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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit
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Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:33 pm
by Nate Gonzalez

So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:58:20 am
by Dean
Nate Gonzalez wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:33 pm

So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:

1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?

2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?

3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?

First of all, OH MY GOD I WON THIS CHALLENGE BECAUSE MEMES GAVE ME EXPERIENCE. As soon as Jeff said "use imgur instead" I was like holy shit, I've already won. Prepare the rage comics and advice animals, I got this shit locked down. If anyone cares, I went from start to the checkpoints. Luckily there wasn't a lot of dead ends I encountered. I would say going from 2 to 3 was the hardest part since I went to a long dead end on that one. Also though, what was up with John? Saying he googled the maze image results in our tribe chat? I suppose the rules didn't say you couldn't do that, but still. That's a bit fishy. Eh whatever, I take solace in the fact that I was the winner who did it by hand all by myself.

Second of all, goodbye Missy. You were the main target because you had high unpredictability, were the most chaotic person on the cast next to Lauren, you told many lies and fabricated things (even last minute; there was a thing with Lauren and Nick that John told me about?), but number one, you flipped on Elizabeth. Nobody fucks with Elizabeth.

You know Missy, now that you're out there, and I'm here, I can say that I respect you. You had a dynamic messy game, you did make the game fun and exciting for the audience (and my inner fan), you were amazing at challenges with fast times everywhere, you found BOTH Miombo idols, and you sometimes had decent social skills. For example, you guessed right that Carl has the Nyiri 2.0 idol. Plus, you were correct in assessing that Elizabeth and I were close. In fact, we were ride or dies. So it was a good choice for you to take her out pre-merge, but you fucked up still because she was with me as an ally, and I would do what I could to avenge her. So, to conclude, I think you're likely one of the more memorable people on this cast so far, but you're way too damm dangerous and unstable to keep around. That's why I organized everyone and gathered the troops to vote you out tonight. And hey, you managed to help get rid of Lauren's idol, so that's something positive too. I wish you could've wrote a "Fuck you" to me too like Jessica did though.

Fucking Nick though. He had Missy as his bounty, and then HE SPILLS THE TEA. LIKE EXCUSE ME, MR. NO BRAIN NO DICK STUPID NICK, YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE YOUR DAMM BOUNTY. DO PEOPLE NOT READ THE FINE PRINT!? Don't answer that rhetorical question. Still, maybe it is better he doesn't have that, since Nick is MY bounty. I'll talk about that more in the last question.

I feel absolutely terrible for Jack though. Is he okay? I'm going to comfort him tomorrow as soon as I see him. Just to ask him if he's fine, and give him the necessary space he needs if he still needs it. Alison was absolutely fuming, and he didn't even get much support from Aaron who basically thought that he needed to man up. I however understand Jack, and I want to make sure mentally he's all there. He's playing the game finally, no need to rage at him any further. Alison really soured my opinion of her with that. Clearly you weren't even friends with him, or you'd know how sensitive he is. Maybe he isn't the best built for this type of game, but he's here and that's what matters. What is freaking out at him going to solve? Maybe if you actually took the time to sit down and chat on why he voted the way he did, maybe you could bring him back to your side. But now bitch, he's never going to go back to your corner, even if you invite him back and apologize. When you confront someone like him in that angry manner it just makes you look mean. Try to stand up to someone like me instead, who will dish tenfold whatever you try to throw my way. If she tries to go after Jack again tomorrow, I'm going to take care of Alison personally. Jack really is an emotional player, and if he sees me stand up for him against Alison, then he'll stick with me the closest. It is better for my game to protect Jack, but it's also just to help the lad out and so his experience isn't ruined. He told me "I'm not having fun. I don't know if I can do this." and that's sad. This is meant to be fun. I'm gonna make it fun for him if it's the last thing I do. Plus... I really don't want him to do something rash like quit this late in the game. Oof.

I kind of feel like myself and Alison resembles Dr. Will/Boogie and Janelle/Erika on BB7, because I'm flirting but I don't mean any of it at all, and is purely strategy to just use her. Well, not to mention I'm not interested at all in her like that. Girl I don't do long-distance relationships either. She's a fun flirt I'll give her that and I like her spirit but I'm gonna remain single over here with my $100 instead.

Based on tonight's reactions from the other side, I wonder if Aaron and I are becoming the villains this season. People usually root for underdogs to win. At some moments, before Jessica and Missy's votes, I certainly felt like underdogs. But looking right now, I don't think we're underdogs at all. We're definitely running shit around here. And hey, if it gets me to the end then sign me the fuck up. Now let's really answer your questions:

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:33 pm
1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?
I feel like I'm an Emperor, about to lead his empire into an era of prosperity and wealth. I feel like I'm Louis XIV of France. Le Roi Soleil. "I am the state." I know that even after my long reign is over and I am crowned winner of this, my legacy shall endure.

To translate: I'm on cloud nine right now. Aaron and I run things around here.

Essentially, there are 2 main groups following Missy's eviction:

1: Me, Aaron, Carl, Nick, Tommy, Jack, Lauren, Dan.
2: Alison, Kara, Angelina, John.

The first group could be divided into smaller groups. For example, Jack is closer to me than he is to Carl or Nick, and Dan is closer to Carl or Nick than I. Nick is attached to Carl more than me or Aaron but is also loyal overall as a group to :pop: (or WOB, for those of you who missed the confessional a lot of days ago explaining why I use that emoji as an abbreviation for Win or Booze). Me, Aaron, and Tommy are the remnants of the 49th Parallel, and I think I'm Jack's only real friend here, and all of us have expressed interest in the 4 of us forming something, so that's yet another group. This currently not-named group of four is likely the one I want to move forward with, if we can form officially. We still need Carl right now however, while Dan and the 2nd main group still are in play, since Carl gives quite a bit of info on them that we can't get. So :pop: for the next little while will continue to be the main alliance, but the unnamed are my long-term alliance.

A line has formed in the sand I think, absolutely. However, it isn't a solid line. It is very fluid, with the line overlapping sometimes, or being even more bold and highlighted between two people rather than two groups.

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:33 pm
2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?
It honestly hasn't come up too often for me personally. Maybe it's because I haven't seen a lot of Survivor seasons that feature hidden idols, so I'm just blissfully ignorant of the damage they can really do, but I don't see too much danger with them. Carl and Aaron are way more careful when dealing with the potential for people with that. Because here's the thing too. We know there is an Ikorongo Hidden Idol now, but I imagine it will be super tough to get. Carl, our ally, has the only other idol available. There is also a Poroto idol as well, and at the moment that's the most concerning one. By this point, Jack would tell me if someone got it or not, so I don't think he has it. I'll ask him tomorrow. That means John, Alison, or Kara have it. Because of how well John does in competitions, I wonder if he is just a Genderbent!Missy and also found two idols this season like she did. I have random intuition that tells me John has the Poroto idol. Hmm, I wonder if we can make John play it tomorrow and have him waste his idol. That'd be beyond brilliant, since that's right now, the other side's only saving grace.

Bounties might switch things up for some people, I'm not too certain. I hope at least one person (from our side) wins the bounty. I hope that Alison took a bounty, and that Aaron or Carl or Tommy has an Alison Wanted note from the Dark Brotherhood. We could really use an extra vote or a nullifier here and there.

Nate Gonzalez wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:33 pm
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?

Unless you guys do another double Tribal Council or something, every day the rest of this week and the next week will all have TC's. So the weeks will go by fast as people are cut off. Just an observation on my end. There's gonna be a lot of dead bodies piling up. Anyway.

My hit list? So far Missy is gone, and she was in my Top 5 most wanted, so that's a plus for me. Who else is on my hit list for this week? Well, let me walk you through it. This is in no particular order I should let you know:

Alison: She's a top-tier threat and is the neck of the snake, if John is the head. Those two are a dangerous combination together. Additionally, she is very intelligent and knows how to wear certain masks for different moods and people. Very flirty but can turn on game mode immediately. If we knew each other on a swap tribe, I'm almost positive we would be working together. And I know we could be close after this game ends. But she's in an unfortunate position, where I just can't trust her, as I already have an alliance going. Also, I need to try and avenge Jack. A lot of people want to see her go next, so she's likely the next one to see Missy.

John: Called the head of the snake a lot by Aaron, he really is. He's incredibly well-spoken and is quite intelligent. I know I'll enjoy talking with him once the game is done. But, he is in many ways very similar to Alison. Dangerous, and he needs to go. I also fear that he is the one who has the Poroto idol, so I need to make sure he goes quickly. Especially because who knows, he could find the Ikorongo idol too. John is very adept socially and can catch people easily in lies or stretched truths. Very analytical. Like I wrote in a confessional many moons ago, I'm positive he's the Nyiri version of me. Well, most sides of me. Not the crazy Nikki Grahame DR part of me. Also, Lauren would be super happy to get rid of John because he isn't one of the only 4 remaining girls. I so hope that girl doesn't do anything stupid before Alison's TC, like try to make an all-girl's alliance and spilling a shit ton of info to them or some dumb shit.

Angelina: I listed Angelina and not Kara because I simply trust and like Angelina less than Kara. After Dan, she's probably the one that has spoken the least with me, and most of it is incredibly fake ass shit. More fake than Jeff's botox'd ass, which I'm sure is also bleached. I never really thought about Angelina much, but other people like Aaron and Carl seem to be interested in gunning after her, so I'll allow their moment in the spotlight and be a number to them. Also to compare her to Kara, I'm told that the Dan/Carl/Nick conglomerate have a pretty decent relationship with Kara, which maybe we could use. Then again I wouldn't want Kara to make a 4some with Dan/Carl/Nick either...

Yes I know there is two here. Let me explain. First of all, I can't think of just 4 people only. But secondly, it really is a draw between these two, who are intertwined, as Dan kind of needs to go before Nick does. Nick doesn't really care much about Dan (maybe vice versa too), and the only thing that ties them together is Carl.

Personally, I can't stand Dan at all. I'm willing to give everyone a shot post-game for friendship, and I really do mean that, but holy fuck. Dan is probably the only person on the whole cast who I just dislike as a person. Non-game at all, I just don't like him at all. At least Lauren brings laughter in the wrong ways and she's such a character, even if I berate her. Dan is just fucking miserable all the time and anti-social. Not to mention that even though he voted with us today, I know that he will only stick around for the Alison vote, and then likely fuck off. So Dan is listed here because (if we take out Poroto and Angelina out of the game for a second) Dan is the #1 person I want to see go. I already said he was anti-social, and that also means that he is the only one where I don't really know where his head is at or where his allegiance lies. I'm not Elsa, no part of me longs to go into the unknown. Dan is very much unknown here, and both me and Aaron recognize this. Lauren also hates Dan, and I'm pretty sure Tommy and Jack would be on board as well. That's 5 votes immediately. So for me, once 5 becomes the majority vote, or if we can for sure get a 6th vote, then I want Dan out of here ASAP.

Then there's Nick... my bounty... ugh, I really wish this lasted until the end of the week and not only 3 tribals. I don't know if there's any scenario where I can get Nick out. I suppose I could try to do what I did this tribal, and try and get the other side to vote out Nick. I know there has been a couple of eyebrow raising at Nick here and there, so hopefully I can plant some seeds a little with the other side. At the end of the day though, I need Nick as a number, and even though him going home could make me get an extra vote later down the line, I need his vote for consecutive tribals much more I think. Having said that, if it's Day 3, the last day that the bounty is valid, and I hear Nick's name being thrown... I won't do much to stop it.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:02:53 am
by Dean

He took no idol, he took no coins, he still voted with us.

Maybe the real bribes are the friends we made along the way.

Nighty night lurkers!

P.S. to you hosts; can people in the Jury see our confessionals and other topics and replies and stuff? Or do they only come in for Tribal Council like in the show?

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:12:42 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Jury can't see confessionals.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:32:25 pm
by Dean
Okay no, I can't stand people who type like Alison is right now. Even if its intentional for game, holy fuck just get to the point. I don't do passive aggressive bullshit, so if you have something to say then say it. If you tell me "I learnt something new" to me, and it takes you 20 mins to get to the point of what it is, then it isn't anything important like you're desperately hinting at. If you're trying to be "playful" like you said Alison, well game-talk shouldn't be playful.

IRL anytime someone says something that is clearly towards me like "ugh I'm so sad today" and I ask what's wrong and they say "no nothing" I say okay then, and go about my day ignoring them. I don't deal with that, nobody should.

Anyway, Alison and Tommy made some alliance or something with me in it while I was still probably sleeping. Devil's threesome? Not even if I was handcuffed to the bed. Tommy what the fuck are you doing. You're not a leader, you're an underling. Know your place, and don't do things me or Aaron didn't authorize. You went ahead with this on your own? That's bullshit, because now when we vote out Alison, she'll hate me even more because of this alliance (WHICH I NEVER EVEN AGREED TO) and if she's an emotional player, that's something that could cost me her jury vote. Tommy doesn't have much pull or sway anyway, so I guess this isn't too bad, but Alison trusts me now a lot, and she could be serious about working forward... should I do it? I have a feeling that Alison wouldn't be down for getting out John or Angelina right now. And at the end of the day, those two or Alison needs to go home tonight. Sorry, I'm saying the safe word and leaving this threesome. Tommy needs to be loyal to just me and Aaron, with Jack.

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:36:33 pm
by Dean
Oh and to be technical I choose to share my coins with Aaron for the "Golden Balls" thing the nerd was talking about

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:16:16 pm
by Dean
Untouchable HAS to be a Survivor fan term or something, cuz everybody be bringing up that word meaning "someone you'd never vote out"

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:40:27 pm
by Dean
I think someone has a bounty on Alison or Angelina, or even Kara, because they're really wanting this split vote to happen, which I don't want to happen anymore.

Again maybe it's because I'm blissfully ignorant to hidden idols, but who fucking cares, we need to get Alison out right now!!! She's dangerous as hell.

Also, here's my daily "Fuck Dan".

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:54:35 pm
by Loveita Adams
Dean wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:16:16 pm Untouchable HAS to be a Survivor fan term or something, cuz everybody be bringing up that word meaning "someone you'd never vote out"
I thought this was BB22's fault?

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:00:06 pm
by Dean
Loveita Adams wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:54:35 pm
Dean wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:16:16 pm Untouchable HAS to be a Survivor fan term or something, cuz everybody be bringing up that word meaning "someone you'd never vote out"
I thought this was BB22's fault?
I wouldn't even be surprised. I stopped watching since Stranded started so I wouldn't be too certain but icon_dunno

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:34:36 pm
by Dean
If only Carl knew I had Nick as the bounty :crine: The heck are you asking me about my bounty for!?

When Carl said that he knows I have a bounty, that means that I'm his bounty, or someone else told him. I think it's the former and that he has me. I'm glad to know that he has me and not someone like John.

Talking about this makes me wonder though, who Missy had as a bounty, and how many people participated in the bounty? I'd assume... several at least.

I hope we can see bounties again, it's a great concept and is a great tool to get people to turn against each other and shake the game up. Too bad I just happened to get a member of :pop: since those are my ~untouchables~

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:50:46 pm
by Dean

Some of the people that others are asking are lowkey suspicious

Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:58:48 pm
by Dean
Well this isn't good.

It was what, 8 Alison? So Angelina, Kara, John, and Alison are the minority now I presume.

This was a hiccup, but unless they get this Ikorongo idol, we control it all now. This is a minor bump in the road that I'll get over. Just gotta make sure Jack is safe and mine. Tommy too. Maybe I can actually talk with Dan now too.

Tonight REALLY drew a line in the sand that I'm glad for. Now we don't have to lie anymore. I'm ready if Alison wants to freak out at me.

I say the 4 of them are alone because it was what, 1 Dan 3 Lauren? So that's the 4 of them. Obvious. We can target them now.