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Attention Hosts - Stranded in Tanzania
-- 7th Place - Voted Out 5-2 --
By John
Jeff Probst wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:53:55 pm
DO NOT REPLY. Immediately send the image below to a host along with the idol password.

Congratulations! You have found a Hidden Immunity Idol!

Playing an idol cancels all votes that have been cast against the person it is played on. The person with the next most votes is then voted off. If you wish to give away your idol, you must post to whom in this thread. After posting it, you no longer have any power over the idol. In order to play the idol, you must post the image of the idol during the 5 minute window after voting is due during Tribal Council. During that period you can also play the idol on someone else by posting the image and saying you wish to play the idol on ___.

The idol is good through the MERGE.
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By Reem Daly
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Aight, king, well done!

Now, will you be able to use it correctly or will you fuck it up?  Good luck, my friend, and congrats on finding the idol! I know how hard they can be, and how powerful.

But what's the plan for it? Have you thought that far ahead?    :celebrate: :crown: :fire:

Reem Daly

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By John
Reem Daly wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:25:28 pm Aight, king, well done!

Now, will you be able to use it correctly or will you fuck it up?  Good luck, my friend, and congrats on finding the idol! I know how hard they can be, and how powerful.

But what's the plan for it? Have you thought that far ahead?    :celebrate: :crown: :fire:

Genuinely shocked, and I was 100% more lucky than good. Still on an adrenaline rush from finding it. I still have no idea what the numbers in the clue meant, at first I thought it represented the many languages there are in the country, so I went through and tried a bunch of different ones. After that, I focused more on the "this hunt began centuries before you" part of the clue which at least narrowed it down to ancient history instead of the relatively newer creation of Tanzania as a country. Didn't expect to it find it so quickly.

I honestly hate idols on the show. :rofl: By that, I mean I hate when people need to rely on idols in order to survive. If everything goes smoothly (I'm sure it won't), then I wouldn't even have to claim I found it or play it, especially since I can only use it before the merge occurs. The biggest benefit of finding this one is that I know it won't be in anyone else's hands to mess up my plans, but I fully expect to need to use it as leverage in some capacity when we reach a swap and/or with less options for people to vote out over here.

Definitely didn't plan ahead for what I'd do with it. With the currency twist, it creates an interesting dynamic where you could also consider trying to sell it. Will have to think about if that makes sense deeper into the game. The one thing I do know is that I'm not telling a soul about it right now.
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