking up. Don't fuck with me when I'm not fully awake yet or I'll just get enraged.

I want him out NOW. Carl is swearing by Dan but I don't trust that fucker at all. He's going to be a mole and a rat just feeding info to the other side. The only way this would be beneficial, is if Dan says to the other side "they want to target Alison" and then they use the idol on Alison, but then we actually flip and decide to target John instead, and he goes home. FUCK that'd get me so wet.

I mean I'm cool with Alison being a target as well, since I've been told she's one of the top dogs, but I really think John is the biggest threat of them all.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:49:41 pm
by Dean
Me to Lauren: How do you feel about Alison so far?

Lauren: Like her

Me to myself: Shit I need her to want Alison to go

Me to Lauren: She has been sexting me for like 12 hours now lmao

Lauren: huh?
Lauren: now I hate her


Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:54:24 pm
by Dean
Me to Lauren: Yeah she's been super heavy flirting, even a lot for me lol

Lauren: What's her problem?

I legit did not ever predict that "jealousy" would be on my Stranded Bingo card and I'm shocked. I'm so going to ride this wave until Alison's eviction

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:47:19 pm
by Dean
I'm just saying, I'd love to one day own some dart frogs, they're amazing animals. Well, except the part where you have to feed them fruitflies. Alison's lucky she didn't dislike frogs, or else I'd have to cancel our showmance.

What would our ship name be. Dealison? That's long and doesn't flow off the tongue. I'll just name ourselves those kinky fuckers. Kink 1 and Kink 2.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:09:56 pm
by Dean
Prayer circle for Jeff to fix whatever issue is going on


Technology sucks

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:10:55 pm
by Dean
I'm using this power for greater good

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:48:26 pm
by Dean
Seriously, nobody talks to me the whole day about game, then BAM John Jack Alison Aaron Carl all at once are having me out on a verbal orgy, and I just got my damm dinner! Can I eat in peace without needing my fingers for the keyboard!?

I actually have the worst luck :crine:

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:55:06 pm
by Dean
I may have pushed Jack too hard, but he really needs to get his head in the game.

This situation of trying to flip Jack is also pissing me off because Jack is reminding me of modern BB players who only care about being nice to everyone and don't like people who play the game. If this is the kind of player that Jack truly is, then I don't think I can hear from him again until the game is over.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:26:10 am
by Dean
If Aaron was gay he's the one writing "masc for masc" in his hookup profiles.

Like geez, the amount of times he calls me "brotha" is making me feel more bro-y than I ever felt in my life. But you know, I dig this bromance a lot actually.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:00:45 am
by Dean
Tonight was something else. Assuming Jack is telling the truth, I did a lot of work with him. He thinks we're now going to ride the middle, and we're good with Aaron and Tommy too. He can also give me some info about the Poroto trio hopefully that will be useful for me later down the road.

Trying to get Jack on our side tonight was like having those shits where it opens the hole just right after a while and you shed a tear because of it as it passes thru. But I think we finally have him. Sadly he likely won't be a number for us in the first TC, but that's okay. We still have the numbers, assuming Dan isn't fucking us over.

Me, Aaron, Tommy, Carl, Nick, Lauren, and Dan. That's 7 for the vote. Dan told Carl that he thinks he can bring Kara or Angelina or Missy in as votes, and I think Fuckboy Dan is a bit overconfident. In fact, this brings credence to Aaron's theory, which is that Dan cut a deal with Missy and Angelina on New Miombo to bring in Carl and Nick and work as a team of 5. Aaron believes this, but then he also believes that Carl is fully on board with :pop: more than this other alliance. I don't know if I share the same level of confidence that Aaron does in Carl, but nonetheless I believe in Carl. He's done so much work for us.

Random thought: If you look back at my IMs and look at all the time slots that everyone has, Aaron was the very first person ever to talk game and strategy with me, and it was about forming that alliance with Tommy. So technically Aaron was my first ally ever, and now we're in this together this far. He truly is my closest ally. To put it in another way, he's my bro.

Alison and John both gave conflicting information today, and finally I'm seeing some cracks here and there. Even though they're only little things like the Christian vote (Alison wanted to keep the fun Christian and that Poroto wanted him gone for a while; John claims Christian was boring and only voted him out due to that language barrier mishap). I need to keep having a chat with them to find more contradictions. Plus I can also compare notes with Jack's info that he gives. Right now that side hasn't given names on who they wanna target, I'm sure tomorrow they might say something if I inquire.

Missy is a hoe as per usual. I'm glad that Aaron called it out and told Carl what she told him, because if it gets back to Dan, then maybe both of them will trust her less and less, which we need. She has basically spoken no game with me, so that's something to keep note of.

Lauren is going to be our doom one of these days I swear to god. I'm glad I reeled Jack in after what she did with him. I think she went in too guns blazing with him. Plus I don't think Lauren realizes that Jack isn't a fan of hers.

I did this bounty thing because I think it could help establish targets more easily to get the ball rolling on the merged tribe. The first two rewards are also incredible and game changing to me, an extra vote or a nullifier could be the single key needed for a TC. And whoever gets me as a bounty hopefully is loud about me as a target, because I could get Carl to play his idol to save me. I didn't discuss tonight if anyone took the bounty on my side, but tomorrow I will. Hopefully my bounty will be someone I'm already planning to target, like the Poroto trio or Missy.

I will say right now that if my bounty is either Jack, Tommy, or one of :pop: then I don't know if I can go after them. Maaaaaaybe Jack. But the other ones are too loyal to me, and numbers are scattered enough as they are.

Man, I'd love to find a hidden idol. Not even for my game, but just to say I found one. But okay also for the game too duh.

So to finish tonight's chapter, I think I'm realizing that I'm beginning to play a much more aggressive game than I used to. I remembered how hard I went for Angelina in tribal council at merge, and I look at what I said to Jack. I can't claim "head honcho" as John put it, since we are currently at the mercy of Dan. Which is a shit position to be in, but it is what must be done. However... once we have the numbers without having to rely on Dan, I think that's when a power rush will get to my head and I'll take everything that I see with an iron fist. I can see the future laid out, I just now have to make sure that's the future that comes to pass.

So long and nighty night~

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:08:38 am
by Dean
Oh btw graphic image designer people and programmers, I noticed that on Christian's picture it shows 2 orange lines to the right of his name, instead of 1 orange and 1 blue to show that he was from Nyiri who went to Poroto. Just wanna letcha know.


Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:20:02 pm
by Dean

YESSS CARL IS SUSPICIOUS OF THE BITCH BASTARD! Hope Dan votes with Carl to get in his good graces, but I still think he could be a mole for the other side. The immediate time when I can get Dan out once we have safe numbers, I'm doing it.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:31:58 pm
by Dean
I really wish people played and were online yesterday, when I was super active. From what I understand, so much went down in the past several hours that I missed, and I hope that missing it wasn't detrimental for my game in any way.

Missy now being a main target. I'm not fully opposed nor fully for it. I just can't think straight at the moment if that's what I actually want. All I want is for someone to go home next Tribal Council who isn't a number for me. I guess Missy wouldn't be a number for me so maybe it is okay for her to go.

But then also this news of Carl with all those Nyiri people potentially working together... that's too much to take in when I'm only on mobile and not able to focus 100% on this.

I believe him when he says he is loyal to WOB, but at the same time... all of Nyiri is a big alliance too, and getting Missy out means one more Miombo person gone. And why wouldn't you want to be where the big numbers are? Carl would have motivation to flip on me for real. And Nick goes where Carl goes.

I'm just really tired right now. I'm mentally exhausted from everything.

Re: Episode 09: I Did Not Chel-sea That Coming

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:49:31 pm
by Dean
Alison: do you watch tik tok?

Me to myself: oh god, she plays fortnite AND uses tik tok!? Girl I'm spending the $100 I win on therapy for you

Me: That's too young for me old self haha

Alison: haha i thought that too until i downloaded it hahaha

Alison: dont do it its addicting
Oh no need to worry, I'm not downloading CCP spyware. Considering that wanting to ban Tik Tok in the US was the one and only thing I ever thought Trump did good at, basically shows my view on it.

Besides, Tik Tok can never replace Vine. So know that.