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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 04:Davie Croaked It
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Episode 04:Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:24:38 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!

Re: Episode 04:Davie Croaked It

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:05:18 pm
by Jack
1. I think we all had a feeling that a swap was coming. I knew there were pretty much three options: being put on a tribe with a Miombo majority, an even split, and a Miombo minority. Honestly, my biggest fear was that I'd get put on a tribe with Lauren, just because I knew she was telling people that I had shared a clue to the idol with her, and I was worried about the damage that could do to my game.

2. When I saw that Karishma, Elizabeth, and I were all put on a tribe together, my first thought was "this could not have gone better." Elizabeth and I had spoken just before the swap - we both said we were good with each other. And I had always gotten along well with Karishma because she's so hilarious, even though we never really talked game. And the hope was that the three coming from Nyiri might have been split, since they just had to vote someone out. And then the shenanigans began...

3. All of a sudden, the whispering starts. No one is whispering to me. I'm watching my former tribe talk to each other. And then Elizabeth whispers VERY AUDIBLY that she doesn't want to be "alone with Karishma". My stomach drops. In this moment, I realize that I'm nothing to my former tribe. They either must think that I'm going to be the first person to target OR I'm so strategically insignificant to them that I don't even register at this point. So I'm seeing Missy and Chelsea encourage her to come over, Tommy is telling her to keep bidding. Maybe it's really all to get away from Karishma, maybe it has nothing to with me, but I can't help but feel that I've been left completely high and dry.

4. I didn't have any Coins, so I knew I wasn't going to win the auction. But I also didn't want to go anywhere. Even with the 4-2 ratio of former Nyiri and Miombo, I felt like sure, I might be in a bad spot, but I'm also with a bunch of people who don't know my game so far and I am desperate for a restart. I didn't do a great job of getting out of the gate, I was left out of whatever alliance Miombo put together. And now, my goal is to get to know my new tribe and to prove to them that I can be a good asset for their game. Time to bring out the Jack charm!