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Stranded in Tanzania • Episode 04: Davie Croaked It
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Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:15:51 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:04:23 am
by Lauren
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:15:51 pm Howdy OOOOOWWWEEEEE what a fantastilicious night for the fans out there. Y'all should take a collective bow. Let's dig right in to these here queshins. :hattip:

1. Most people expect swaps nowadays. Did you plan for this at all? tell us how you plan to adapt to this new tribe.
2. Break down what you think might happen on your tribe and others? Perhaps numbers will be dominant... or have you identified some cracks in OG that people can exploit?
3. How did you feel about the whispering at the swap? Did you expect so much cross talk? Did you learn anything interesting from the people who didn't practice when we told y'all to?
4. What were your thoughts during the crazy auction twist? Walk us through your decision making process there
Whenever you get a chance to meet your new tribe, make sure you drop in and give us your juicy first impressions and keep all your fans frothing for more content!
I didn't really plan for the swap. I expected it and kinda dreaded it, but knew it was coming. I wanted to go to TC on Mirombo to take a shot at Missy or Chelsea maybe but who knows - might've blew up in my face, but Elizabeth said that Missy is priming me up for a target? Anyway, I need to stop focusing on that this is a new tribe so I am really open to anything.

I am going to try to exploit what I can from Carl, Nick and Jessica, but like I said, I will be open to working beyond tribal lines. Aaron gave me a riot act last night saying that I am being mean to the former Nyroibi tribe but I had to explain to him that I was trying to create a distraction to throw them off in the auction thread. I am like Aaron, you are not my father!

LOL, I never practiced the whispering so I thought I screwed up but I didn't. And, when people whispered to me, I thought they screwed up and everyone could see it. I am such a mess.

I will update more later.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:54:34 pm
by Lauren
I can't stand Jessica.

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:26:33 am
by Lauren
I screwed up on the challenge :rofl: I was at work and thought my internet was going out. I only got 5 but I should’ve gotten all of them. I am now hoping that Karishma sucks/doesn’t show up so we don’t have to go to TC. I put in work to send Jessica packing but you never know - according to Dean, Carl was poking to see if Dean would vote off me or Aaron. Carl and I have ‘dont vote each other’ pact but since he’s even thinking of voting for me, the deal is off.

Speaking of Aaron, this tool tried to tell me that I’m being too aggressive in so many words or less and that needed to apologize to former Nyroibi? I told him that my actions in that auction thread were to create a distraction and it worked to a degree. Aaron better be careful - if I feel threatened or bad vibes from him...Just sayin’

Re: Episode 04: Davie Croaked It

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:00:08 pm
by Lauren
I've been having a pessimistic feeling if we have to go to TC tonight. I honestly don't care who goes, as long as it isn't me. I even reached out to Jessica on some "we can't vote each other out as the only two chicks," BS, but of course I am not being honest. Just trying to protect myself as much as possible but hopefully I am not overplaying. I am still going for Jessica tonight should we lose, or if we ever lose, and Carl said he'd be down. I don't trust him completely, and I know he's tight with Nick, and I am trying to communicate in a way that if he does vote out Jessica, he or Nick won't be next. And, the way Aaron has been acting - I'd actually be open to other possibilities.

Jessica is so dumb and vapid - I just can't. Trying to not to lose my patience and I know I could play better with her but it's exhausting trying to manage and maintain all these people. :grief: