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Final Vote
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:00:56 pm
by Tommy
Really up in the air. All three are contenders. I don't want my FTC Q to be all about me, but I have to ask Aaron why blindside me.
IF, he answers about how I would of won and too dangerous. BS, cause that has nothing to do with a blindside
IF, he answers it was personal, then fuck yeah buddy, I can respect that, BUT you mentioned on your parchment it wasn't.
If, he answers he chickened out, then what makes him any different than what I am holding Jack accountable for?
Re: Final Vote
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:15:56 am
by Tommy
So in Nicks thread, he was coach and I was the qb/goat, but in mine I was too dangerous to take. Cant be both Aaron.
Re: Final Vote
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:03:35 am
by Tommy
Great Answer by Aaron and it makes total sense, but you don't get to backstab me, blindside me and still get my vote, you just don't. Jack, I feel the journey and I love it, kid did great (kid, ha he's almost as old as I am). He played great strategically, but I still cant get over the not being available. Like I mentioned, not being online cant be a strategy and something you claim you didn't do, has to be one or the other.
Played a great game
Super social and was able to cross the fence to work with both factions
Great speaker and told his story well
Terrible at challenges
broke my heart
Contender in every challenge
Executed his game vision
Survived cause no one took him seriously (big mistake for all on the jury)
Was offline a LOT and did not really start one conversation.
I can't vote for the wallflower that "played" 3/4ths of a great game
Executed her strategy. She hid behind the big forces and made moves from the shadows. Now if any of those bigger targets were in F3, she would not win, but she took them all out or was apart of it and is the last woman standing of the bunch. (not women, her "team", well and the women, she is the last of a lot of things).
I do not have a negative on her. Partially because we were never really aligned and I only "met" her at the merge, but she has zero strikes.
Locking in Kara, but still open for debate.