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Why Tommy So Mad - Stranded in Tanzania
By Tommy
Lets look at my pre swap post again and break that down

Ok, so if this is a swap, which I really think it is 6-6-6, man I hope I end up with NOT MISSY, cause I burned her and she is the only one to say to my face that she does not trust me really. Which I totally understand cause I basically lied, well I totally lied, so lets call a spade a spade. So if this is a swap I like being paired with anyone on my team obviously, but if I had my choice I would go in this order:

Liz, Dean, Aaron - any of them
Jack, Lauren - I think they both stay loyal
Karishma - Wild Card. I think we have won her over, but she easily could flop to save herself, or even just cause she has no fucking clue what is going on.
Chels/Missy - They are a hard pair, I think they both dont trust me. Chelsea is super smart and I think Missy in vindictive. I still want to work with both of them, but my dumb move makes me scared of them if they have to feed the other tribe info. I move up the vote out totem pole.

WELP, I pretty much called all that minus Liz breaking up Chels/Missy and then Missy's scorn. Vindictive, yep. Who knew I would miss Special K this much. NOT MISSY


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