Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:23:28 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
So, another day another confessional. I’m sure you are making whatever alumni selected you as their winner pick really happy (or sad) (or neither):
1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?
2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?
3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?
4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.
Re: Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:24:12 pm
by Jack
1. We kicked ass at the challenge! I wanna take a bit of credit for that, because I set up a practice thread for us to make sure we knew how to timestamp our posts. And as a result, we blew thru that challenge. Even with a few mistakes, we were able to catch right back up and finish before everyone else. I think it showed me how strong our tribe could be - and it showed that I could be an asset, which is what I wanted to prove, in case anyone was wondering if they made the right decision getting rid of Karishma and not me.
2. Idols. Siiiiigh. I wasted so much money on the Miombo idol only to come away empty handed. So I'm not looking for them this time and I'm hoping that I can get by on just my social game for now.
3. I am outnumbered by former Nyiri 4 to 1 now that Karishma is gone. So on paper, I'm the next boot. However, I've been putting a lot of time into getting to know John and Alison, and to a lesser extent Kara. John in particular has given me a bit of confidence that maybe it's not clear-cut Nyiri vs Miombo. I think that Christian is a little withdrawn and that's something that I want to use to my advantage to put him on the outs so that should we lose, he goes and not me.
4. John seems to be a guy's guy. He works hard, watches football - I'm trying to lean into any masculine part of my personality I may have when I talk to him. He likes to strategize a lot, and I do too, so we're a good match. Alison, she seems like in real life, she's an absolute angel. She takes care of a lot of family members and she coaches high school volleyball. And in this game, she's been so welcoming to me. I really hope her and I can team up. Kara, I've talked to her a little less but she seems like she has her finger on the pulse of this game and keeps a low profile. Christian told me he was 20 and I instantly got osteoporosis. I am the old man of this game.