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Stranded in Tanzania • Fallen Comrades
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Fallen Comrades

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:36:18 am
by Tommy
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Vince was a good dude from Indy and I took the time to connect with him at the beginning. I am going to say that Vince gave me his coins, which in actuality he kinda did. I spent time talking to Vince, enough so that I knew his money was going to Special K, so I told him we had to vote her out, him and I were the votes for Karishma. Vince went and gave her the cash cause he felt bad. Vince fell victim to the early "less active." In the start of the game do not ever give anyone a reason to vote you out...Vince failed at that.

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Never met ya bud, I think you were hosed on the Christian vote out.

What a personality, where did you find this gal? We bonded early and often and it paid off as she did pass along all the money she had, which I wasted on nothing, but i still got it. I knew that Special K was not long for this game so I talked to her everytime she logged in. We talked about Music, School, American football and Celine Dion. Whatever randomness came into that girls brain, I ran with it. I wonder what she is really like and the answer better be exactly how she was in the game.

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Same as Davie. But, you seemed to be like me and DID NOT practice whispering before the swap. We both blew that.

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I already wrote my ode to Liz in my confessional when we were blindsided, but man Liz is good shit. When she was taken out...well that was a big blow. Liz was my late night IMer, great at talking strategy, and the person I would have taken to the F2 no matter what. There was zero scenario where I was on purpose, taking her out. (As we have all seen I do make mistakes that befall on my allies, so I would never take you out on purpose Liz, but I am also dumb!

Liz was your guys gal, but could mix it up with the ladies just as well. She exposed Missy's 65 attempts at all girls alliance each time she tried to get that going. I really valued Liz as a partner in this game and her vote out was the turning point in the game for me. Like it all really started at that point. Getting revenge for her and Chels was a game highlight for me. Missy did not need to go that vote, but I was able to rally the tribe to take her out.

I am impressed with anyone that tried to play out of timezone. This vote out kept Jack in the game and therefore was good, but I cant tell you much about C Money, we never met.

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MAN she got the short end of the stick too. I really do think this feeds into my social game though. Missy was still on the warpath at this point and after taking out Liz (I was vulnerable) she set her sights on her original #1 ally, Chelsea (I was vulnerable here too). My point being, I still was in Missys head and she did not get her new group to turn on me, but Chelsea. Had we planned that tribal better we could of vocally all said Ang, and then voted for....anyone else and saved Chelsea, I think we still had the numbers at this point and that idol saved Ang.

Chelsea was super smart, super clutch and a joy to talk to. When Missy took out Liz we both were struggling and leaned on each other to make it though. Chels actually typed up a note to which she never posted, but she sent to me cause she needed to "let it all out"

Missy - Thanks for the wakeup call. You're still a selfish asshole

This is not going to come out how I would like it to, but after Liz and Chels and I lost Dean and Aaron, Lauren was my closest ally (see what I mean). But it was much more than that. There are certain people you work with out in the open and people you work with on the sly and Lauren and I were on the sly. We communicated after every tribal, talked about ideas, who to approach, how, what to say. We were working fantastically together and for some reason, everyone else hated her (prob all the public shit talking, or her blunt honesty, or that she picked fights...ok it makes a little more sense now.

Lauren as you will confront me on sooner than later, yes my move got out outsted and I very sorry for that. It was the springboard to my endgame run though and allowed me to play with the rest of the players in this game. Which was my plan to do at some point (after Liz got the boot), since I needed to connect with everyone at this point. I needed to play with everyone to connect with everyone to try and give them a reason to vote for me if I made it to the end. By you being eliminated and forcing my hand to swap sides. It allowed me to pull Nick over with me and take the numbers advantage and surface level trust with Ang, John, Alison and Kara. Nick and I were aligned at that point.

I owe you, but who did you give your coins to?? I have wondered that, but never wanted to ask anyone. My guess was like Alison for fun or Ang since she had the 30 to buy clue #3. The fact that I did not get them also told me that I was not as in the know or powerful as I thought. Since no one in the group voted Ang and all the votes fell to Alison, I really was in the passenger seat and this single move put me in the drivers for most of the rest of the game.

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Carl you paid the secondary effects of the Lauren vote. I had every single intention of staying true to my word with you, working with you and really going far. BUT, you were with Dean, Aaron and Nick ahead of me. That was part of why voting you out was great for me. It solidified the 6 vs 5, I mean really drew the lines, allowed me to start working with Aaron again (more so after the Dean vote). Taking you out though was super strategic and a great game move. I think you were a force with that idol and winning at challenge or two. Really you were in the spot I wanted to be in, simple as that.


Re: Fallen Comrades

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:07:50 pm
by Tommy
Me typing. I read back through the Lauren post and you will have to forgive my ramble and my text that doesn't make much sense. I realize that when I am typing off the top of my head and pause, I might repeat myself or just flat out make no sense at all. Sorry about that.

Re: Fallen Comrades

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:46:19 pm
by Tommy

Danny Boy!! What a dude. Pleasure to chat with outside of the game and the total opposite in game. I don't think Dan was invested enough to be as big a threat as he could have been. I think he was more of a passive player that was there to have some fun, but not really win. Might have been better to keep him around, since he wasnt playing all that hard, but he was an easy vote where he went and most importantly...LIKE #1 most importantly

He was NOT on my side and getting Carl/Dan/Dean out back to back to back (Tom Emanski/Fred McGriff commercial) was HUGE for the endgame. Dan was a business transaction, nothing personal, but we never would have synced up and voted together, so he had to go.


Dean "the Charismatic as fuck almost so much so he's super devious//super villain and smart as shit and so so so dangerous" Kowalski

Funny that Dan goes out and then Dean cause they could not have played more different games. Dan tried hard enough to show up, clock in and clock out. Dean, just the opposite. I work on a computer and am online all day most days. This mother fucker did that and then some. He would be on till 2/3/4am just doing shit and I have no idea what that entailed other than making fake idols, posting in confessional, being funny as fuck and then prob some weird shit that you all know about that I have not seen yet.

I was working with Dean from the start of this game right up until my "mistake" that I will be pivoting into a game move. After that, we were on the outs pretty tough, but still tried to work together. Mine was to vote him out and his was to get information out of me and spread it around.

In case you all have not seen, after the Dan vote just about every person in the game was communicating with each other and spreading about 95% of what you learned to other people. I had no idea how bad it was until I voted people out and heard more about how the info was passed around. The Dean vote really exposed all that. John was passing to everyone. Aaron was passing to Dean and Jack. Alison was passing to me and Dean and Aaron....I did not know the information was Covid fucking 19 and going everywhere, but this let me know that anything and everything I say will get around.

This is turning into a FTC speech vs about Dean and I know that is unfair to Dean.

Ok Dean, you are a hell of a dude, great sense of humor, smart as a whip. You were made to play this kind of games as you can go genuine and really connect with a person, or you can play a person like a fiddle and cut them at your leisure. Had you been here still you would of handily beaten me, so you had to go. Great game Dean.

Re: Fallen Comrades

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:21:28 pm
by Tommy

Ang - You get a photo and a bit of a write up but you too are an asshole. Sorry, but its what you get for cheating. I really liked you. We were never game aligned, but man did we connect. Hope you are emotionally done with your Friend with Bennies as that is not the long term solution.


John - What a gamer, but too loose with the information. You were NOT supposed to go at this spot, it was supposed to be Nick. BUT, you had to spill everything I told you to Kara/Nick, so it was you. You can read in my confessional, I had it all lined up. We take out Nick, then I take out you, making Alison my F2 along with Aaron my F2 and everything is lovely.

I think your social game was amazing, simply amazing, right up until it wasnt. I really enjoyed chatting and plotting with you and after me warning you about the upcoming Alison vote, I was locked in with you for a long long run, but alas it was not meant to be. I am just glad I was able to get you before you could get me.

Also, Great at idol searches and challenges. You really were a total triple threat and like Dean, another person that I think would have beaten me. Great game John!


Flirty McFlirt "Ali" son - Man what a gal. I dont care if flirting or being sweet and charming was a part of her plan or game or that just flat out is who Alison is cause I am a fan. She coaches, she loves sports, bleeds her hometown colors, what more could you ask for. Alison was a great confidant in this game and truly a fallen comrade.

I have said in length how disappointed I was to have to vote her out, but it really was the only option. All those messages to Nick and Kara about "time to take out Alison" and whatnot. That was all supercharged verbiage to lock Kara and Nick in and make them think I was unwavering. It had everything to do with my lack of desire to actually make the move. I had to talk in absolutes so Kara and Nick and Aaron would not think my vote was wavering. I had to let them know to vote you out vs turn on me. I so badly wanted to win that immunity so it would have been on of them to A. keep US in the game B. Keep my #2 ally in the game and #3 take a big target out.

We were only able to accomplish #3 and sadly that was you vs Nick or Kara. You are a hell of a woman Alison and I wish your 5'2 ass the best in life! You really a 5'2 volleyball star?? Everything I ever said to you was a truth and unlike Mr Kowalski, I was not playing you.


An absolute fucking FORCE. It was funny at F5 listening to Nick and Aaron argue over who the bigger threat was as I 100000% thought it was Nick. Aaron does have the underdog, no votes, no help, bootstraps, never backstabbed vote. And Nick played a similar game to me, so I can see why you should ask, Hey Tommy, why did you not keep Nick around.

Well...cause Nick was a fucking beast and I think could beat me even though I think I played a more strategic game. We would have had a similar case for the jury, but I think he pissed less of them off. Won more. And was a great orator when it counted. It was fun being on the right side of several blindsides with Nick and back to my Missy lesson, I got him before he could get me.

Let's talk about his exit. I played and have watched a few survivor games on Discord and those young fucks are entitled and bitter as fuck when they go out. I did not know Nick was 18, but what poise and class from an 18 year old that worked his ass off in this game, got blindsided, and went out in style. Its the classiest move of this game from what I have seen and Nick I applaud you for it. To put that much effort in and to fall just short, like I might tonight, and say nothing but kind words...tip of the cap to a great player and guy!

Re: Fallen Comrades

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:24:01 pm
by Tommy

You'll get yours later. I should do some work today, this took a lot longer to type than it should have. Jeff you should of put a box password on my confessional, so that way we both know I will wont get back in it till I am done with work. GOD I SUCK AT PASSWORDS.

Of course the most votes someone got was (9)(10) or something around that. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS TOMMY YOU IDIOT, I was typing in 101, 102, 103...type the word out idiot. As you can see I am still not over last night.