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Swap Update - Stranded in Tanzania
By Tommy
Ok, so we are like 16 hours past the swap. Thoughts

- Missy really gonna create a all girls chat right under my nose? Man Missy, I get woman strong, but what did a guy do to you? And you name the mother fucker girls night right under our core four group (which is insanely obvious, not sure if we wanted to rub it in their faces or not)

- if Chels and Missy get to close to Angelina, shes gotta go. I can see a world where Chels and Dan and Missy and Ang take me out, but I dont think it will happen. Keep Missy close, Keep Missy close, Keep missy close is my Round 2 mantra.

-Our tribe seems smart and capable, hopefully we never lose.

- Blue tribe is a shitshow, but all you need is one good competitor and you can win a challenge, so anyones ball game over the weekend.

- Dan is nice want him to stay cause first, 1 guy for Missy to take out later, and cause he was the first to spill the beans on his old tribe, and make it feel like Angelina and Alison were running the show. Best to keep them from meeting back up, and again, 2 more strong women if there is a merge after this.

- I know how to whisper now.

- I hope aaron/Dean and Lauren kick ass on Orange. Good luck you three.

- WAY too soon end game. I take Aaron #1 as of today just cause I think I can beat him. Dean has to get 4th cause he is loved by all. Liz I would take to the end out of straight respect and cause I like her. She might been my Coby Tina curse case she could easily beat me, but as of today it feels ok losing to her.

- Fuck that I want to win. Tommy and Karishma F2, book it.
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By Tommy
Damn you rock seven. So it roughly took me 17 minutes to figure out the challenge, and 2 minutes to post rocks 1-6, and then I grabbed the wrong URL for rock 7. Another 1 instead of the 7 right in front of it. ugh, I hope that 6 does not cost us.

Angelina gotta go if we ever lose. Dan, probably crushed this challenge, is a dude...well that is all I need for now, but more to come on Dan V Angelina.
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