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Episode 11 - Lauren Order: Idol Victims Unit - Stranded in Tanzania
Wow, what a night!

We’re skipping the challenge though because we’d all like to delete that from our memories.

1. That live tribal, wow. What happened? Who voted for who? Were there any surprises?
2. Carl and John both played idols. Did you know they had them, and if so, did you think they would play them?
3. Is Lauren leaving good or bad for your game? Why?
4. Jeff offered the next idol clue for 20 Stranded Coin. Will you be purchasing it? What’s your plan with your Stranded Coin?

Joaquin Souberbielle

By Jack
First, despite Jeff understandably being annoyed by our tribe's general failure and you not wanting to hear about the immunity challenge I still personally celebrate that my strategy was legit and my spreadsheet logic was top notch. I'm a winner, baby! To be fair, I definitely got lucky but I could tell early on who didn't understand the game by how they guessed. Once someone guessed an incorrect number for you, you could keep asking about that number for other tribe members to give less of your information away. But bless those who didn't do that. They gave me a gift and I am thankful!

1. So I might have been really stupid at tribal or only partially stupid. Either way being called an idiot by another player who let me win an immunity idol because she can't count felt poetic. The last two votes my former Potoro members have been really mad at me and said some pretty unkind things to me post votes but I would counter that their inability to have an organized plan going in to tribal makes it really hard for me to feel confident voting with them. So, I haven't. I really like John and I hope I can continue working with him but I doubt Kara and Alison will want to tell me anything moving forward. I ultimately had to do what is best for my game. I saved Alison last night in an attempt to build trust with John but I'm not sure if she fully gets that. Kara, our tribes great mathematician, definitely did not. If they were up for it, us working together would be good cover because Kara and Alison did come at me in front of the whole tribal but I don't trust them to play that angle with me well.

Now let me try to justify or see non-existent positives from my probably really dumb move of confirming to John in tribal that we were going to vote Alison and then losing Lauren from our side:

I. John already knew from Tommy (who Dean later called a snake) and it did allow me to reiterate to him that I did show him a lot of loyalty by telling him. I reminded him of that after the vote. He confirmed my whisper triggered him to change their vote to Lauren and using the idol on Alison. John is a good guy for saving Potoro members over an over again. But I still think voting with them and not working with the other side would have been a mistake and wouldn't have resulted in Alison staying. She had 7 of 12 votes without me but she got saved and they got rid of one of the original orange swaps which is what they wanted supposedly to begin with....who knows?

II. I doubled down on my loyalty to the other side by voting for them twice in a row and specifically letting Dean know who they were voting for as well. I've chosen to trust Dean completely and share with him what I know and I hope that pays off. If not I guess I respect what he's willing to do to win. I'm going to continue working with Dean for now but I would like to be able to work with John as well. That might be too much wishful thinking.

And probably all of my above attempts to feel like I did the right thing is trash and I'm delusional and reaching! We'll see!

2. Missy accused Carl of having an idol at the previous tribal but I didn't necessarily take her words as truth. Missy says a lot of things (entertaining!) but I'm not sure what to believe from her.

I didn't know John had an idol and he obviously chose to keep it from me despite working with me on Potoro. That's honestly smart on his part and I think he used it well last night. It's always a risk playing an idol for someone else but he maintained his main alliance (Kara and Alison) and he got rid of one of the orange swap members which he really wanted.

3. Honestly not sure. Probably bad because she was voting with the side I'm voting with at the moment and it might entice other middle voters to flip back over to vote with Potoro. But she also says a lot of untrustworthy stuff and was a wild card. She was fun though and I'll miss her presence! The Potoro side is still obviously very close and I think that leaves them as big targets moving forwards. All of the other alliances I'm seeing don't feel as strong. Im still trying to keep my alliance with Dean a secret generally but he did whisper to me last night so I'm sure more observant players noticed.

4. No, I feel like I don't have much coin so I'm going to hoard it for now. Seems like people figure out idols quickly and I didn't fare so well earlier going for the clues.


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Jack wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:30:23 pm First, despite Jeff understandably being annoyed by our tribe's general failure and you not wanting to hear about the immunity challenge I still personally celebrate that my strategy was legit and my spreadsheet logic was top notch. I'm a winner, baby! To be fair, I definitely got lucky but I could tell early on who didn't understand the game by how they guessed. Once someone guessed an incorrect number for you, you could keep asking about that number for other tribe members to give less of your information away. But bless those who didn't do that. They gave me a gift and I am thankful!
THE WINNING STRATEGY!!! glad someone knew what the hell was going on

Danni Boatwright

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