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Episode 06: I Jess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Stranded in Tanzania

So, another day another confessional. I’m sure you are making whatever alumni selected you as their winner pick really happy (or sad) (or neither):

1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?

2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?

3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?

4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.

Nate Gonzalez

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1. So, the last challenge. Very difficult. Some of you rose to the challenge, others of you crumbled. Did the last challenge change your views and perspectives of your tribemates?

It was a great challenge and with the 4-2, we had the luxury of numerous screwups without too much pressure. We hit our sweet spot. Second. I do think we owe it to our original tribe, that just won the 3-3 Organgeoff and are now 3-2 us. So we need to lose and take out Angelina. NEVER THROW A CHALLENGE, but it might be time to throw a challenge. She probably has two clues now and that could get her the idol. Zero perspective changed.

2. Idol Hunting. They’re here. They’re there. They’re everywhere. With a potential of five idols in the game at this point, do you have any idea where they are? Any idea on where to procure them? How much have idols influenced your strategy so far?

If you have been following along this idol is driving me crazy. I have looked and looked hard. Great riddle/clues here. Thinking a tree, mountain, volcano, god of some sort...its super vague. I think that thing is out there and we will have to split votes to account for it. 2-2-2 and take out Ang on the revote if there is one.

I am embarrassed that I could not find idol 1 with 2 clues and I am not any closer on idol 2 with 2 clues.

3. Tribe Divisions. Some tribes stick together and some tribes fall apart. Every tribe now has a mismatch of members of both the original Miombo and Nyiri tribe. Do you think these bonds are going to matter long-term? How does this impact your strategy going forward? How do the bonds you are making your new tribe impact this?

I think the long term bonds could matter:
-Orange - depending on how that vote went. they might have pulled in Nick and Carl, if we don't lose, I want them to lose and take one of them out.
-Blue - at 4-1, Jack is in trouble, so I don't want blue to lose and take him out. We need to lose to protect our OGs and take out an original Nyiri. I will be weary of anyone wanting to hang on to someone on their new tribe that is not "one of us." I am sure strong bonds are forming, but this seems to be a game botish game so far with the only real move bing Liz joing out tribe and we have not taken advantage of that move yet.

Boot order if we can - Angelina, Nyri from Blue, Nyri on Orange, Dan (hes homeless at this time).
Internal - Still with my game bot 6, see how long we can stay together. Missy is either pulling a rope-a-dope and playing dead, but ready to strike, or she wants to put it on cruise control and let us get through this together. It appears that Chel/Liz and I have formed a group of common sense, that want to make the moves that position us the best, so lets run with that till the wheels fall off.

I am still leaning - Liz, Aaron, Dean, Chelsea, Missy (Lauren) (Jack) and see what we can do from there.

4. Lastly – what do you think of your fellow tribemates. Drag ‘em, Roast ‘em, Read ‘em, Put ‘em in a Stew. Feel free to give your honest opinions on your current members on your tribe. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible. Fan favourite is on the line.

Liz - the absolute shit, what a gal, fun, easy to talk to, on all the time. A blast

Chelsea - Smart, conservative, will take a chance. Feels like she is playing solo from her recent distance from Missy. Her and I talk strategy when we need to, but not much general chit chat. I think we both know were are a marriage of dual benefit/convenience, but are weary of each other in the end game. I might have missed my window to lock Chelsea in long term and I think Liz has.

Missy - See Missy post, although she did come very correct recently and I just think the game got to her a bit. It won't be long till she stirs the pot again, I dont think she can help it, but maybe shes ready to stick with us all the way??

Dan - nice, not sure why he isnt really pushing to join us and turn on Ang, but I think he is just super busy and hops on and off for challenges. Not gonna help him out long term, but could be a person to keep around for a while. I talked personal with him for most of the time to try and keep him from thinking I am all GAME. Says he wants to take out Ang, so thats great.

Ang - fuck off, you gotta go. NOTHING personal, except its all personal and I want you out. Mostly cause you seem to be better than me at everything other than talking to people. Lucky for me that is a huge part of this game and we should have manuverted you out by the end of the day. (meaning we have to lose). If we leave you in too long, bad on us and we deserve to have you knock us out.


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