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Day 30 - Live Final Tribal Council - Page 7 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Kara
Thank you so much everyone for an amazing season. I played with heart, my mind and a little bit of grit this season and I know you all did too. You probably will, but vote for who you want to represent this season of Stranded as we will all go down as a part of it’s legacy.

The only other time I've played a game like this- I came in second to last place, but I dusted myself back off and I came in here ready to play and looking to prove to myself that I could make it all the way and i wasn’t some dumb girl lost in a world too big for me, and I proved that to myself which was the most important thing for me. I wanted competition, fun and friends- you all provided that. I won immunities, built relationships, found an idol and got here with only one vote cast against me all season and it was at the final four- I played the game I wanted too and I am so happy with that. Your vote would mean the world to me but once again, you’re voting for the person you want to represent this season and I hope I managed to pull that out for you.

Thank you all sosososooso much, I can’t wait to wear regular clothes and get off this island so we can all chat. See you tomorrow!


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By Aaron
Sorry you get to hear from me one more time-

John, my biggest regret in the game as I alluded to was being content with Dean's plan to stick with Alison as the vote when we should have flipped to Ang mid tribal. That would have given us the majority, and I believe would have allowed certain players(Dean Carl namely) to advance further in the game.


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By Jack
Since time is running out, I just wanna say thank you all for your questions this weekend. One thing that I've always appreciated about these games is the passion of the players that take them on.

At the beginning of this Final Tribal, I wanted to challenge the notion that I was a goat in this game. I want to thank you all for really seeing my game beneath that facade and for asking excellent questions. I hope I was able to illuminate my shadowy game a bit more for you.

My game is very different than the other finalists and I think that should be rewarded. I fought hard in the challenges, took risks when I needed to, held information with patience, and was constantly looking for a path to the end. I'm proud of the game I've played and I would be absolutely honored to have your vote as the winner of this season.


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By Kara
Aaron wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:21:59 pm Hey guys I want to make sure I get a closing statement out there, so if I have time before the 30 minutes is up- I will answer any lingering questions.

First and foremost, I want to thank @Kara and @Jack for being incredible competitors. Regardless of what I said tonight- I want you to know that none of it was personal. I appreciate everything, seriously.

I finally did something i've wanted to do, PLAY AN ONLINE SURVIVOR GAME! I made mistakes along the way, no doubt. I lied along the way, no doubt. Maybe my final tribal answers were a little too political. But the one thing I can say is that I wanted to win this game so fucking badly, I could taste it. Through all the chaos, all the mess, I truly wouldn't trade this experience for the world.

I managed to overcome odds that were stacked heavily against me. I flipped votes, I planted seeds, I did everything I wanted to do in this game (except maybe win an immunity or 2). I have given everything and more that I fucking could to win this game, and at the end of the day- I can at least leave knowing that. Thank you hosts for your time, thank you players for making this unforgettable, and I'll see you fuckers in theDiscord.

And for one more time, for the people in the back, CHEERS LADS
All love Aaron, :heart:


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By Dean
I have no more final question but just this to say.

To you three, @Aaron @Kara @Jack

One of you will be the winner. It's been a pleasure playing with the lot of ya.

:eyeroll: ... and fine, I can't forget the rest of you bitches either. All you people on jury who I'm stuck with. And those that were gone pre-jury.

This was a fun season of 22 bitches that were Stranded out here in good ol' Tanzania wouldn't you say?

Whoever the winner is... represent all of us well in the future.

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By Jeff Probst
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I know it was a long, emotional and exhaustive weekend of questioning for the final 3. I want to thank you guys for hanging in there through the ups and downs. I also want to thank the jury for your thorough questioning, I hope you have all the answers you need to make an informed decision.

I wish we could reveal the votes tonight, but we have a slew of festivities planned for the final tomorrow, so you'll just have to wait a little bit longer.

Jury, you have until 7c/8e tomorrow to cast your vote for the winner. You can, as always, change your vote any time before then.

For the first time, the final 3 will not cast a tie-breaking vote, because in the event of a tie, the person with the most StrandedCoin accumulated will win.

I want to thank everyone for putting their all into this season, I can honestly say it has been one of our best and you have kept the viewers guessing at every turn and completely captivated.

Until tomorrow, good night and good luck everyone!
Kara, Dean, Aaron and 7 others liked this

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