Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die!
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:21:11 pm
by Danni Boatwright
We're in the home stretch! Only 3 more votes separate you and the final tribal council. That doesn't mean the next few days will be easy though, in fact the last few boots are often the hardest. Making the right decisions every night tonight is the difference between winning the season, and falling just short.
1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?
2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?
3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?
4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.
The game isn't over until the votes are read. Fight for every minute you have left!
Re: Episode 15: Cheaters Never Win, But Le-Johns Never Die!
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:38:04 am
by Tommy
1-Walk us through this weekend. How did Angelina's removal impact your game? How did it change your game moving forward?
That made this already difficult game..actually a little bit easier, she was going to be a super pain in the ass to get out. 1. Very intelligent. 2. Great at challenges. 3. Had an idol. 4. had people feeding her info. I think my plan would have worked and John would have been out last night and Ang would have played her idol, but with 7 in the game. So many more chances for 4 people to "group up" and take the numbers advantage. With Ang gone and now John, we should have at min a numbers split if this vote goes haywire.
2-Take a look at the jury bench. Who on the tribe do you think has the most friends on the jury? who do you think has the most enemies? Do you think you have a shot at winning a majority of those votes?
I think that has to be Aaron, which is ok, this is not friendship class. He has the most friends cause he has had to get his hands dirty the least. I think the Missy vote and the John vote have been his only blindsides so far, so he has been able to play a pretty clean game. However, he has been out of the loop for several votes as well, so its just a who an tell a better story, what the jury respects more. I am smelling some bitterness, but now that Missy is gone, we just have to endure the DEAN show, "Oh Dean you did deserve to win, I know, I dont think its fair either...." All that kinda crap to see if I can snag his vote. Alison is dangerous as well. She could beat me. Fuck they all could, but you gotta get there to plead your case.
I wonder how Jack will/would do in FTC. He's funny, and maybe executing his exact strategy, just feels like no one respects him cause he runs and hides when this game gets hard. I hung in there last night and took everything Alison had and on paper we are cool. She is a great player and I hated lying to her last night, but sneaky ass John wins sneaky ass prizes.
I WAS WITH YOU JOHN UNTIL AARON TOLD ME YOU SNITCHED...PRETTY FUCKING QUICKLY DUDE. We had the numbers and the move to the end. We were gonna take out Nick and then we were gonna take out...well probably you, but you would have made it at least one more round.
For those that did not get to see. I had a F3 with (Kara/Nick - flimsy at best, but working) and a F3 (Alison/John- built on trust and working together since Lauren vote). I told John and Alison about both to really lock that in and make Nick/Kara PE#1-2. Well this fucker goes and tells Kara right away. Copy and pasted our whole chat and dimes me out.
Not sure why Kara even wants to work with me know, but we all got John out and next step is going to be the same as always, anyone but me.
3-Challenges are key in the endgame. Do you think you have a good shot at winning a crucial immunity here at the end? Who is your biggest challenge competition?
I had my stack at 21 yesterday and I coulda pushed it, I honestly underestimated that these folks would push it past that. Big error on my part and luckily we had John to vote out.
I want to win them all and I think Nick/Kara and depending on the challenge, Alison are all better than me. But, we shall see. I've won 2 so far and with less people, less people to beat me.
4-Start thinking about your argument for the win. What were your key moves/moments throughout the game? Do you think that the jury will respect them? If not, what can you do this week to earn that respect.
I have done so many things that can help me or cost me come a final Q&A and speech. I am gonna have to really play them up to. I just need to keep it organized and all deliberate. If the stench of reckless and sloppy start to resonate then I am in trouble. Have to own all the moves and tie them to this grand plan.
The Lauren vote was my one true fuckup, but I have spun that into gold, so that will be the biggest landmine for me. I know Lauren and Carl are going to have a lot to say about those two votes. Poor Carl.
We shall see.