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Day 04 - Immunity Challenge #1 - Get Rich or Die Trying - Stranded in Tanzania
C'mon in Miombo! C'mon in Nyiri!

Tonight, you can choose to play for EITHER Individual Immunity or StrandedCoin:

One player on each tribe can win Individual Immunity. To be eligible for individual immunity, post "IC 1: Playing for Immunity!" in your challenge thread. The player who completes their puzzle the fastest from this group will win individual immunity on their tribe.

However, if you're feeling safe and greedy, three players on each tribe can earn StrandedCoin for this challenge. To play this challenge for StrandedCoin (and forfeit your chance at immunity), post "IC 1: Playing for Coin" in your challenge thread. For each tribe, the fastest player will earn 5 coins, second fastest will earn 3 coins, and third place will earn 1 coin.

You have until 8:10:00c / 9:10:00e to post in your Challenge thread and tell us what you're playin' for. If you fail to do so, your time will not be counted for either.

I'll post the challenge rules shortly.

Jeff Probst

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Immunity Challenge #1 - Get Rich or Die Trying

Overview: For today's challenge, there will be two 5x5 Puzzles, One for each tribe. You should have posted by now what you will be playing for in your Confessionals, either StrandedCoin or Individual Immunity. You will unscramble your tribe's puzzle in your Confessional forums.

The first person to correctly unscramble their tribes puzzle who played for Immunity will win Individual Immunity. The first three who played for StrandedCoin will receive coins (5, 3 and 1 respectively).

HINT: The quote and preview button will be your friend in this challenge when dealing with image tags.

- You must use the ORIGINAL image links to put together the final puzzle.
- You should do this challenge in your Confessionals.
- This is an Individual Challenge you are not allowed to help another player.

We will allow some time for everyone to arrive, feel free to ask me questions now.
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Jeff Probst

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Alison wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:09:29 pm so the scrambled puzzle will be posted in our confessional?
The scrambled puzzles will be posted here. Your unscrambled answers need to be in your confessional threads :)

Also very pleased with the turnout today for the challenge. I believe we only have 3 people missing so far!

We're announcing who is playing for what now.
Dean, Alison, Nick and 4 others liked this

Jeff Probst

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For Miombo
Playing for Coin: Chelsea, Dean, Elizabeth, Jack, Lauren
Playing for Immunity: Aaron, Missy, Tommy, Vince

For Nyiri:
Playing for Coin: Angelina, Dan, Davie, John, Nick
Playing for Immunity: Alison, Carl, Jessica, Kara

If there are no further questions, we'll post the puzzles at 8:21:00 Sharp.
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Jeff Probst

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If you're playing for Immunity, you can stop.

For Miombo, it was close but Tommy beat out Missy for Individual Immunity.
For Nyiri, close as well, but ultimately Kara beat out Carl for Individual Immunity.

Still some coins available for those competing for StrandedCoin, keep going! You gotta dig deep!
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Jeff Probst

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Nyiri has completed this challenge for StrandedCoin.

In 1st Place earning 5 StrandedCoin is... Angelina.
In 2nd Place earning 3 StrandedCoin is... Nick.
In 3rd Place earning 1 StrandedCoin is... John.

Good job everyone, I know this was a frustrating challenge.

Miombo is still waiting on someone to claim the last available StrandedCoin.
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Jeff Probst

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Alright, we have the results for Miombo.

Chelsea finished first earning 5 StrandedCoin.
Dean finished second earning 3 StrandedCoin.
Elizabeth finished third earning 1 StrandedCoin.

Good luck Miombo, I'll see you for Tribal Council tomorrow at 8:30c/9:30e where someone will become the first person voted out of Stranded in Tanzania and it won't be Tommy.
Elizabeth, Courtney liked this

Jeff Probst

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