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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die!
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Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:19:15 pm
by Danni Boatwright
We're in the home stretch! Only 3 more votes separate you and the final tribal council. That doesn't mean the next few days will be easy though, in fact the last few boots are often the hardest. Making the right decisions every night tonight is the difference between winning the season, and falling just short.

1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?

2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?

3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?

4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.

The game isn't over until the votes are read. Fight for every minute you have left!

Re: Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:44:05 pm
by Jack
1. Angelina's removal from the game is *chefs kiss* perfection. (Also I am so relieved to see Missy gone too. That gun emoji she threw my way, just the bullying that comes from her... I was so over it.) I honestly thought her, John, Alison, and Kara were about to run this thing to the end. So it opened up a lot of doors for me because suddenly, I also come to find out that Nick and Kara have paired up together. Aaron filled me in on a lot of this. I guess him and Tommy were approached to become a part of two Final 4 alliances: one with John and Alison and the other with Nick and Kara. He tells me we're going to make the move against John and Alison. (sigh) At this point, I really don't have a choice. They'd have a majority without me. But also, my relationships with John and Alison never recovered after I flipped on them to vote out Missy. Knowing they're hoping to hit the Final 4 without me, well, I just have no reason to keep them around and try to get back in their good graces anymore. Plus, voting out John can also be a little revenge for Dean's ouster.

God do I miss Dean.

I see an opening to get to the Final 3 with Aaron and Tommy. Knowing that they're essentially locking themselves into a Final 4 with Nick and Kara means there's an opportunity to use me to get rid of Nick and Kara before the finals. And that makes a lot of sense. I fully believe that's Aaron's plan, I'm not super sure about Tommy. I think there's a good chance he could flip on us, but if he flips I think he'll move to get Aaron out and keep me: the GOAT BAHHHH BAHHHH BAHHHHH.

2. I think that Aaron and Kara have played the most impressive games so far, and I think they're probably very well liked on the jury. I think Nick might have some enemies on the jury, certainly Carl. I think I probably have my fair share of enemies, I don't think anyone likes me. Certainly anyone who leaves the game from this point on is going to hate that I made it further than them and will probably hate me with a fiery passion.

3. I think Nick and Kara are probably the strongest challenge competitors left. Their performance in the last challenge was honestly super impressive! I am hoping to get a game that's more logic-based coming up, because I did see them struggle with that when we played NUMB3R5 (my only individual win). But I'm trying not to put myself in a position where a challenge win is do or die, because I don't have a lot of faith in myself to win one.

4. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far. I'm shocked that I have. I'm going to have to give this some more thought when I have more time.