Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:54:56 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
So, congratulations on making it to the jury. Everybody left here is going to have a role in deciding the winner of Stranded in Tanzania and will get a spot in the Final Tribal Council – so every relationship you make counts:
1. We went from what was effectively a 7-7 vote to what was effectively a 7-6 vote. Does this indicate that larger groups are starting to form and a line is forming in the sand? Where do you think you stand in this case?
2. Two idols have been played in the last two tribal councils, how do you feel that the threat of powers has influenced your decision making in this game?
3. In honor of the bounty twist which has just been unleashed in the game, do you have a hit list? Who do you want out by the weekend and why? Name the 4 People who you want out by the weekend and why?
Re: Episode 10: Missy WIth That Bullshit
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:54:11 pm
by Jack
Prisoner's Dilemma: SHARE
1.I think heading into last's night vote I was sitting in the middle but then some indecisiveness form my fellow Potoro's and some uncertain signals from other voters pushed me to align with my former Miombo tribe members.
I did my best to get information from all sides. I did. When we lost Dan as an option for the 7th vote, I kept asking who it was going to be and I NEVER got an answer. John agreed with me that we didn’t have Dan’s vote and that the story coming from Nick was fishy. I also didn’t buy that Aaron was going to vote with us. And they both told us they were going to vote for CARL. So when at *literally the last second* it was going on Lauren, I assumed we would not get her, and that the people who went for her would instantly become targets. I voiced that concern all day. But when it came time to put pen to parchment, I felt uneasy putting my game in the hands of Missy, who I didn’t trust after seeing her flip, Dan, who I’ve barely spoken with, and Angelina, who I’ve also barely spoken with and who I honestly thought was closer to the Poroto people than I was. And I did trust Dean, Aaron, Tommy, and even Lauren to an extent and I made the choice I had with the best information I had. I didn’t feel good to do, I am sorry, but the game moves forward. I’m just trying my best like everyone else.
2. I'm happy to see another idol out of the game. Having them in the background has you constantly thinking through back up scenarios.
3. Honestly Alison and Angelina seem pretty mad at me based on the messages they left me after I logged off so if they can't be reconvinced to work with me I guess I would like to see them out. I know they are close in this game. I also don't have strong connections with Nick, Carl, or Dan. Let's see how tonight goes. A little nervous about how people will feel about me being the deciding vote.