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Day 06 - Immunity Challenge #3 - Stranded in Tanzania
By Nate Gonzalez
Because all of you had so much fun with this last time, we have another dilemma for each of you.

This time, in exchange for giving your tribe a disadvantage in tonight's Immunity Challenge, you will receive 3 StrandedCoin. It will not be revealed who has taken this offer, but it will be revealed which tribes will be disadvantaged and how many disadvantages they will take.

Message me if you would like to take me up on this offer. You will need to do this by the times the rules for the challenge are posted.

Continuing to the trend, up for grabs tonight is your THIRD clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. This will cost you 10 StrandedCoin. If you would like this clue now, please transfer coins to me. You MUST have purchased the first and second clues to receive the third (you may still purchase the first two for 5 and 7 respectively).

Good luck. I'll post the rules to the challenge in this thread at 8:10c/9:10e.
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Nate Gonzalez

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By Nate Gonzalez
Immunity Challenge #3 - Code Breakers


Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Pink Black

This challenge will consist of both tribes picking a 5-color code using the 8 colors above. You can use the same color multiple times in your code.

The first tribe to guess the other tribe’s code in the correct order wins Immunity. You will only have 1 minute 30 seconds to submit a guess each round. First correct guess wins. If both tribes correctly guess in the same round, the tribe that guessed first wins Immunity.

Furthermore, after each round I will tell you how many colors you have guessed that are in the code. I will also tell you how many colors you have guessed that are in the correct position. You will not know exactly which are in the right position or are the right colors.

The tribe to answer in the fewest amount of guesses wins.


If your code was Green Red Purple Red Black, and the other tribe guessed Green Red Pink Black Yellow; I would tell you that you have 3 colors correct and 2 are in the correct position.


• You must guess within 1 minute and 30 seconds of me asking.
• I will accept the first guess that is made (if the tribe submits multiple guesses in a round).
• If both tribes guess correctly in the same round, the tribe that submits the fastest wins.
• You cannot help the other tribe, obviously.

Nate Gonzalez

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By Missy
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:16:44 pm
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:16:03 pm
Kara wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:14:57 pm QUESTION: Each color can only be used once, right?
Rules state colors can be used more than once in your code
sorry im a little dumb sometimes
same girlfriend same



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