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Episode 01: Beginning of the Season - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 13th Place - Voted Out 7-(6) --
By Missy
:fire: WOAH :fire: What a start of the season!

Love my tribe honestly great personalities love active people besides Elaine :woozy:
Definitely have hit it off with a few! I know its early in the game but Ive made quite good connections with 3 people so far including: Elizabeth, Chelsea, and Dean :heart:

Chelsea is looking at my number 1 right now honestly were strategizing perfectly together and just hit it off, she is as well around the same age as me so it makes it 10x better. I mentioned to her and as well to other girls, if Elaine shows up, us girls will have the majority; Chelsea and I would love to keep that as well as Elizabeth. But who knows what this weekend brings.

What Im gonna focus on this weekend is strengthening my relationship with Dean, Chelsea, Elizabeth, Karishama, Lauren, and Aaron.

Just wanted to check in here and give a update, will post more tomorrow :hattip:
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By Reem Daly
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I see you online working for the idol and barely talking to folks. Tell us what you're up to, what's the path to victory, where are you at with the idol hunting?

Spill the Missy tea, entertain me. Kthnx :tea:

Reem Daly

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By Missy
This idol hunting is bullshit

After receiving the clue Ive narrowed it down to its one of the names out of all the hotels in Zanzibar

It might actually be a name with one of the cities on the main island?
I don't fucking know, thank gosh there isn't a guess limit because Id be fucked :crine:

This is how I feel hunting for this idol


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By Missy
:confetti: :loveeyes: :steamy: OMG I CANT BELIEVE I FOUND THE IDOL WTF :steamy: :loveeyes: :confetti:

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

OmG thank god I found it, definitely not gonna tell anyone just yet about the idol until I know I can trust them 100%
I wanna be able to make a good move with it my only fear is waisting the damn thing haha :cold:

Btw that was hard asf :facepalm:
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By Reem Daly
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Aight, winner pick, get it! I've never been more proud of anyone or anything at any given time then I am right now (if you can't read the sarcasm, sucks to suck).

Now, will you be able to use it correctly or will you fuck it up? :crazy: Good luck, my friend, and congrats on finding the idol! I know how hard they can be. I'll be sure to tell the hosts to make them harder for yall's bitch asses in the future. :crine:

But what's the plan for it? Have you thought that far ahead? :beer: :crown: :celebrate:

Reem Daly

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