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Episode 00: Pregame Confessional - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 --
By Danni Boatwright
Welcome to your confessional Dan!

This may be the most important place in the game. It's where you will vote and more importantly, talk to us! Feel free to divulge your darkest secrets, current strategies, alliances, and hell... just pure hatred for other players. You are the only player that can view this forum. Outside of Alumni and Hosts, it is completely private. We love getting the dirt and there are plenty of us here to ask you questions. As you can see, this thread is labelled "Episode 00". Each round (meaning challenge + council) we will start a new thread with the title of each episode. After every Tribal Council, a host will start a new thread asking you more questions. Again, this is your forum and you can feel free to start whatever topics or make whatever posts you like. We will be here to help you out, make you think, get you to talk and really just lend an ear.

We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will be guiding you along the way and asking you questions, provoking thought and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. We find that just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective on things.

Beyond that, it's just fun. What's more fun is having a record of what you were thinking at different stages of the game, and being able to look back on that is priceless so take advantage of it!

Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge using a puzzle-builder, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instruction on how to post images.

This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. (more information on this in the camp how-to threads.

Good luck, please ask us for any help or further instructions :)

You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.


Danni Boatwright

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By Dan
All in a day's work :wink:

*Confessional 10/1/2020*

It doesn't feel like it has been weeks for this to come, but now it's here. It'll be nice to start meeting the tribe in a few hours and it will really help me mold how I'm going to present myself to everyone. Having a background in negotiations is awesome, but I can't do much with it until I learn who I'm dealing with. Definitely hoping there will be an early clue for a hidden immunity idol. I'd love to be a hoarder of idols! They also function well as bargaining chips! A few more hours until entering the craziness...wish me luck :yikes:
Reem Daly, Courtney, Gary Hogeboom and 1 others liked this


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By Shonee Fairfax
Hello, it's me! Shonee Fairfax! I have a few questions.

First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.

What is your strategy for winning here? How are you going to get to the end and convince the jury that you're the one who should win.

Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)

Thank you so much, I'm going to use these answers for a secret project. :)

Shonee Fairfax

By Dan
Shonee Fairfax wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:23:14 pm Hello, it's me! Shonee Fairfax! I have a few questions.

First, introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you're here. Take this opportunity to really show your personality.

I'm currently a Clinical Care Coordinator for Medicaid patients in my State. Been doing this for coming on five years. Before that I was a Child Protective Services Investigator, before that I ran a scuba training shop (which I still do on the side), and before that I was a police officer. I'm here because I've applied for Survivor three times, once in uniform taking the video in my unit while on patrol (the best one I thought EVER, once in my dive shop, and a recent lazy one in my home office. I've never even had a call back! So I figured this would be the next best thing.

I'm often considered to be confrontational and aggressive lol. I can change my personality and the way I talk to people based upon my needs, all something I learned in interrogation and hostage negotiation trainings. I'm hoping to use those skills strongly here because at the end of the day I do...not...fuck...around. Lol.

What is your strategy for winning here? How are you going to get to the end and convince the jury that you're the one who should win.

Too early to tell. I feel like I might be a bit in the older crowd here based on conversations I've had but it is hard to say. I've always been trained to never split the difference in negotiation so over time, I will figure out where I, and everyone else, stands.

Does anyone stand out to you solely based on first impressions? (Answer after talking to people.)

Carl! Seems like a decent person, we're getting along well. I think he will be a close connection in terms of the game. Alison works in medical and I do too. I think that connection will go a long way. Medical, fire, police, we are all a family. I look forward to seeing where we go from here.
Kara, she seems to have slipped and announced herself to me as being in the Black Widow chat group. Didn't come off with a very good fix. Sounds like she may be plotting well in advance. No clue what that group is....yet....but I will find out over time

Thank you so much, I'm going to use these answers for a secret project. :)


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By Dan
*Confessional 10/2/2020 - 1610 EST*

So last night was a pretty good coming together with everyone agreeing to split up the coins. It looks like the other tribe did the same. Only now, we are looking at buying a clue for hidden immunity tonight. It seems that this might present itself as a good opportunity to make a bit of a move...

I'm guessing that the cost for the idol is going to be close to the limit that we all have (13) or higher. Likely higher. So everyone chipped in and played nice last night to make the coins fair. That's all well and good, but while they are watching the after school special on sharing and making friends, I think I've got an idea. If this clue to going to cost significantly more than one person can pay for, I might be able to get someone(s) in with me to split the price. I host the purchase and get the clue and we will share it. Only, I'm not doing after school special sharing. I'll change a key word or two in the clue and give them that while I search on the right track.

It gets tricky though if someone asks for proof of the clue. Also, if I go hardcore into getting the clue, it might come off as desperation which people may turn against me...

Haven't decided yet. Then again, there is always the chance that everyone hops on board yesterday's rainbow and decides the entire tribe should have access to the clue. But then again, how can we be sure the person that gets it isn't planning on doing what I'm thinking of doing?

Still have some time to think on it. But either way, I'd prefer be the holder of idols...


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