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Courtney's Mansion - Stranded in Tanzania
By Courtney
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Night one thoughts:

COPY, PASTE OBEY - Who needs original content, just spam the same stuff over and over to break the ice! :idea: :ghost:

Flop Avatars - My theory has always been, shitty avatar, less chance to win. :poo:

Battle of the Sexes - Lets make a generic alliance, lets make a super obvious chatroom, lets leak out that this is our chatroom, Black Widows are unstoppable! :sob:

You get a coin, you get a coin and you get a coin - Some clever person/persons could have fucked over a tribe for their own advantage, instead, no one wants to 'rock the boat.' :dunno:

Inactives - Always the way, give me a free round or so yo!

WE HAVE A GREAT CONNECTION - Lets be allies!!!!! One of the most cliché lines for making alliances, of course I've used it myself many times. :fist: :crossed: :bomb:


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By Courtney
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So, I see :poo: Vince :poo: pops in late at night, after the first challenge, well into the late night. The nugget that doesn't flush (stealing a line from DX to describe Owen). Hey, just wanted to introduce myself. How are you? Like its no big at all. Love it. :rofl:

Players and hosts say they hate it, inactives. But also, as a player, you love the sense of superiority as you get an early head start. You are at once disgusted with the simple-minded idiocy of the late comer, you are also thrilled that you're in a better position than he. Yet, you're also furious arrival may chance the tribe dynamics. Just one more thing you have to account for.

Elizabeth, master of coin? Evil mob boss, Game of Thrones bitch early going? Cool stuff. :angel:
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By Courtney
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FEMALE ALLIANCES - Another org cliché... yet, we have a strange thing happening, female alliance, obvious chat, strange mirror verse forces at work. Both tribes female alliances are cringe (yes, Kara's reads and opinions are right on even if she's got in a the muck a bit).

Lets rank the alliances based on name and chatroom.

Black Widows vs Female Fatale Inc: One is a complete lift, the other just puts Inc at the end of it. Its like, lets make a Poody allaince... Poody Alliance Inc! Done. Black Widows as I said, complete left and so far, them as a collective do not live up to the name. Though, Female Fatals Inc sounds like a bad syndicated tv show ala V.I.P. starring Pamela Anderson. Or maybe a skinamax show.

Overall, I give the edge to Female Fatale Inc.

Black Widow vs FF Inc: At least the FF Inc isn't spelled out, but one, someone should be able to figure out one of those f's is for female.... and the Inc thing is a give away that someone made a Inc alliance. The Black Widow is worse as it spells out even more clearly female alliance.

Again, edge goes to FF Inc.

However, even though I rank one better both times, this is like saying a the wet fart is better than piss dribble on yourself. You don't want anything to do with either. :poo: :fire: :pop: :tea:
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By Courtney
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Vince reminds me of this toy commercial:

"... now slithering out of the depths of Snake Mountain Stranded Island, the Snake Men Vince... the lowest form of evil!!!!"
:barf: :steamy: :poo: :fire: :crown: :tea: :devil:
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By Courtney
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Oh Liz... she's playing soooo great. Well, she did toss Jack in the trash then pushed hard against Missy. Sometimes little things add up.

Regarding Missy, if you are made to feel like #4 in a four person alliance, I think you are within your rights to find something else.

Carl is quite the slimeball.

John was wish to get immunity for blue as it took heat off of him and Kara.

The idol play by Missy was boss.

Dan is a cocky son of a bitch, really starting to enjoy him and the push/pull between him and Carl is quite fun.
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By Courtney
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Dean: The Dan Spilo of Stranded

Jack : weasel/rat hybrid who will always empower assholes

Dan: Moron who is both bad socially and at gameplay (and is fine being the bottom bitch in an alliance)

Someone please go goat hunting. Get this trash outta here! :gun: :steamy: :sob: :barf:
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By Courtney
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So Jack is locked in as a rat. He is twisting in the wind. You can play cutthroat game, but if you are going at it in a way where you piss off a bunch of people, and it isn't even furthering your standing, what's the point?

Dan being second to Carl, I had higher hopes for Dan after seeing him get in on with Missy's Liz play. Then he comes into merge, not very active and just a stooge for Carl. Now he's the easy boot while factions hold their cards for big plays in future rounds.


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By Courtney
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The hosts asking the questions can't do things to purposely sink someone's game, but at the same time, can't just let everyone run out the clock so to speak. Hmmm... I also think there's this idea that the game is taking place elsewhere, but not during the point where votes are casts/votes reviews/and or idol/whispers whatever else. The public forum is as much apart of the game as anything else... not to bring politics into it, but the most annoying thing is politician driven by focused group messaging. Generic answering designed to get yourself back into the shadows is and always will be lame.

I do think when I see Jack, hey, people think you are a goat. "Well, I'm still in a the game, there's still time..." Dude, the time is now. :speakno: :seeno: :hearno: :dunno:

:purple: :orange: :blue:
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By Courtney
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Jackrat... what can be said? He's not even entertaining. No interesting character traits. No interesting voting confessionals, not even a interesting convo with anyone. His goats are fun bit is lame as shit.


Calling him a goat is incorrect.

:poo: :poo: :poo: :poo: CASTING MISTAKE IS THE PROPER TERM! :poo: :poo: :poo: :poo:
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By Courtney
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Always expect the worst outcome and you'll never be disappointed.

Don't hold sporting personalities as role models.

Don't look to politiations for honesty.

Don't expect the media to give you unbiased information.

The problem with expecting Kara to make a singleral power move is it's on her and her alone. Whereas, in an alliance structure, you bounce ideas off of one another and can cover for each others blind spots.

Aaron, Aaron Aaron. The core-rotheart of the borebros. The standard deal: ALWAYS COMPLETE THE PAGONGING. He was one guy left in the minority and owes nothing to others. Should have got him out before moving on John.

Kara did misplay the idol situation, but I still think it's tough when you are in that position. She had all the info at TC, well, my counter would be, you don't know if you are being lied to. Bad gameplay, but not gamebreaking like Jackrat's goat nonsense.

Brain: Aaron wins (people rolled over and allowed him to gain control once the smoke cleared)
Heart: Jack win (the only counter to goat dragging, VFTW, don't allow people to define how you should vote as a juror)
Gut: Aaron wins (think he has the connections on the juror and can make a boring bro like case)

But as it, we shall see. :speakno: :seeno: :hearno:
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By Courtney
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Well, I think its interesting as it is many times in orgs, sometimes the lesser of a pair does better.

John gives way for Kara.

Dean gives way for Aaron.

So, I do think these are the side pieces in the alliances. I give Aaron credit for playing logically when the smoke cleared and kept Jack close.

Hmm, yes, Kara has been a mess, but she did leap frog Tommy. I do think she has a case, but can she make it?

One thing I find about the jury, disagreements about game, sure, but very little negative energy. I've been apart of some very insane juries. These guys seem to all get long.

Stick with my Aaron wins, but maybe Kara can win the votes up for grabs. We shall see.
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By Courtney
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So, my feeling has always been with winners in these types of games... who betrayed me less, who do I like/respect more, who do I feel better about.

I think that gives the advantage to Aaron.

Jack is behind the curve on too many of those boxes (respect and feeling really do him in). Kara annoyed a few too many people. So, given the votes already in, Aaron maybe wins 4-3-1 (Carl, Dean, Lauren, and Nick giving him the victory?).


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