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Garrett's Merits - Stranded in Tanzania
By Garrett
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merit /ˈmerət/ n. 1. the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.
- Oxford Dictionary -

What are my merits? What are the qualities that I've deemed to be 'good' or 'worthy'; the qualities with which I will be rating castaways on all season? It couldn't be their skills in the game, for I am in no way qualified to judge people's gameplay (my best placement is fourteenth, I've survived one tribal council in my entire Stranded history, I've never voted correctly, I've been voted out three times across two seasons and I've quit the game once too... if I were judging gameplay, my merits would be worthless)!

But, what I can judge the castaways on is their ability to entertain. I won Fan Favorite on my first season, and I honestly don't remember how I placed for my second season in those polls - only that I was far from last, and that was in spite of my quitting, so yeah - I do feel somewhat qualified to judge people in terms of entertainment. (And, if I'm not qualified, what the hell else should I write about?!)

But let's be more specific. Anyone can judge people on their ability to entertain, but what separates "Garret's Merits" from any old fan favorite poll? Well, I'm glad you asked. Garrett's Merits will be a season-long mathematical formula designed to reach an objective truth without any shadow of a doubt as to who is definitively the greatest, most worthy, most impressive, most entertaining character of this season - nay, of Stranded, ever! Castaways will be judged on ten distinctive categories, with more potentially to follow, and will have their scores totaled up at the end of each episode to come to a conclusive percentage (ranging from -55% to +165%) for their character performance for that episode. Those percentages will be multiplied by a factor of 1 to 3 (depending on who they're playing... more on that in part IV) to give them a point total for that week, which could be positive or negative. Their weekly points will then be added or subtracted from their total season-long standing, thereby giving an advantage to characters who go farther in the game whilst also valuing premerge and preswap characters, given that they won't lose points after their boot. I'm sure that all makes sense, so what are the categories each character will be judged on?

I. What are their goals? In order to determine the ten metrics/merits that I'd be grading each character on, I consulted nine blog posts and scholarly articles, and watched half a dozen character-focused video essays on Youtube, that broke down the tentpoles of a great character. Few points were consistent across every blog, article, and Youtube video essay, but one that was was that great characters need to have goals. Maybe it's freedom, maybe it's revenge, maybe it's family, maybe it's a pursuit of the almighty dollar... but whatever it is, characters need goals. And before you pan me for analyzing real people as if they're literary characters, don't forget that these castaways have already told us our goals, and we just may not realize it yet. Some of these players are here with the sole goal to win, others are here to prove to themselves that they have what it takes to play Survivor. Others still might make it their goal simply to entertain. When I played Stranded in Socotra, my goal was to avenge Woo's blindside. In Revenge, my goal was to annihilate Vytas. I may have failed on both fronts, but at least my goals were clear, and that's precisely why I feel qualified to rate characters on this merit. Do they have goals, are they clearly defined, and are they interesting enough? (To be graded from -5% to +15%)

II. "Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character" This next metric might be controversial, but I place a lot of value on people's abilities to remain virtuous under the face of extreme pressure. In essence, this merit will judge characters on their heroic qualities: do they treat others as they wish to be treated, do they use words like 'please' and 'thank you', do they back down from drama or stand up for what they believe in? These are the qualities that I'm looking for in a good Stranded character. Of course villains have more fun, and there will certainly be no shortage of villains this season... but, that's what the FF polls typically reward. I'm here to be different, and therefore I'm grading people on their abilities to be... well, villainous to a certain extent without ever crossing the boundaries of the game. Let's keep things fun, Capeesh? (To be graded from -5% to 15%)

III. Raiders of the Lost Arc Growth is inevitable. Most of these players are under thirty, and a few are still teenagers. I would venture so far as to say that none of them - like myself - are fully sure of who they are, and what they want to be. Heck, one of them has had more jobs than Debbie Wanner - sorry if it sounds condescending, but I'm hopeful that there will be a few characters this season who actually recognize that there is something to take out of this experience and actually take it. I want to grade characters on their season-long arcs, as they grow from the nerd to the bully, or the introvert to the extrovert, or the friend to the foe. I want to see an early friendship or romance blossom into something beyond the game, only for one half to sever it, and then have the other half rip into their former friend/romantic partner at FTC and be the sole vote that costs them the game. I want poetry, dammit! And that's what Part 3 will be grading castaways on: how do they grow throughout the game? (This definitely gives late-game players an advantage, and therefore it will be only graded on a scale of 0% to 10%)

IV. What did we expect? Looking back at previous Stranded Fan Favorites; Reem, Trashley, Danni, etc.; I've found one key similarity between them all: the people who tend to win Fan Favorite are those who play unpopular characters. Boston Rob, Cirie, Parvati and other irl Survivor legends are rarely legends in Stranded too, and I think that's one of the beauties of this game. I like it when somebody like T-Bird Cooper can come into this game and be so diametrically opposed to their irl counterpart, and so (controversially or not), I'm devoting an entire merit to that phenomenon. This is where players like Dean and Christian might suffer, and others like Chelsea or John might succeed. And I know this wasn't in the player's control, but fuck it - mo' metrics, mo' problems. (To be multiplied to a character's score by a factor of 1, 2, or 3, with bigger characters only multiplying their score by 1 or 2, and no-names times three, giving them an inherent advantage irrelevant to how they actually play the game)

V. The Final Part Now, I know what you're thinking: I thought you said there would be ten parts, Garrett, why does it say that the fifth part is the final part? Well, the truth is I got lazy and I couldn't come up with five more parts; suggestions are welcome, by the way! So, for now, we'll only be grading people on five parts, and I'll just multiply their percentage by 2 to get a more accurate representation. With that being said, what's the fifth and final part? Truthfully, it's the most important one so far, and therefore it will account from anywhere from -15% to +35%. It's all about activity here. How much are they playing, and how many shits do they give? A player who's riding the wave of a majority alliance will lose almost all of their cumulative points here, and the batshit crazy outsider with a chip on their soldier who spends every waking moment thinking about how to advance themselves in the game might be able to earn full marks here. This is a game, and I want to see people actually playing it. (This fifth part will be graded from -15% to 35% each episode).

So, there you have it.
My merits might change and evolve over time, but these five will definitely be the first five merits for the first episode. Please leave any suggestions you might have below, as long as they’re not stupid please.
Last edited by Garrett on Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:08:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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By Garrett
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Thanks to the help of my good pal Gary, the next five merits have been decided. I’ll outline them tomorrow, but enjoy a sneak peek of them for now, with the format of Boy Scout/Girl Scout “merit badges”!

(Click the photo to see it full-screen)
Reem Daly, Jeff Probst, Gary Hogeboom and 2 others liked this


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The Next Five Merits
This blog is already taking up way more time than it should, but there's no turning back now, and I might as well at least attempt to update it for at least one episode. That all begins with laying out the criteria first though; you already know the first five merits, but now it's time to double that number.

MERIT 6 Image The Jr. Economist Badge
Yep, at this point the merits are basically just scouting badges. This merit badge will grade castaways on a scale of -5% to +15% on their ability to manage Fire Tokens -- er, Stranded Coins. Already, it appears like Stranded Coins will make for super interesting strategy, with the first 'prisoner's dilemma' challenge released so far. I'm really interested to see how people play that one off. My hope is that everybody goes for 6 because they think that everybody's going for 7 but then nobody goes for 7 until some rando shows up last-minute, doesn't read the rules, and just types in 7 because "it's my lucky number".

MERIT 7 Image The Crazed Confessionalist Badge
Basically, the Dean badge. This merit badge grades castaways on their abilities to keep us entertained with their confessionals, be it through humor, prose, or rambling incoherency. I think it's important to analyze castaway's abilities to hold a conversation with themselves (and with only an occasional word of encouragement from hosts), as it could also demonstrate how much they care about the game and how good of a social player they'll be when conversating with others. This merit is super important imo, and so it will be graded on a scale of -15% to +35%.

MERIT 8 Image The Fingerprinting Badge
According to the very reputable scoutsmarts.com, the fingerprinting badge is one of the three easiest merit badges to obtain in Scouting. Now, you're probably wondering how that's relevant to what I'm outlining today... anyway, the fingerprinting badge will be worth very little for my metrics. Basically, I'll be grading castaways on a scale of 0% to 10% on their abilities to deduce things. Fingerprinting is a skill that detectives often have, and so this merit will essentially view the castaways as if they're detectives. Who can deduce the most about the game, who predicts twists most accurately, who calls out their fellow players correctly on their lies? Those are what the fingerprinting badge measures, and it'll definitely be one to watch all season long... :curious:

MERIT 9 Image The Gary Badge
Who is Gary Hogeboom? To tell you the truth, I don't know, but I don't really trust him either. Whenever I posted my original Garrett's Merits post, Gary was one of the first to like it and one of the first to offer feedback, too. His advice was that the merits shift from figurative merits to literal "Scouting Merit Badges". I took his advice - if only to shut him up - and now we're here, with the entire integrity of Garrett's Merits thrown to the wayside. It sickens me how far we've fallen in such little time, but I've got to adapt to viewer feedback as best as I can. Hence why the ninth merit of Garrett's Merits will be designated as the Gary Hogeboom badge. This metric, grading castaways on a scale of -5% to +15%, will be strictly Gary's ratings each week of each castaway. I haven't asked Gary yet if he's on board with this, but I'm certain he will be, and so I won't even message him to ask and I'll just wait for him to send me his scores unprompted. Lets give a round of applause to my good pal Gary!

MERIT 10 Image The Drowning Family Badge
There's already been badges for good strategic players and good social players, but where's the love for the physical beasts? Where's the badge for the player who mistakenly believes that they're actually playing Survivor and constantly preaches to their tribe that they need to ration out their rice so they won't run out, or that they need to conserve their energy to do well in challenges, or that they should all take a hike together to increase their wilderness survival skills? Well, I'm glad you asked. That badge - which strictly rewards the Bobby Jon Drinkards of the world - will grade castaways on a scale of -5% to +15% on their ability to do well in challenges and conquer the survival aspects of this show. I'm sure it'll be a popular merit, no doubt.

That's it. All ten merits have now been revealed; and, just for the heck of it, I'll include clip art badges of the first five merits below too, and you can try to match them up with the previous post. Ooh wee, what fun!

Image Image Image Image Image

I'm looking forward to moderating this blog all season long. If you have feedback (as long as you're not Gary (just kidding Gary you’re awesome)), I'd be happy to hear it. And, to recap, here are the ten Garrett's Merits as they currently stand:
1. Goals
2. Heroism
3. Arcs
4. Expectations
5. Dedication
6. StrandedCoins
7. Confessionals
8. Deductive Reasoning
9. Gary
10. Challenges

Cheers, and happy premiere day!


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By Garrett
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I won’t say who, but a Stranded alum has stated that this blog is ‘too long’, and that they don’t want to read my “10-page analysis per player”...

Therefore, I am pleased to announce that going forward Garrett’s Merits will introduce a new “Naonka Rule”, stating that every blog post must include a TL;DR summary at the end. Thank you anonymous alumni for your valuable feedback!!

TL;DR Naonka feels like my blog posts are too long, so I’ll be providing a summary at the end of each of them to appease this anonymous alumni whose name I won’t reveal so that I don’t embarrass them.
Gary Hogeboom, Jeff Probst, Courtney and 4 others liked this


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By Garrett
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This season has been off to a great start, I honestly wish I had lurked in the past because - apart from some feisty messages from Naonka - it’s so much fun!

As for this blog, I’ll assign points after the first episode, but I wanted to make a post in the meantime breaking down what’s happened so far in the opening weekend so that I don’t forget. It’s been a little slow on the Miombo tribe, so I’ll start with them.

And you can’t make a Miombo post without talking about Dean! After witnessing both Nofo and Poody jump at him in the draft I figured he’d be one to watch, but he’s far from the gamebot I was expecting. He’s got an interesting backstory, some great opening confessionals, good social bonds (particularly with Elizabeth), and tends to be the only person online at any given time. There’s also a chance he’s never eaten a hamburger in his life, so how’s that for a plot twist?! As of right now, I’m leaning towards giving him high marks on the following merits: Confessionals, Dedication, Arcs, and Gary. I’m probably going to give him low marks on Challenges, Expectations, and StrandedCoins.

Moving along, he’s got some close allies already in Elizabeth (who is spiritually connected to him simply because they were born somewhere in the same 3.5 million square miles), Jack (who is spiritually connected to him because their avatars ‘both have lots of hair’), and Lauren (who’s thirsty af and there’s nothing spiritual about it). I don’t have much to say on the three of them, except that I like Elizabeth so far. I think she played in Isolated, but I could be wrong on that. If so that makes me like her less because apparently Gary also played Isolated - yuck!

Next up are the two Williams. You might find it hard to believe but there are actually two people with the same name on this tribe :shock: But yep, pick your jaw up off that floor because it’s the truth. They play Aaron and Tommy, and have gotten along pretty well so far in spite of Tommy ignoring his wife so that he can play on his honeymoon and Aaron ignoring his girlfriend so that he can play on his toilet. They really do have a lot in common, so we’ll see if King Dean can suss that out.

And then there’s Karishma! Along with Angelina, I think the hosts are getting a hoot out of her. Apparently she showed up to the game high, but drugs are no laughing matter. Next time she orders a pizza I hope that she misses an immunity and the Miombos kick her outta here! Stranded is a #NoHate and #NoOpiate zone :fist:

Missy is the last person worth mentioning so far. She’s played very well so far, supposedly leading the punch on an all-girls alliance. Reem really loves her, and I don’t remember for sure but I think that they know each other in real life… if that’s the case then all I’ll say is I expected her to be a bigger character :dunno:

Chelsea and Vince are a step above Elaine in activity, but they’re all as inactive as Mount Vesuvius as far as I’m concerned! (and I don’t reference Mt. Vesuvius lightly, trust me…)

If the Miombo tribe is Mount Vesuvius, then the Nyiri tribe is Mount Popocatépetl! (Damn, referencing Vesuvius and Popocatépetl on the same day… the volcano enthusiasts are probably having a field day right now :/)

Nyiri has so many interesting characters and moments that it’s hard to know where to begin. I know most of the drama centers around the poorly-named Black Widow alliance, but really that drama wouldn’t have begun without my favorite player so far - Dan Rengering - calling Kara out on it, so let’s start with Dan. Or should I say… let us start with Dan… whoo whee what a laugh, nice one!

Thanks. Dan is, how to put this… a terrible player. He has absolutely no patience in this game, opting to start off all chats with a “How are you? So anyway let us talk game” approach (and the lack of contractions only further isolate him). His plans so far have ranged from setting up a counter-strike all-male alliance to combat the Black Widows, trying to convince Carl that they should pool tokens to buy an idol clue and doctor it (before finding out how cheap they’d be), and making a crude joke about fucking with Jeff without even consulting Julie first. To call him ADHD would be an understatement. At 4:19 he’s on the ready; and at 4:21 he’s long gone. His promptness, hyperactiveness, and all-around paranoia will be his detriment, but man oh man do I adore him.

We Need to Talk About Kara. Here’s the deal: she’s part of the Black Widow alliance, but is unknowingly the third wheel; she’s the only person to get any heat for it and she didn’t even form it; and when she tries to do a good deed in giving Nick StrandedCoins he immediately turns around and mocks her for it. I’m not going to say she’s a bad player (she’s a hell of a lot better than I am), but bread always falls on the buttered side. I’m still a fan of hers though, and it’ll definitely be interesting to see how she fares after some inactives are picked off.

Speaking of inactives, let’s talk about them. Christian, the self-proclaimed French stud, seems to claim that his inactivity is all part of his master plan. Lyrsa, the un-proclaimed American ghost, hasn’t said anything yet - quite the impressive plan. We’ll see if their strategies pan out, or if their final words will be ‘Hello, nice to meet you’.

On the flip side, there are more than half a dozen active players to pick up their slack. In addition to Dan and Kara, there’s John, the old-school veteran who’s already proving himself to be quite the impressive strategist, Nick, the StrandedCoin billionaire whose efforts in this game might be better fit for Monopoly, Alison, the Black Widow queen whose day one strategy to create two dummy group chats was as genius as it was ironic, considering that they named a chat the BLACK WIDOWS!, and Jessica, the brilliant wife to Jessica’s husband, the guy who’s browsing Tanzania’s Wikipedia so much he’s probably got ten years of targeted vacation ads coming his way.

If the first four people I broke down are destined to be early boots, and the next four I mentioned are destined to go far, then the remaining three are people I just don’t know about. Angelina impressed me immediately by taking charge of StrandedCoin distributions for her tribe, but she also decided to give herself the most tokens, which just seems unnecessarily dumb. Carl is in a great position as his tribe’s answering machine - everyone goes straight to him to spill their plans, and if it’s that unassuming nature that’ll allow him to do well here it’s the same thing that’ll keep me from connecting with him as a character (you go Carl, give us nothing!)

And as for Davie… maybe that rep is just doomed. Idk what happened with Davie in Morocco, but I have somehow less of a clue what’s going on with Davie here. I had to look over the cast list three times before I remembered who I was forgetting, and when I searched in the lurkers chat to refresh my memory on what he’s done all season, I found two messages talking about Morocco’s Davie and half as many talking about this one. Rip old chap, rip.

That took a lot longer than I thought to write, so I definitely won’t be doing one of these breakdowns every episode. I think I’ll just assign merit scores and that’s it, but at least this’ll help me remember everyone for the overlong first episode. Tune in next Sunday/Monday for the first edition of Garrett’s Merits! (and gary, if ur reading this send me ur scores plz)
Courtney, Reem Daly, Aurora and 1 others liked this


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Ahh I'm working on it! I finished my spreadsheet, just need to reevaluate my choices on a macroscopic level icon_unsure


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Garrett's Merits Ep1: The Last Great Canadian Dynasty

There’s an old play from the 17th century called The Dumb Knight (but you already knew that :crazy:), and the similarities between that play and this opening weekend are staggering! Who could forget the iconic line from TDK: “Tut, tell me of no storms ; but direct me to her bed-chamber, my noble firelock of a flesh pistol”. I mean, helloooo? Jessica and Alison, you guys planning some kind of Dumb Knight recreation or is this really unintentional? Whatever the case may be, I’m loving this season’s start, and any comparisons I make to seventeenth century plays are - as always - fully genuine and kind hearted.

Before I forget and get into the nitty-gritty, let me give the Quittin’ Queen her summary: TL;DR: My favorites on Nyiri this week were John, Kara, and Dan, and my favorites on Miombo were Elizabeth, Missy, and Dean.

The ranking above is based on my multiplied scores (if you recall, one of the ten merits was “Expectations”, and multiplied scores by a factor of 1-3 based on what we expected of the castaways pre-season… after giving it some more thought, that merit’s absolute shit and so I’m going to include an un-multiplied score in my spreadsheets as well to make things more fair).

So, yeah, this first episode was spectacular, albeit a little predictable, but I’d rather a predictable opening weekend than a Morocco-esqe season. And, with both idols already found, a plethora of twists either already in play or coming the castaway’s way, plus half a dozen alliances forming on each tribe already, we’re a far cry away from predictability.

The castaways themselves are perhaps a little more shrewd than rude (unfortunately :/), but we’ve got a great crop of characters too, and way more stoners than expected! Giving people scores wasn’t easy, especially since my merits are literal ass (and why-oh-why did I decide to make this my blog?!), but I did it. Check out the charts below, followed by a ranking of the castaways through week 1.
- And sorry to people like Courtney and Reem and Gary for not putting more work into this post, but I’m not so sure this is something I want to commit to anymore (I mean, I spent literally seventy minutes cropping Garrett’s abs for my ‘next five merits’ post! 70 minutes! On just his abs!) :grief:

The Chart


The Standings


I just read that the next episode is tomorrow, and will be back-to-back immunity and tribal! As much as that excites me as a lurker, that does not excite me as a 'blogger'… hmm, on a scale of 9-10, how much of a deadbeat does it make me to stop this blog after its inaugural post?? :curious:


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By Danni Boatwright
Garrett wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:06:16 pm Zoinks!
I just read that the next episode is tomorrow, and will be back-to-back immunity and tribal! As much as that excites me as a lurker, that does not excite me as a 'blogger'… hmm, on a scale of 9-10, how much of a deadbeat does it make me to stop this blog after its inaugural post?? :curious:
I can give u a merit badge for quitting your blog

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Danni Boatwright

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Well, that makes my decision simple then! I can either continue my blog and get no merit badge, or stop it and get one merit badge... who knew being lazy had its benefits?


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By Garrett
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I was going to do a second episode of Garrett's Merits tonight, but Gary still hasn't submitted his scores for this week yet! And so he is the only reason I'm not doing my blog this week. It has nothing to do with my inadequacies; solely his. Thanks a lot Gary, for dashing my dreams...


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By Reem Daly
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Garrett wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:38:55 pm I was going to do a second episode of Garrett's Merits tonight, but Gary still hasn't submitted his scores for this week yet! And so he is the only reason I'm not doing my blog this week. It has nothing to do with my inadequacies; solely his. Thanks a lot Gary, for dashing my dreams...
Goddammit, @Gary Hogeboom, you had one job :laugh:

Reem Daly

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Naonka wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:00:07 pm This is your blog, not Gary's. Man up and finish.
If it’s a merit badge you want, a merit badge you shall receive:


Now stay off my blog and go write Naonka’s Tonkas!


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